This table contains a deep centimeter-wavelength catalog of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), based on a 30-hr single-pointing observation with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) in its high-resolution A configuration using two 1-GHz bands centered on 4.7 and 7.3 GHz. A total of 556 compact sources were detected in a map with a nominal rms noise of 3 µJy/beam, limited by complex source structure and the primary beam response. Compared to previous catalogs, these detections increase the sample of known compact radio sources in the ONC by more than a factor of seven. The new data show complex emission on a wide range of spatial scales. Following a preliminary correction for the wideband primary-beam response, the authors determine radio spectral indices for 170 sources whose index uncertainties are less than +/-0.5. They compare the radio to the X-ray and near-infrared point-source populations, noting similarities and differences. The observations were carried out with the JVLA of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory on 2012 September 30 and October 2-5 under the auspices of the project code SD630. Data were taken using the VLA's C-band (4-8 GHz) receivers in full polarization mode, with two 1-GHz basebands centered at 4.736 and 7.336 GHz to provide a good baseline for source spectral index determination. Apart from the first epoch, the field was simultaneously observed with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. Mostly of interest for variability information, these data will be presented as part of a follow-up paper. This table was created by the HEASARC in September 2016 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog J/ApJ/822/93</a> file table1.dat (the compact source catalog). Some of the values for the name parameter in the HEASARC's implementation of this table were corrected in April 2018. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .