This table contains a revised machine-readable source list for the Rees 38-MHz (or '8C') survey with improved positions and no redundancy. The Rees 38-MHz survey covers an area of about 1 sr north of declination +60 degrees. The angular resolution is 4.5 x 4.5 cosec(Dec) arcmin<sup>2</sup> and the limiting flux density over much of the survey area is about 1 Jy. Both of these figures were an improvement by nearly an order of magnitude on previous surveys at this frequency. Users of these data should consult and cite the original survey paper by Rees as primary reference (1990MNRAS.244..233R) with the present publication (1995MNRAS.274..447H) as a supplementary revision. The recommended style of reference is thus: "The revised Rees 38-MHz survey (Rees 1990, catalogue revised Hales et. al 1995)." In the Hales et al. (1995) paper, the authors aimed to improve the accuracy of the source positions to <~ 1 arcminute, so that a search radius smaller than the survey resolution of 4.5 arcminutes was practicable everywhere. Note that for interest the source list includes data on some sources at declinations lower than +60 degrees, but that the right ascension coverage is not complete below +60 degrees. This table was created in November 2010 based on <a href="">CDS catalog VIII/31</a> file 8c.dat. Some of the values for the name parameter in the HEASARC's implementation of this table were corrected in April 2018. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .