In the run-up to routine observations with the upcoming generation of radio facilities, the nature of the sub-mJy radio population has been hotly debated. In this paper, the authors describe multi-frequency data designed to probe the emission mechanism that dominates in these faint radio sources. Their analysis is based on observations of the Lockman Hole (LH) using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) near Pune, India - the deepest 610-MHz imaging yet reported - together with 1.4-GHz imaging from the Very Large Array (VLA), which are well matched in resolution and sensitivity to the GMRT data: sigma<sub>610MHz</sub> ~ 15 µJy/beam (µJy/beam), sigma}<sub>1.4GHz</sub> ~ 6 µJy/beam, and full width at half-maximum (FWHM) ~ 5 arcseconds. The GMRT and VLA data are cross-matched to obtain the radio spectral indices for the faint radio emitters. During six 12-hr sessions in 2006 February and July, the authors obtained data at 610 MHz for three pointings (FWHM ~ 43 arcminutes) in the LH (see Table 1 of the reference paper for full details), separated by 11 arcminutes (the LOCKMAN-E, LOCK-3 and LHEX-4 fields), typically with 28 of the 30 antennas that comprise the GMRT. The total integration time in each field, after overheads, was 16 hr. The final image had a noise level in the central 100 arcmin<sup>2</sup> of 14.7 µJy/beam, the deepest map reported at 610 MHz as of the date of publication, despite the modest integration time. New and archival data were obtained at the same three positions using the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's VLA, largely in its B configuration. This table contains 1450 sources found in the LH field at 1400 MHz by the VLA. For 17 of the sources which have multiple components, the 29 individual components are listed as well. Thus, the final table contains 1479 (1450 + 29) entries. Source extraction was based on criteria of peak brightness > 5 times the local rms and integrated flux density > 3 times the local rms. This table was created by the HEASARC in February 2012 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog J/MNRAS/397/281</a> file table4.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .