This catalog of X-ray sources represents some of the results of a systematic study of X-ray flares from low-mass young stellar objects, using two deep exposure Chandra observations of the main region of the rho Ophiuchi star-forming cloud. From 195 X-ray sources, including class I-III pre-main sequence sources and some young brown dwarfs, a total of 71 X-ray flares were detected. The Chandra X-ray Observatory (Weisskopf et al., 2002PASP..114....1W) observed the central region of rho Oph twice with a deep exposure of the ACIS-I array, consisting of four abutted X-ray CCDs. The first observation (here and after, obs. BF) covered the south-east 17.4' x 17.4' area, including cores B, C, E, and F, while the second observation (obs. A) covered the north-west area centered on core A (Loren et al., 1990ApJ...365..269L). This table contains data and the results of spectral and timing analyses on the 195 sources detected in the two rho Oph fields, 9 of which were detected in both fields and are therefore listed twice (A-61=BF-2, A-64=BF-4, A-65=BF-5, A-69=BF-7, A-75=BF-11, A-77=BF-15, A-78=BF-16, A-79=BF-17, and A-81 = BF-19). Sources which flared have multiple entries, with one entry (typically, but not always) listing the properties of the quiescent emission, and additional entries for individual flares which were analyzed separately. For the very faint sources for which the temperatures obtained from X-ray spectral analyses were not constrained, there are typically two entries in this table per source, one of which gives the results of a spectral analysis in which the temperature was fixed at 1 keV (11.6 MK) and the other in which the temperature was instead fixed at 5 keV (58 MK). Thus, there are more entries (306) in this HEASARC table than the number (195) of detected rho Oph X-ray sources. This table was created by the HEASARC in February 2007 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog J/PASJ/55/653</a> files table2.dat and table3.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .