All MAST catalog holdings are available via a ConeSearch endpoint.
This service provides access to all, with an optional non-standard parameter for an individual catalog to query.
The available missions are listed at,
and include Hubble (HST) data, Kepler, K2, IUE, HUT, EUVE, FUSE, UIT, WUPPE, BEFS, TUES, IMAPS, High Level Science Products (HLSP), Copernicus, HPOL, VLA First, XMM-OM, and SWIFT.
The Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-Polarimeter Experiment (WUPPE) was the spectropolarimetry component of the three ASTRO instruments that flew on Space Shuttle missions in December 1990 and March 1995. A halfwave spectropolarimeter provided medium resolution spectropolarimetry for research into the interstellar medium, hot stars, stars with circumstellar material, interacting binary stars, novae, solar system objects, and active galaxies. A Lyot analyzer obtained low resolution observations of faint targets, but due to calibration problems did not produce scientifically useful data. The WUPPE instrument provides a unique data set, one of the few providing polarimetric data in the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum.