This table countains the M 31 Central Region Catalog of Chandra X-Ray Point Sources. It is based on Chandra observations of the central region of M 31. By combining eight Chandra ACIS-I observations which were taken between 1999 and 2001, the authors have identified 204 X-ray sources within the central ~17'x17' region of M 31, with a detection limit of ~2x10<sup>35</sup> erg/s. Of these 204 X-ray sources, 22 are identified with globular clusters, two with supernova remnants, nine with planetary nebulae, and nine with supersoft sources. By comparing individual images, about 50% of the sources were found to be variable on timescales of months. The authors also found 13 transients, with light curves showing a variety of shapes. They also extracted the energy spectra of the 20 brightest sources; they can be well fitted by a single power law with a mean photon index of 1.8. The spectral shapes of 12 sources were variable, suggesting that they went through state changes. All sources in the catalog have S/N > 2.5 and only five have S/N < 3.0. The detection limit for the sources varies across the image due to the variation of exposure time, background, and instrumental PSF, and is highest near the edges, where the PSF broadens rapidly and the exposure time is lowest. Over the inner 4' of the field, the detection limit is 2.1 x 10<sup>-4</sup> ct/s, which is equivalent to an X-ray luminosity of about 2 x 10<sup>35</sup> erg/s. Additional information about optical identifications and cross-correlated ROSAT X-ray sources not provided in this HEASARC table is available in the published paper (Tables 4 and 5) and/or the CDS at <a href=""></a> (table4.dat & table5.dat). This table was created by the HEASARC in October 2004 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog J/ApJ/577/738/table2</a>.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .