The AKARI (formerly Astro-F) mission is a Japanese second generation all-sky infrared
survey mission. SkyView currently includes surveys from the four bands of the FIS instrument:
N60, WIDE-S, WIDE-L and N160.
These surveys cover
99% of the sky in four photometric bands centred at 65μm, 90μm, 140μm, and 160μm,
with spatial resolutions ranging from 1-1.5'.
These data provide crucial information on the investigation and characterisation of the proper-
ties of dusty material in the interstellar medium (ISM), since a significant portion of its
energy is emitted between
∼50 and 200 μm. The large-scale distribution of interstellar
clouds, their thermal dust temperatures, and their column densities can be investigated
with the improved spatial resolution compared to earlier all-sky survey observations.
In addition to the point source distribution, the large-scale distribution of ISM cirrus emis-
sion, and its filamentary structure, are well traced.
Data are obtained using using the <a href="">JVO</a> AKARI Simple Image Access Service. Provenance: AKARI FIS map making team [Univ of Tokyo, ISAS/JAXA, Tohoku Univ, Tsukuba Univ,
The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, The Open Univ]. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.