This is service that does not comply with any IVOA standard but instead provides access to special capabilities specific to this resource.
VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource. Available endpoints for this service interface:
- URL-based interface: http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/miriade/ephemcc_query.php?-mime=votable
- This interface supports the following
-name [required]
- Name or designation of the (Sso) target
Value Type: string Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): meta.id;meta.main
-type [optional]
- Type of the target
Value Type: string Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): src.class
-ep [required]
- Requested epoch expressed in Julian day or formatted as any English textual datetime
Value Type: string Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): time.epoch
-nbd [optional]
- Number of date of ephemeris to compute
Value Type: integer Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): meta.number
-step [optional]
- Step of increment (decimal number) followed by one of (d)ays or (h)ours or (m)inutes or (s)econds
Value Type: string Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): time.interval
-tscale [optional]
- Ephemeris time scale
Value Type: string Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): time.scale
-observer [optional]
- Code of the observer location
Value Type: string Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): meta.code;obs.observer
-theory [optional]
- Planetary theory to use for the calculation
Value Type: string Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): meta.code.status
-teph [optional]
- Type of ephemeris: 1:astrometric J2000, 2:apparent of the date, 3: mean of the date, 4: mean J2000
Value Type: integer Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): meta.code.status
-tcoor [optional]
- Type of coordinates: 1:spherical, 2:rectangular
Value Type: integer Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): meta.code.status
-rplane [optional]
- Reference plane: 1:equator, 2: ecliptic
Value Type: integer Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): meta.code.status
-output [optional]
- Comma separated list of options to format the output
Value Type: string Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): meta.table
-from [required]
- Word which definite the name of the caller application, or which describes the request
Value Type: string Unit: Unified Content Descriptor (UCD): meta.id