The SkyView service at the NASA HEASARC archive
has deveoped HiPS data for the combined Swift UVOT and
XRT observations covering 2005-mid 2017.
Counts, Exposure and Intensity maps are provided for both
instruments and for the UVOT are provided in both
seven individual filters and two combined color images.
This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC.
Catalogues of solar observations held at MSSL/UCL. Datasets available are SOHO CDS, SOHO EIT, Yohkoh SXT. URL links to data files are provided (EIT data files provided by SDAC, NASA). Reference:
An archive of optical and near-infrared spectra of strongly lensed
quasars and the lensing galaxies. The spectra are resolved to about a
few Ångstroms and are flux-calibrated. The spectra resulted from
deblending the lensed images in bidimensional spectra available from
the SSAP service for `ivo://org.gavo.dc/mlqso/q/s
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The SuperCOSMOS data held in the SSA primarily originate from scans of Palomar and UK Schmidt blue, red and near-IR southern sky surveys. The ESO Schmidt R (dec < -17.5) and Palomar POSS-I E (dec > -17.5) surveys have also been scanned and provide a 1st epoch red measurement. Further details on the surveys, the scanning process and the raw parameters extracted can be found on the further information link. The SSA is housed in a relational database running on Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Data are stored in tables which are inter-linked via reference ID numbers. In addition to the astronomical object catalogues these tables also contain information on the plates that were scanned, survey field centres and calibration coefficients. Most user science queries will only need to access the SOURCE table or to a lesser extent the DETECTION table.
TheoSSA provides spectral energy distributions based on model
atmosphere calculations. Currently, we serve results obtained using
the Tübingen NLTE Model Atmosphere Package (TMAP) for hot compact