This table contains the results of the Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) observed by Swift. The GRBs included are either triggered by Swift or follow-ups of GRBs discovered by other satellites. The table reports results and/or information, when possible, for each burst from all three instruments on board Swift, e.g. the Bursts Alert Telescope, BAT,the X-ray Telescope, XRT, and the Ultra-Violet Optical Telescope, UVOT. The results are obtained from a standard analysis processing of the Swift data which creates several data products available via this table. Additional information on the burst either from Gamma-ray and X-ray observations or results from ground-based telescopes are extracted from the GCN and the BAT Burst catalog. This table's data products are also available from the dedicated web pages <a href=""></a>. The current database contains all bursts observed by Swift from the beginning of the mission, 20 Nov 2004 up to 31 Dec 2012. The data products are available for Bursts detected after 15 Feb 2005. This online catalog was created by the HEASARC based on machine-readable tables compiled by the HEASARC staff. Details are published in Donato et al. (2012). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .