The archive of AGN spectral observations is obtained on AZT-8
telescope at the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute (FAI), Almaty,
Kazakhstan. It represents the result of observations for abot 25 years
- from 1970 to 1995. All observations were carried out at AZT-8 (D =
700 mm, F[main] = 2800 mm, F[Cassegrain] = 11000 mm) with a high-power
spectrograph. In 1967-68, on the basis of the image intensifier
( developed and assembled
the spectrograph of the original design in the workshops of the FAI.
Scans of plates kept at Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl. They
were obtained at location, at the German-Spanish Astronomical Center
(Calar Alto Observatory), Spain, and at La Silla, Chile. The plates
cover a time span between 1880 and 1999.
Specifically, HDAP is essentially complete for the plates taken with
the Bruce telescope, the Walz reflector, and Wolf's Doppelastrograph
at both the original location in Heidelberg and its later home on
GAVO's historical photographic plate archive (GHHPA) is a
collection of various digitized historical photographic
plates. It currently exposes:
* the scans of plates of selected Kapteyn special fields obtained
at Potsdam
* the Palomar-Leiden Trojan surveys, 1960-1977,
* a collection of plates obtained at Boyden Station, South Africa,
kept at various German observatories.
Other plate collections kept by GAVO include the Heidelberg
Digitized Astronomical Plates HDAP,
ivo://org.gavo.dc/lswscans/res/positions/siap, and the APPLAUSE
database from Potsdam.