YouCat is a query service for catalogues hosted by CANFAR. This service
provides Table Access Protocol (TAP) API access to catalogues created by
project teams.
YouCat also implements a prototype VOSI-tables extension that allows users
to create, update table metadata add table content (rows), create indices,
and delete tables in the database. Users can also control access to their
own tables (public to allow anonymous querying, protected so only members
of specified groups can query, and private where only the owner can query).
Users who want to create tables must request an allocation (schema) by email
Currently available catalogues include: VLASS, CFHTLS, KiDS, PAndAS, RCSLens.
This is IRSA's Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) node. HiPS is a hierarchical scheme for the description, stoage, and access of sky survey data. The system is based on hierarchical tiling of sky regions at finer and finer spatial resolution which facilitates a progressive view of a survey, and supports multi-resolution zooming and panning.