This data server provides access to the F814W images of the ALHAMBRA Final Archive. The ALHAMBRA (Advance Large Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical) survey (Moles et al. 2008) has observed 8 different regions of the sky, including sections of the COSMOS, DEEP2, ELAIS, GOODS-N, SDSS and Groth fields using a new photometric system with 20 contiguous, non-overlapping, equal width (~ 300A) filters, covering the optical range (3500A-9700A), plus the standard broadband NIR J, H and Ks filters. The observations were carried out with the Calar Alto (CAHA) 3.5m telescope using the wide field, 0.25 deg2 FOV optical camera LAICA and the NIR instrument Omega-2000. The ALHAMBRA survey dataset represents a ~700hrs of total exposure time, gathered in between the 2005 and 2012.Further information on the project can be found at the ALHAMBRA web page.