- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/Spitzer/Catalog/Abell1763/A1763m70
- Title:
- Abell 1763 MIPS 70 micron Catalog
- Short Name:
- A1763m70
- Date:
- 01 Oct 2018 20:27:16
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The Abell 1763 data set includes images in r', J, H, and Ks obtained using the Palomar 200in telescope, as well as the IRAC and MIPS images from Spitzer. The cluster is covered out to approximately 3 virial radii with deep 24 mum imaging (a 5sigma depth of 0.2 mJy). This same field of ~40' × 40' is covered in all four IRAC bands as well as the longer wavelength MIPS bands (70 and 160 mum). The r' imaging covers ~0.8 deg2 down to 25.5 mag, and overlaps with most of the MIPS field of view. The J, H, and Ks images cover the cluster core and roughly half of the filament galaxies, which extend toward the neighboring cluster, Abell 1770. Approximately 30% of the 70 micron image is not covered by the 24 micron image (nor the IRAC, MIPS 160 micron, or WIRC fields of view). A separate catalog for these 733 sources is presented here. This catalog was matched against the 2MASS Point Source Catalog but NIR magnitudes are not included as only ~7% of the sources have 2MASS associations.
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- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/Spitzer/Catalog/Abell1763/A1763src
- Title:
- Abell 1763 Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- A1763src
- Date:
- 01 Oct 2018 20:27:16
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The Abell 1763 data set includes images in r', J, H, and Ks obtained using the Palomar 200in telescope, as well as the IRAC and MIPS images from Spitzer. The cluster is covered out to approximately 3 virial radii with deep 24 mum imaging (a 5sigma depth of 0.2 mJy). This same field of ~40' × 40' is covered in all four IRAC bands as well as the longer wavelength MIPS bands (70 and 160 mum). The r' imaging covers ~0.8 deg2 down to 25.5 mag, and overlaps with most of the MIPS field of view. The J, H, and Ks images cover the cluster core and roughly half of the filament galaxies, which extend toward the neighboring cluster, Abell 1770. The Source Catalog includes photometry from r', J, H, Ks, IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8 microns, and MIPS 24, 70, and 160 microns images, along with SDSS ugriz and 2MASS JHK photometry.
- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/AKARI/Catalog/FISBSC
- Title:
- AKARI/FIS All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 01 Oct 2018 20:27:21
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The AKARI/FIS Bright Source Catalogue Version 1.0 provides the positions and fluxes of 427,071 point sources in the four far-infrared wavelengths centred at 65, 90, 140, and 160 microns. The sensitivity in the 90 micron band is about 0.55 Jy. The Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) instrument scanned 98 percent of the entire sky more than twice during the 16 months of the cryogenic mission phase. The AKARI/FIS Bright Source Catalogue is the primary data product from the AKARI survey. The catalogue is designed to have a uniform detection limit (corresponding to per scan sensitivity) over the entire sky (except for high background regions where a different data acquisition mode was used). Redundant observations are used to increase the reliability of the detection.
- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/AKARI/Catalog/IRCPSC
- Title:
- AKARI/IRC Point Source Catalogue
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 01 Oct 2018 20:27:21
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The AKARI/IRC Point Source Catalogue Version 1.0 provides positions and fluxes of 870,973 sources (844,649 sources in 9 micron band and 194,551 sources in 18 micron band) in the Mid-Infrared wavelengths. The IRC scanned 96 / 97 percent of the entire sky in 9 / 18 micron band twice or more during the 16 months of the cryogenic mission phase. The Point Source Catalogue is the primary catalogue from the AKARI IRC survey. The catalogue is designed to have a uniform detection limit over the entire sky, based on the uniform source detection limit per scan observation. Redundant observations are used to increase the reliability of the detection.
- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/WISE/Catalog/AllWISE/Metadata
- Title:
- AllWISE Atlas Metadata Table
- Short Name:
- AllWISE Metadata
- Date:
- 01 Oct 2018 20:27:16
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The AllWISE program builds upon the work of the successful Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission (WISE; Wright et al. 2010) by combining data from the WISE cryogenic and NEOWISE (Mainzer et al. 2011 ApJ, 731, 53) post-cryogenic survey phases to form the most comprehensive view of the full mid-infrared sky currently available. By combining the data from two complete sky coverage epochs using an advanced data processing system, AllWISE has generated new products that have enhanced photometric sensitivity and accuracy, and improved astrometric precision compared to the 2012 WISE All-Sky Data Release. Exploiting the 6 to 12 month baseline between the WISE sky coverage epochs enables AllWISE to measure source motions for the first time, and to compute improved flux variability statistics. The AllWISE Atlas Metadata Table contains brief descriptions of all metadata information that is relevant to the production of the Atlas images and Source Catalog. The table contains the (RA, DEC) of the center of the Tile. Much of the information in this table is processing-specific and may not be of interest to general users (e.g., flags indicating whether frames have been processed successfully or not, and the date and time of the start of the pipeline processing, etc.). The metadata table also contains some characterization and derived statistics of the coadd image Tile, basic photometric parameters used for photometry and derived statistics for extracted sources and artifacts.
- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/WISE/Catalog/AllWISE/Multiepoch
- Title:
- AllWISE Multiepoch Photometry Table
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 01 Oct 2018 20:27:16
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The AllWISE program builds upon the work of the successful Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission (WISE; Wright et al. 2010) by combining data from the WISE cryogenic and NEOWISE (Mainzer et al. 2011 ApJ, 731, 53) post-cryogenic survey phases to form the most comprehensive view of the full mid-infrared sky currently available. By combining the data from two complete sky coverage epochs using an advanced data processing system, AllWISE has generated new products that have enhanced photometric sensitivity and accuracy, and improved astrometric precision compared to the 2012 WISE All-Sky Data Release. Exploiting the 6 to 12 month baseline between the WISE sky coverage epochs enables AllWISE to measure source motions for the first time, and to compute improved flux variability statistics. The AllWISE Multiepoch Photometry (MEP) Database is a compendium of time-tagged fluxes measured on the individual Single-exposure image sets forced at the position of each deep source extraction that is in the AllWISE Source Catalog and Reject Table.
- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/WISE/Catalog/AllWISE/Reject
- Title:
- AllWISE Reject Table
- Short Name:
- AllWISE Reject
- Date:
- 01 Oct 2018 20:27:16
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The AllWISE program builds upon the work of the successful Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission (WISE; Wright et al. 2010) by combining data from the WISE cryogenic and NEOWISE (Mainzer et al. 2011 ApJ, 731, 53) post-cryogenic survey phases to form the most comprehensive view of the full mid-infrared sky currently available. By combining the data from two complete sky coverage epochs using an advanced data processing system, AllWISE has generated new products that have enhanced photometric sensitivity and accuracy, and improved astrometric precision compared to the 2012 WISE All-Sky Data Release. Exploiting the 6 to 12 month baseline between the WISE sky coverage epochs enables AllWISE to measure source motions for the first time, and to compute improved flux variability statistics. The AllWISE Reject Table contains the source extractions that do not meet the uniqueness and/or reliability criteria required for inclusion in the Source Catalog.
- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/WISE/Catalog/AllWISE/Source_Catalog
- Title:
- AllWISE Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 01 Oct 2018 20:27:16
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The AllWISE program builds upon the work of the successful Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission (WISE; Wright et al. 2010) by combining data from the WISE cryogenic and NEOWISE (Mainzer et al. 2011 ApJ, 731, 53) post-cryogenic survey phases to form the most comprehensive view of the full mid-infrared sky currently available. By combining the data from two complete sky coverage epochs using an advanced data processing system, AllWISE has generated new products that have enhanced photometric sensitivity and accuracy, and improved astrometric precision compared to the 2012 WISE All-Sky Data Release. Exploiting the 6 to 12 month baseline between the WISE sky coverage epochs enables AllWISE to measure source motions for the first time, and to compute improved flux variability statistics. The AllWISE Source Catalog contains accurate positions, apparent motion measurements, four-band fluxes and flux variability statistics for over 747 million objects detected on the coadded Atlas Images.
- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/Spitzer/Catalog/GLIMPSE/APOGLMA
- Title:
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 26 Oct 2019 00:02:11
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The APOGLIMPSE project re-images 53 square degrees of the inner Galactic plane that have also been targeted by the APOGEE/APOGEE-2 surveys - Sloan III and IV programs to obtain high resolution H band spectroscopy for hundreds of thousands of red giants. The data will be combined with the original GLIMPSE observations of the Galactic plane in 2004-2005 to measure the proper motions of the sources along the Galactic plane over the past decade.
- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/Spitzer/Catalog/GLIMPSE/APOGLMC
- Title:
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 26 Oct 2019 00:02:11
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The APOGLIMPSE project re-images 53 square degrees of the inner Galactic plane that have also been targeted by the APOGEE/APOGEE-2 surveys - Sloan III and IV programs to obtain high resolution H band spectroscopy for hundreds of thousands of red giants. The data will be combined with the original GLIMPSE observations of the Galactic plane in 2004-2005 to measure the proper motions of the sources along the Galactic plane over the past decade.