This table contains the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) observation log of the extant and planned observations to be made by this satellite observatory. The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) is a NASA Small Explorer Mission launched on April 28, 2003. GALEX has been performing the first Space Ultraviolet sky survey. Five imaging surveys in each of two bands (FUV: 1350-1750 Angstroms and NUV: 1750-2800 Angstroms) range from an all-sky survey (limiting m<sub>AB</sub> ~ 20 - 21) to an ultra-deep survey of 4 square degrees (limiting m<sub>AB</sub> ~ 26). Three spectroscopic grism surveys (spectral resolution R = 100 - 300) are underway with various depths (m<sub>AB</sub> ~ 20 - 25) and sky coverage (100 to 2 square degrees) over the 1350 - 2800 Angstroms spectral range. The instrument includes a 50-cm modified Ritchey-Chretien telescope, a dichroic beam splitter and astigmatism corrector, two large, sealed-tube microchannel plate detectors to simultaneously cover the two bands and the 1.2-degree field of view. A rotating wheel provides either imaging or grism spectroscopy with transmitting optics. The GALEX mission also includes an Associate Investigator program for additional observations and supporting data analysis which supports a wide variety of investigations made possible by the first UV sky survey. The HEASARC provides this table of GALEX observations as an assistance to the high-energy astrophysics community, e.g., to enable cross-correlations of GALEX with X-ray observations. The GALEX data are available via MAST at <a href=""></a>. More information about GALEX can be found at <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a>. This table was first created in July 2010 using the input file <a href=""></a> obtained from the Caltech GALEX site. This table is updated within a week of the update of the original file. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .