This table is from the second of two papers describing the observations and source catalogs derived from sensitive 3-GHz images of the Lockman Hole North using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). In their paper, the authors describe the reduction and cataloguing process, which yielded an image with 8-arcsecond resolution and instrumental noise of sigma<sub>n</sub> = 1.01 µJy/beam (µJy/beam) rms (before primary beam corrections) and a catalog of 558 sources detected above 5 * sigma<sub>n</sub>. The authors also include details of how they estimate source spectral indices across the 2-GHz VLA bandwidth, finding a median index of -0.76 +/- 0.04. Stacking of source spectra reveals a flattening of spectral index with decreasing flux density. In the reference paper, the authors present a source count derived from the catalog. They show a traditional count estimate compared with a completely independent estimate made via a P(D) confusion analysis, and find very good agreement. Cross-matches of the catalog with X-ray, optical, infrared, radio, and redshift catalogs are also presented. The X-ray, optical and infrared data, as well as AGN selection criteria allow them to classify 10% as radio-loud AGN, 28% as radio-quiet AGN, and 58% as star-forming galaxies, with only 4% unclassified. Observations were made with the VLA in the C configuration at S band, with a frequency range of 2 to 4GHz, with a total of roughly 50 hours of on-source time in 2012. The HEASARC has converted the radio and IR flux density units from those given in the original table (µJy and µJy/beam) to its standard units for radio flux densities (mJy and mJy/beam). This table was created by the HEASARC in April 2017 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog J/MNRAS/462/2934</a> files cat3ghz.dat and catcrx.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .