- ID:
- ivo://spectrum.iaa/tap
- Title:
- Cross section values TAP service
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 03 Apr 2016 18:56:07
- Publisher:
- Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia-CSIC; INTA-CAB
- Description:
- The Cross section values's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the VO's premier way to access public data holdings. Tables exposed through this endpoint include: columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, emptyobscore, obscore from the ivoa schema, epn_core from the abs_cs schema.
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- ID:
- ivo://eso.org/tap_obs
- Title:
- ESO TAP_OBS: a TAP service to browse and access raw and reduced data, and to query the ambient measurements, of the La Silla Paranal Observatory.
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 27 Nov 2024 10:24:04
- Publisher:
- European Southern Observatory
- Description:
- TAP_OBS is the ESO Science Archive TAP endpoint for observations (raw and reduced data) and ambient measurements (atmospheric seeing, turbulence, water vapour, relative humidity, air pressure, etc.) taken at the La Silla Paranal Observatory, including the Chajnantor (APEX) data. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, and inspect various metadata. Table Upload is not currently supported, though it is foreseen for a next release. The IVOA ObsCore standard service is also provided (table name: ivoa.ObsCore), but currently only for reduced data. Other tables exposed are the dbo.raw describing all the LPO observations, the ambient tables (in the asm schema), plus the provenance table to close the loop between the raw and the reduced data, but also to describe the relationships between reduced data (e.g. a source table originating from a reduced image, etc.). A sibling service (TAP_CAT, endpoint: https://archive.eso.org/tap_cat) exists and can be used to query the astronomical catalogs produced by the principal investigators of ESO programmes (ESO public surveys included).
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/tap/hlsp_candels
- Title:
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 27 Jan 2025 22:34:44
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- The Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) is designed to document the first third of galactic evolution from z = 8 to 1.5 via deep imaging of more than 250,000 galaxies with WFC3/IR and ACS. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, and inspect various metadata. Upload is not currently supported.
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/caomtap
- Title:
- MAST STScI CAOM and ObsCore TAP service
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 06 Aug 2024 14:14:53
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- The MAST Archive at STScI TAP end point for observational data, saved in the Common Archive Data Model format and made available through the ObsCore limited view. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, and inspect various metadata. Upload is not currently supported. Missions and projects with data available through the CAOMTAP service include: BEFS, EUVE, FUSE, GALEX, HLA, HST, HUT, IUE, JWST, K2, KEPLER, PS1 (PanSTARRS 1) Data Release 2, SPITZER_SHA, SWIFT, TESS, TUES, WUPPE. High Level Science Products (HLSPs) available include: 3D-DASH, 3DHST, CDIPS, CLASSY, DIAMANTE, ELEANOR, EVEREST, GSFC-ELEANOR-LITE, HALO, HFF-DEEPSPACE, hlsp_3cr, hlsp_acsggct, hlsp_andromeda, hlsp_angrrr, hlsp_angst, hlsp_appp, hlsp_borg, hlsp_candels, hlsp_carina, hlsp_clash, hlsp_coma, hlsp_cosmos, hlsp_frontier, hlsp_gems, hlsp_ghosts, hlsp_goods, hlsp_goodsnic, hlsp_heritage, hlsp_hippies, hlsp_hlastarclusters, hlsp_hudf09, hlsp_hudf12, hlsp_ison, hlsp_legus, hlsp_m82, hlsp_m83mos, hlsp_orion, hlsp_phat, hlsp_sgal, hlsp_sm4ero, hlsp_stages, hlsp_starcat, hlsp_udf, hlsp_uvudf, hlsp_wfc3ers, hlsp_wisp, hlsp_xdf, IRIS, K2SC, K2SFF, K2VARCAT, KBONUS-APEXBA, KEPSEISMIC, PATHOS, PSFK2, QLP, TASOC, TESS-SPOC, ULLYSES Tables exposed through this endpoint include the ObsCore (version 1.1) view of our CAOM (version 2.4) database, as well as all other CAOM tables
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/tap/hlsp_classy
- Title:
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 27 Jan 2025 22:13:33
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- The COS Legacy Archive Spectroscopic SurveY (CLASSY): A UV Treasury of Star-Forming Galaxies is a High Level Science Product hosted at the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, and inspect various metadata. Upload is not currently supported.
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/tap/hlsp_3DHST
- Title:
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 27 Jan 2025 22:30:25
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- 3D-HST is a near-infrared spectroscopic survey with the Hubble Space Telescope designed to study the physical processes that shape galaxies in the distant Universe (GO-12177 and GO-12328; PI: Pieter van Dokkum). This Treasury program was allocated 248 orbits of HST time during Cycles 18 and 19. 3D-HST is surveying ~600 square arcminutes of well-studied extragalactic survey fields (AEGIS, COSMOS, GOODS-S, UKIDSS-UDS) with two orbits of primary WFC3/G141 grism coverage and two to four orbits with ACS/G800L coverage. 3D-HST now provides the critical third dimension - redshift - for ~10,000 galaxies at z>1. This is the epoch when ~60% of the star formation in the Universe took place, the number density of quasars peaked, the first galaxies stopped forming stars and the structural regularity that we see in galaxies today emerged. The 3D-HST project details can be found in "3D-HST: A Wide-Field Grism Spectroscopic Survey with the Hubble Space Telescope", Brammer et al., 2012, ApJ, 758L. The survey is optimally designed for the study of galaxy evolution over 1 < < 3.5. The science objectives include: disentangling the processes that regulate star-formation in massive galaxies, evaluating the role of environment and mergers in shaping the galaxy population, and resolving the growth of disks and bulges, spatially and spectrally. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, and inspect various metadata. Upload is not currently supported.
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/tap/gaiadr3
- Title:
- MAST STScI Gaia DR3 TAP service
- Short Name:
- Gaia DR3 TAP
- Date:
- 18 Oct 2024 17:57:48
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- MAST hosts a copy of the Gaia DR3 catalog. The Gaia DR3 catalogue builds upon the Early Data Release 3 (released on 3 December 2020) and combines, for the same stretch of time and the same set of observations, these already-published data products with numerous new data products such as extended objects and non-single stars. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, and inspect various metadata. Upload is not currently supported.
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/tap/hlsp_goods
- Title:
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 27 Jan 2025 22:25:02
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- GOODS aims to unite extremely deep observations from NASA's Great Observatories, the Spitzer Space Telescope, Hubble, and Chandra, ESA's XMM-Newton, and from the most powerful ground-based facilities, to survey the distant universe to the faintest flux limits across the broadest range of wavelengths. GOODS will survey a total of roughly 320 square arcminutes in two fields centered on the Hubble Deep Field North and the Chandra Deep Field South. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, and inspect various metadata. Upload is not currently supported.
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/hsctap
- Title:
- MAST STScI Hubble Source Catalog Version 3 (HSCv3) TAP service
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 18 Oct 2024 17:43:07
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- The MAST Archive at STScI TAP end point for the Hubble Source Catalog, version 3.1. The Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) is designed to optimize science from the Hubble Space Telescope by combining the tens of thousands of visit-based source lists in the Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) into a single master catalog. The Hubble Source Catalog version 3.1 also provides proper motions for over 400,00 stars in the augmented Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search (SWEEPS) HST field, and the Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV). The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, and inspect various metadata. Upload is not currently supported.
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/hscv3tap
- Title:
- MAST STScI Hubble Source Catalog Version 3 (HSCv3) TAP service
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 18 Oct 2024 17:39:31
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- The MAST Archive at STScI TAP end point for the Hubble Source Catalog, version 3.1. The Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) is designed to optimize science from the Hubble Space Telescope by combining the tens of thousands of visit-based source lists in the Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) into a single master catalog. The Hubble Source Catalog version 3.1 also provides proper motions for over 400,00 stars in the augmented Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search (SWEEPS) HST field, and the Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV). The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, and inspect various metadata. Upload is not currently supported.
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