The MIT-Green Bank 5 GHz Survey Catalog was produced from four separate surveys with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) 91m transit telescope, the results from which were presented in papers by Bennett et al., 1986ApJS...61....1B (MG1), Langston et al., 1990ApJS...72..621L (MG2), Griffith et al., 1990ApJS...74..129G (MG3), and Griffith et al. 1991ApJS...75..801G (MG4). The sky coverage of the various surveys is: <pre> 00h < RAB < 24h, -00d30'13" < DECB < +19d29'47" for MG1 04h < RAJ < 21h, +17.0d < DECJ < +39d09' for MG2 16h30m < RAB < 05h, +17d < DECB < +39d09' for MG3 15h30m < RAB < 02h30m, +37.00d < DECB < +50d58'48" for MG4 </pre> where RAB and DECB refer to B1950 coordinates, and RAJ and DECJ refer to J2000 coordinates. The catalog contains 20344 sources detected with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 5 and 3836 possible detections (MG1) with a signal-to-noise ratio less than 5. Spectral indices are computed for MG1 sources also identified in the Texas 365 MHz survey (Douglas et al. 1980, Univ. Texas Pub. Astr. No. 17), and for MG1-MG4 sources also identified in the NRAO 1400 MHz Survey (Condon and Broderick 1985, AJ, 90, 2540 = 1985AJ.....90.2540C). This online catalog was created by the HEASARC in October 2003 based on <a href="">CDS catalog VIII/52B</a> (the file mgcat.dat). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .