UKIDSS DR5 - UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Data Release 5
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:38:15
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
This DSA hosts data release 5 of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey housed at the Wide Field Astronomy Unit at the Univeristy of Edinburgh. This catalog contains WFCAM data primarily originating from four of the five UKIDSS surveys: Large Area Survey, Galactic Clusters Survey, Deep Extragalactic Survey and the Ultra Deep Survey. (see for survey descriptions)
UKIDSS DR4 - UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Data Release 4
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:38:02
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
This DSA hosts data release 4 of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey housed at the Wide Field Astronomy Unit at the Univeristy of Edinburgh. This catalog contains WFCAM data primarily originating from four of the five UKIDSS surveys: Large Area Survey, Galactic Clusters Survey, Deep Extragalactic Survey and the Ultra Deep Survey. The data for the Galactic Plane Survey will not be available until April 22, 2010. (see for survey descriptions)
UKIDSS DR3 - UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Data Release 3
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:37:44
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
This DSA hosts data release 3 of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey housed at the Wide Field Astronomy Unit at the Univeristy of Edinburgh. This catalog contains WFCAM data primarily originating from the five UKIDSS surveys: Large Area Survey, Galactic Plane Survey, Galactic Clusters Survey, Deep Extragalactic Survey and the Ultra Deep Survey (see the for survey descriptions).
UKIDSS DR2 - UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Data Release 2
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:37:33
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
This DSA hosts data release 2 of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey housed at the Wide Field Astronomy Unit at the Univeristy of Edinburgh. This catalog contains WFCAM data primarily originating from the five UKIDSS surveys: Large Area Survey, Galactic Plane Survey, Galactic Clusters Survey, Deep Extragalactic Survey and the Ultra Deep Survey (see the for survey descriptions).
UKIDSS DR1 - UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Data Release 1
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:37:23
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
This DSA hosts data release 1 of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey housed at the Wide Field Astronomy Unit at the Univeristy of Edinburgh. This catalog contains WFCAM data primarily originating from the five UKIDSS surveys: Large Area Survey, Galactic Plane Survey, Galactic Clusters Survey, Deep Extragalactic Survey and the Ultra Deep Survey (see the for survey descriptions).
Database that resolves how to access records in problematic datasets. There are several distinct types of table: 1) Planetary observations stored in NASA's PDS and ESA's PSA; 2) Small FOV, pointed solar instruments; 3) Observations in the Global H-alpha Network.
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VHS will image the entire ~20 000 square degrees of the Southern Sky, with the exception of the areas already covered by the VIKING and VVV surveys, in J and Ks. The resulting data will be about 4 magnitudes deeper than 2MASS and DENIS. The 5000 square degrees covered by the Dark Energy Survey (DES), another imaging survey scheduled to begin in 2010 at the CTIO 4 metre Blanco telescope, will also be observed in H-band. The area around both of the Galactic Caps will be observed in Y- and H- band as well to be combined with the data from the VST ATLAS survey. The main science drivers of the VHS include: examining low mass and nearby stars, studying the merger history of the Galaxy, measuring the properties of Dark Energy through the examination of large-scale structure to a redshift of ~1, and searches for high redshift quasars.
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VHS will image the entire ~20 000 square degrees of the Southern Sky, with the exception of the areas already covered by the VIKING and VVV surveys, in J and Ks. The resulting data will be about 4 magnitudes deeper than 2MASS and DENIS. The 5000 square degrees covered by the Dark Energy Survey (DES), another imaging survey scheduled to begin in 2010 at the CTIO 4 metre Blanco telescope, will also be observed in H-band. The area around both of the Galactic Caps will be observed in Y- and H- band as well to be combined with the data from the VST ATLAS survey. The main science drivers of the VHS include: examining low mass and nearby stars, studying the merger history of the Galaxy, measuring the properties of Dark Energy through the examination of large-scale structure to a redshift of ~1, and searches for high redshift quasars.