The Murchison Widefield Array Commissioning Survey (MWACS) is a ~6100 deg<sup>2</sup> 104 - 196 MHz radio sky survey performed with the Murchison Widefield Array during instrument commissioning between 2012 September and 2012 December. The data were taken as meridian drift scans with two different 32-antenna sub-arrays that were available during the commissioning period. The data were combined in the visibility plane before being imaged, and then mosaicked. The survey covers approximately 20.5<sup>h</sup> < RA < 8.5<sup>h</sup>, -58<sup>o</sup> < Dec < -14<sup>o</sup> over three frequency bands centred on 119, 150 and 180 MHz. The survey has 3-arcminute angular resolution and a typical noise level of 40 mJy/beam, with reduced sensitivity near the field boundaries and bright sources. The catalog consists of flux density and spectral index measurements for 14,110 sources, extracted from the mosaics, 1,247 of which are sub-components of complexes of sources. This table was created by the HEASARC in December 2014 based on <a href="">CDS catalog VIII/98</a> file mwacs.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .