GAVO's historical photographic plate archive (GHHPA) is a
collection of various digitized historical photographic
plates. It currently exposes:
* the scans of plates of selected Kapteyn special fields obtained
at Potsdam
* the Palomar-Leiden Trojan surveys, 1960-1977,
* a collection of plates obtained at Boyden Station, South Africa,
kept at various German observatories.
Other plate collections kept by GAVO include the Heidelberg
Digitized Astronomical Plates HDAP,
ivo://org.gavo.dc/lswscans/res/positions/siap, and the APPLAUSE
database from Potsdam.
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The Infrared Astronomical Satellite Archive is an implementation of the IRAS catalogue of Point Sources, Version 2.0 (IPAC 1986). This is a catalogue of some 250,000 well-confirmed infrared point sources observed by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, i.e., sources with angular extents less than approximately 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 arcmin in the in-scan direction at 12, 25, 60, and 100 microns, respectively.
This service provides access to tables and catalogues of the ISO ESA mission.
The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) was the world's first true orbiting infrared observatory. Equipped with four highly-sophisticated and versatile scientific instruments, it was launched by Ariane in November 1995 and provided astronomers world-wide with a facility of unprecedented sensitivity and capabilities for a detailed exploration of the Universe at infrared wavelengths. The two spectrometers (SWS and LWS), a camera (ISOCAM) and an imaging photo-polarimeter (ISOPHOT) jointly covered wavelengths from 2.5 to around 240 microns with spatial resolutions ranging from 1.5 arcseconds (at the shortest wavelengths) to 90 arcseconds (at the longer wavelengths). Its 60 cm diameter telescope was cooled by superfluid liquid helium to temperatures of 2-4 K.