A Catalog of Galaxies in the Direction of the Perseus Cluster
Short Name:
pcc cone
27 Dec 2024 08:31:02
The GAVO DC team
This is a catalog of 5437 morphologically classified sources in the
direction of the Perseus galaxy cluster core, among them 496
early-type low-mass galaxy candidates. The catalog is primarily based
on V-band imaging data acquired with the William Herschel Telescope.
Additionally, we used archival Subaru multiband imaging data in order
to measure aperture colors and to perform a morphological
classification. The catalog reaches its 50 per cent completeness limit
at an absolute V-band luminosity of -12 mag and a V-band surface
brightness of 26 mag arcsec^-2 .
In addition to the published table, this service also contains cutout
images of the objects investigated.
The Bochum Galactic Disk Survey is a project to monitor the stellar
content of the Galactic disk in a 6 degree wide stripe centered on the
Galactic plane. The data has been recorded from September 2010 to
September 2019 with the RoBoTT Telecsope at the
Universitaetssternwarte Bochum near Cerro Armazones in the Chilean
Atacama desert. It contains measurements of more than 2x10^7 stars.
The second and final data release contains follow-up observations from
January 2017 to September 2019 in Sloan r and i and intermittent
measurements in Johnson UVB, Sloan z and the narrowbands OIII, NB,
Halpha and SII.
This service exposes the light curves of stars produced by the Bochum
Galactic Disk Survey; several million light curves are provided in the
SDSS i and r bands. The lightcurves are published per-band and are
also available through obscore.
This is a deep optical mosaic of the Fornax cluster’s core, covering
1.6 square degrees. The data were acquired with ESO/MPG 2.2m/WFI,
using a transparent filter that nearly equals the no-filter throughput
and thus provides a high signal-to-noise ratio. Based on an
approximate conversion to V-band magnitudes, the unbinned and binned
mosaics (0.24 and 0.71 arcsec/pixel) reach a median depth of 26.6 and
27.8 mag/sq.arcsec, respectively.
Digitized First Byurakan Survey (DFBS) Spectra Query Service
Short Name:
27 Dec 2024 08:31:13
The GAVO DC team
The First Byurakan Survey (FBS) is the largest and the first systematic
objective prism survey of the extragalactic sky. It covers 17,000 sq.deg.
in the Northern sky together with a high galactic latitudes region in the
Southern sky. The FBS has been carried out by B.E. Markarian, V.A.
Lipovetski and J.A. Stepanian in 1965-1980 with the Byurakan Observatory
102/132/213 cm (40"/52"/84") Schmidt telescope using 1.5 deg. prism. Each
FBS plate contains low-dispersion spectra of some 15,000-20,000 objects;
the whole survey consists of about 20,000,000 objects.
This is a form-based service allowing users to run simple
queries against GAVO Data Center's ivoa.obscore table, with
some nods to users looking of data near the optical waveband.
For serious use, the `obscore table`_ should be queried through
Note that queries without spatial constraints may take time out. You
probably ought to switch to async TAP if you really want to run such
.. _obscore table: /tableinfo/ivoa.obscore?tapinfo=true
The LOFAR Two Meter Sky Survey LoTSS DR2
(:bibcode:`2022A&A...659A...1S`) obtained radio data from 27% of the
northern sky between 120 and 168 MHz in the year 2014 through 2020. This
service publishes polarization spectra of extragalactic radio sources
(radio galaxies and blazars) and the rotation measures derived from them.
We also give redshifts for all sources. The data has a spatial resolution
of 20 arcsec.