This catalog was compiled from 4 catalogs: Tycho-2, GVCS III, NGC, and the Yale Bright Star Catalog. All catalogs were preprocessed before compiling this catalog to achieve uniform columns and units. Next, they were merged into one catalogue before eliminating "red" objects and precessing all coordinates to epoch 2000.0. The catalog was then corrected for missing decimal points. Finally, the catalog was sorted by R.A. for ease of locating objects within the catalogue. The original catalog contained 239,853 objects brighter than 12.0 mags. This table was originally created by the HEASARC in July 2008 based on an input table supplied by the Swift Project which was compiled by Elizabeth Auden at MSSL. It was renamed to UVOTBSCAT in January 2009. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .