This table contains results from deep, new, wide-field radio continuum observations of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-North (GOODS-North) field. (The GOODS-North field covers ~160 arcmin<sup>2</sup> centered on the Hubble Deep Field North (Williams et al. 1996, AJ, 112, 1335) and is unrivaled in terms of its ancillary data sets, which include extremely deep Chandra, Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and Spitzer observations, deep UBVRIJHK ground-based imaging and ~3500 spectroscopic redshifts from 8 to 10 m telescopes). The resulting 1.4-GHz map has a synthesized beam size of ~1.7" and an rms noise level of ~3.9 microJansky per beam (µJy/beam) near its center and ~8 µJy/beam at 15 arcminutes from phase center. The authors have cataloged 1230 discrete radio emitters, within a 40' x 40' region, above a 5-sigma detection threshold of ~20 uJy at the field center. New techniques, pioneered by Owen & Morrison (2008, AJ, 136, 1889), have enabled the authors to achieve a dynamic range of 6800:1 in a field that has significantly strong confusing sources. The authors compare the 1.4-GHz (20-cm) source counts with those from other published radio surveys. Their differential counts are nearly Euclidean below 100 uJy with a median source diameter of ~1.2". This adds to the evidence presented by Owen & Morrison that the natural confusion limit may lie near 1 uJy. If the Euclidean slope of the counts continues down to the natural confusion limit as an extrapolation of their log N-log S, this indicates that the cutoff must be fairly sharp below 1 uJy, else the cosmic microwave background temperature would increase above 2.7K at 1.4GHz. A useful combined total of 165 hours of NRAOS's Very Large Array (VLA) A-configuration 1.4-GHz observations were obtained between 2005 February and 2006 February, all done at night so as to avoid solar interference, for a region centered at RA and Dec of 12:36:49.4, +62:12:58 (J2000). (See Table 1 of the reference paper for the VLA observing log) This table was created by the HEASARC in September 2013 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog J/ApJS/188/178</a> file table2.dat This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .