All MAST catalog holdings are available via a ConeSearch endpoint.
This service provides access to all, with an optional non-standard parameter for an individual catalog to query.
The available missions are listed at,
and include Hubble (HST) data, Kepler, K2, IUE, HUT, EUVE, FUSE, UIT, WUPPE, BEFS, TUES, IMAPS, High Level Science Products (HLSP), Copernicus, HPOL, VLA First, XMM-OM, and SWIFT.
The Tübingen Echelle (TUES) obtained moderate dispersion observations (R=13,000) using an echelle grating including orders 40 - 61 from 910 - 1410 Angstroms. The instrument was designed and built by the University of Tübingen (PI: M. Grewing) and flew as one of three spectrographs on the ORFEUS/SPAS-2 mission for 14 days in November/December 1996. The instrumental resolution was about 10,000 and the effective aperture peaks at 1.3 cm2 near 1100 Angstroms. Objects were observed in a 10 arcsec entrance aperture. The wavelength calibration was established by means of interstellar molecular hydrogen lines.