The authors explore the population of X-ray point sources in the bulge of M 31 so as to contrast properties of various subpopulations, such as persistent and transient sources and primordial LMXBs and dynamically formed ones. Based on the data from 26 archival Chandra ACIS observations with aim-points within 10 arcminutes of the center of M 31 (J2000 coordinates of 00:42:44.31, +41:16:09.4), the authors study the source content and properties of various subpopulations of X-ray sources to a maximum distance of 12 arcminutes from the center of M 31. To a limiting luminosity of ~10<sup>35</sup> erg s<sup>-1</sup>, the authors find 263 X-ray point sources, with ~1/3 of these being background galaxies. A study of the spatial distribution and the luminosity function of the X-ray sources shows that the distribution of primordial LMXBs is consistent with the distribution of the K-band light and that their luminosity function flattens below ~10<sup>37</sup> erg s<sup>-1</sup> to the dN/dL ~ L<sup>-1</sup> law in agreement with the behavior found earlier for LMXBs in the Milky Way and in Cen A. Within a radius of 12 arcminutes, the luminosity function is independent of distance to the center of M 31, in contrast to earlier Chandra studies. The LMXBs located in globular clusters and within ~1 arcminute from the center of M 31 are presumably created via dynamical interactions. The dynamical origin of the r < 1 arcminute sources is strongly suggested by their radial distribution which follows the rho<sub>*</sub><sup>2</sup> profile rather than the K-band light distribution. Their luminosity function shows a prominent fall-off below log(L<sub>X</sub>) <~ 36.5. Although the statistics are insufficient to claim a genuine low-luminosity cut-off in the luminosity function, the best fit power-law with a slope of -0.6 +/- 0.2 is significantly flatter than the dN/dL ~ L<sup>-1</sup> law. The authors also searched for transients and found 28 sources that varied by a factor larger than 20. Their spatial distribution follows the distribution of the persistent LMXBs within the accuracy allowed by the limited number of transients. This HEASARC table was created in March 2010 based on <a href="">CDS catalog J/A+A/468/49</a> file table2.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .