The A2 experiment was flown on the HEAO-1 satellite, between August, 1977 until January 1979. The experiment consisted of six multi-layer multi-anode collimated gas proportional counters. These were two LEDs (Low Energy Detectors), a MED (Medium Energy Detector), and three HEDs (High Energy Detectors). The first 6-months of mission were dedicated to an all-sky scan after which a pointing phase started. This database table accesses all the background files available at HEASARC obtained from the A2 MED (small and large field of view) and HEDs (1 and 3 small and large filed of view) detectors during the pointed phase. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
The HEAO 1 A-1 X-Ray Source Catalog contains information about X-ray sources detected with the NRL Large Area Sky Survey Experiment (also referred to as the A-1 Experiment) flown aboard the HEAO-1 satellite. The catalog represents results from the first six months of data from HEAO-1, during which time a scan of the entire sky was completed. Positions and intensities for 842 sources are listed, with a limiting flux of 250 nanoJanskies (nJy) at 5 keV, or about 0.25 Uhuru flux units (UFU). The catalog is more than 90% complete at a flux level equivalent to 1.5 microJanskies (µJy) at 5 keV, for a Crab-like spectrum. The A-1 catalog has been cross-referenced with published literature. Identifications based on coincidence in position have been proposed for some of the sources for which previous work has established no firm identification. Half of the sources remained unidentified at the time of catalog publication (1984). The A3 database contains a list of 654 optical objects identified with A-1 error boxes. Minor structural changes were made to this database table and the documentation was revised by the HEASARC in July 2004. The basic content of the database table was unchanged, however. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .