This table contains the Massive Star-forming Regions (MSFRs) Omnibus X-ray Catalog (MOXC), a compendium of X-ray point sources from Chandra/ACIS observations of a selection of MSFRs across the Galaxy, plus 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud. MOXC consists of 20,623 X-ray point sources from 12 MSFRs with distances ranging from 1.7 kpc to 50 kpc, and comprises Table 3 of the reference paper. In their paper, the authors show the morphology of the unresolved X-ray emission that remains after the cataloged X-ray point sources are excised from the ACIS data, in the context of Spitzer and WISE observations that trace the bubbles, ionization fronts, and photon-dominated regions that characterize MSFRs. In previous work, they have found that this unresolved X-ray emission is dominated by hot plasma from massive star wind shocks. This diffuse X-ray emission is found in every MOXC MSFR, clearly demonstrating that massive star feedback (and the several-million-degree plasmas that it generates) is an integral component of MSFR physics. The Chandra observations used for the Massive Star-forming Regions Omnibus X-ray Catalog (MOXC) are summarized in Table 2 of the reference paper and have dates ranging from 2000-04-03 to 2013-01-31 for the 12 MSFRs: the 7 MYStIX targets NGC 6334, NGC 6357, M 16, M 17, W 3, W 4 and NGC 3576, and the 5 "beyond-MYStIX" targets G333.6-0.2, W 51A, G29.96-0.02, NGC 3603 and 30 Doradus. A similar table to MOXC for other MYStIX targets was presented by Kuhn et al. (2013, ApJS, 209, 27, available as the HEASARC MYSTIXXRAY table). The main difference between that table and the MOXC version is that the present authors have chosen to omit absorption-corrected X-ray source luminosities from the XPHOT algorithm (Getman et al. 2010, ApJ, 708, 1760) herein, because those quantities are given in Broos et al. (2013, ApJS, 209, 32, available as the HEASARC MYSTIXMPCM table) for relevant MYStIX X-ray sources (those classified as pre-main sequence stars). For beyond-MYStIX targets, the authors chose to postpone XPHOT calculations until the X-ray sources were classified, since XPHOT estimates are only appropriate for pre-MS stars. The XPHOT code is available (Getman et al. 2012, Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl.soft12002) if others wish to use it on MOXC sources. All photometric quantities in this table are apparent (not corrected for absorption). The HEASARC has used prefixes 'fb_', 'sb_' and 'hb_' (replacing the suffixes '_t', '_s' and '_h' used in the reference paper) on the names of the X-ray photometric quantities which designate the full (total, 0.5 - 8 keV), soft (0.5 - 2.0 keV) and hard (2-8 keV) energy bands. Correction for finite extraction apertures is applied to the ancillary reference file (ARF) calibration products (see Broos et al. 2010, ApJ, 714, 1582, Section 5.3); the total_counts and counts quantities characterize the extraction and are not aperture-corrected. The only calibrated quantities presented are the apparent photon fluxes, in units of photon cm<sup>-2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup> (see Broos et al. 2010, ApJ, 714, 1582, Section 7.4), and estimates for the apparent energy fluxes, in units of erg cm<sup>-2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup> (Getman et al. 2010, ApJ, 708, 1760). This table was created by the HEASARC in October 2014 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog J/ApJS/213/1</a> files table3.dat (the MOXC X-ray Source Catalog) and table6.dat (the list of MOXC sources in previously published Chandra catalogs). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .