ARI's "Geschichte des Fixsternhimmels" is an attempt to collect all
astrometrically useful observations from before ca. 1970 in a way
comparable to what has been done to construct the FK* series of
fundamental catalogs. About 7e6 published positions are included.
In GAVO's DC, we provide tables of identified and non-identified stars
together with the master catalog that objects were identified against.
The catalogue ARIHIP has been constructed by selecting the 'best
data' for a given star from combinations of HIPPARCOS data with Boss'
GC and/or the Tycho-2 catalogue as well as the FK6. It provides 'best
data' for 90 842 stars with a typical mean error of 0.89 mas/year
(about a factor of 1.3 better than Hipparcos for this sample of
Estimated distances to 1.33 billion stars in Gaia DR2
Short Name:
gdr2dist scs
27 Dec 2024 08:31:05
The GAVO DC team
This catalogue provides distances estimates (and uncertainties therein)
for 1.33 billion stars over the whole sky brighter than about G=20.7.
These have been estimated using the parallaxes (and their uncertainties)
from Gaia DR2. A Bayesian procedure was used involving a prior
with a single parameter L(l,b), which varies smoothly with Galactic
longitude and latitude according to a Galaxy model. The posterior is
summarized with a point estimate (usually the mode) and a confidence
interval (usually the 68% highest density interval). The estimation
procedure is described in detail in the `accompanying paper`_,
which also analyses the catalogue content.
.. _accompanying paper:
This schema contains data re-published from the official
Gaia mirrors (such as ivo:// either to
support combining its data with local tables (the various Xlite tables)
or to make the data more accessible to VO clients (e.g., epoch fluxes).
Other Gaia-related data is found in, among others, the gdr2dist, gdr3mock,
gdr3spec, gedr3auto, gedr3dist, gedr3mock, and gedr3spur schemas.
This schema contains data re-published from the official
Gaia mirrors (such as ivo:// either to
support combining its data with local tables (the various Xlite tables)
or to make the data more accessible to VO clients (e.g., epoch fluxes).
Other Gaia-related data is found in, among others, the gdr3mock,
gdr3spec, gedr3auto, gedr3dist, gedr3mock, and gedr3spur schemas.
This service returns the most important Gaia DR3 gaia_source columns
together with robust geometric and photogeometric distances for the
~1.47 billion objects in Bailer-Jones et al's distance catalogue.
The LIFE Target Star Database contains information useful
for the planned `LIFE mission`_ (mid-ir, nulling
interferometer in space). It characterizes possible
target systems including information about stellar,
planetary and disk properties. The data itself is mainly
a collection from different other catalogs.
Note that LIFE's target database is living
data. The content – and to some extent even structure – of these
tables may change at any time without prior warning.
.. _LIFE mission:
The 2MASS Point Source Catalogue, short a couple of exotic fields. We
provide this data mainly for matching with other catalogs within our
TAP service.
PPM-Extended (PPMX) is a catalogue of 18 088 919 stars on the ICRS
system containing astrometric and photometric information. Its
limiting magnitude is about 15.2 in the GSC photometric system.
The RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) contains stellar atmospheric
parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, overall
metallicity), radial velocities, chemical abundances and distances.
Observations between 2003 and 2013 were used to build the five RAVE
data releases.