The XMM Large Scale Structure survey (XMM-LSS) is an X-ray survey aimed at studying the large scale structure of the Universe. The XMM-LSS field (centered at RA (J2000) = 02<sup>h</sup> 24<sup>m</sup> 00.27<sup>s</sup>, Dec (J2000) = -04<sup>o</sup> 09' 47.6") is currently being followed up using observations across a wide range of wavelengths, and in their paper the authors present the observational results of a low frequency radio survey of the XMM-LSS field using the Very Large Array at 74 and 325 MHz. This survey will map out the locations of the extragalactic radio sources relative to the large scale structure as traced by the X-ray emission. This is of particular interest because radio galaxies and radio-loud AGN show strong and complex interactions with their small and larger scale environment, and different classes of radio galaxies are suggested to lie at different places with respect to the large scale structure. For the phase calibration of the radio data, the authors used standard self-calibration at 325 MHz and field-base calibration at 74 MHz. Polyhedron-based imaging as well as mosaicking methods were used at both frequencies. At 74 MHz, the resolution was 30 arcseconds, the median 5-sigma sensitivity was ~ 162 mJy/beam and 666 sources were detected over an area of 132 square degrees. At 325 MHz, the resolution was 6.7 arcseconds, the median 5-sigma sensitivity was 4 mJy/beam, and 847 sources were detected over an area of 15.3 square degrees. At 325 MHz, a region of diffuse radio emission which is a cluster halo or relic candidate was detected. The observations were conducted using the VLA in July 2003 in the A-configuration (most extended) and in June 2002 in the B-configuration. This table contains the VLA 74-MHz source list, comprising 617 single sources and 108 components of 51 multiple sources, for a total of 725 entries. (Notice that, in Section 4.3 of the reference paper, somewhat different numbers are given, i.e., the authors quote 615 single sources). For the multiple sources, each component (A, B, etc.) is listed separately, in order of decreasing brightness. This table was created by the HEASARC in March 2012 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog J/A+A/456/791</a> file tablea2.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .