This catalog includes the hard X-ray sources detected in the first 157 months of observations with the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) coded-mask imager on board the Swift observatory. The results of the 157 months survey catalog has been obtained using data from February 2007 to December 2017 and provide a uniform hard X-ray all-sky survey with a sensitivity of 8.40 x 10<sup>-12</sup> erg/s/cm<sup>2</sup> over 90% of the sky and 7.24 x 10<sup>-12</sup> erg/s/cm<sup>2</sup> over 50% of the sky in the 14-195 keV band. The exposure time in all sky ranges from ~ 15 Ms to ~ 35 Ms, where ~ 50% of the sky achieves an exposure time of ~ 22.8 Ms. The 157 months survey provides 1891 hard X-ray sources in the 14-195 keV band above the 4.8 sigma significance level, where 259 are new detections from the 105-month catalog of which 54 are previously known source in X-ray. The sources identification is mostly from NED and SIMBAD and the 157-month catalog reports for positive identification the counterpart R.A. and Dec and the alternative name. The sources are classified in 17 different classes as follows: <pre> Class Source Type Number of Sources 0 Unknown 221 1 Galactic 4 2 Galaxy 16 3 Galaxy Cluster 26 4 Seyfert I 446 5 Seyfert II 464 6 Other AGN 130 7 Beamed AGN (Blazar/FSRQ) 192 8 LINER 7 9 Cataclysmic Variable Star (CV) 81 10 Pulsar 27 11 Supernova Remnant (SNR) 7 12 Star 26 13 High Mass X-ray Binary (HMXB) 108 14 Low Mass X-ray Binary (LMXB) 118 15 Other X-ray Binary (XRB) 17 16 Tidal Disruption Event 1 Total 1891 </pre> The data reduction, analysis, and catalog generation of the Swift-BAT are conducted following the same procedures of the previous catalog survey (Tueller+ 2010, J/ApJS/1167/186, Baumgartner+ 2013, J/ApJS/207/19). The BAT survey data are collected into arrays (Detector Plane Histograms, DPHs) where the data are binned in ~ 300 s time interval and in 8 energy band channels (14-20, 20-24, 24-35, 35-50, 50-75, 75-100, 100- 197 150, and 150-195 keV) and 1 energy total band (14-195 keV). Three different mosaic images are created from the DPH dividing the sky in 6 regions. The first set has images created in 8 energy bands to span a contiguous time interval (snapshot). The second set has images co-adding data on a time period of a month. The third set is created in 8 energy bands by Crab-weighting the monthly images in each of the energy band with the following weights (Baumgartner+ 2013, J/ApJS/207/19): 27.000, 35.260, 22.700, 29.444, 21.272, 16.062, 8.449, 2.630. The benchmark Crab spectrum adopted is F(E) = 10.17E−2.15 photon cm2 s keV. The source detection algorithm uses the Crab-weighted mosaic images. For each source detected lightcurves and spectra are derived. The lightcurves are obtained from the snapshot images, the mosaic monthly images and the Crab-weighted mosaic images. The spectra are obtained from an additional set of mosaic images by adding all the snapshots for the 157 months period in 8-bands. All the analyses use HEASoft tools version 6.23, and the most recent BAT calibration database (updated on Oct. 3, 2017). Data products are generated for each source detected and these are: three different lightcurves in FITS format obtained from the snapshot, monthly and Crab-weighted monthly mosaic images and the equivalent plots as GIF images; an 8-channel average spectrum in FITS obtained using all 157 months; and a GIF file showing the spectrum with the fit to the best parameter of the power-law model. The snapshot lightcurves report rates for the 8-energy band, the monthly and Crab-weighted monthly mosaic lightcurves reports rated for the 8-energy band and the total band 14-195 keV. This table was ingested by the HEASARC in February 2025 based upon the published 157-month catalog. The catalog is also available at <a href=""></a>. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .