- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/boof153mhz
- Title:
- Bootes Field GMRT 153-MHz Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The authors obtained deep, high-resolution radio interferometric observations at 153 MHz to complement the extensively studied NOAO Bootes field. In their paper, they provide a description of the observations, data reduction and source catalog construction. From their single-pointing GMRT observation of ~12 hours, they obtained a high-resolution (26" x 22") image of ~11.3 square degrees, fully covering the Bootes field region and beyond. The image has a central noise level of ~1.0 mJy beam<sup>-1</sup>, which rises to 2.0 - 2.5 mJy beam<sup>-1</sup> at the field edge, placing it amongst the deepest ~150 MHz surveys to date. The catalog of 598 extracted sources is estimated to be ~92% complete for > 10 mJy sources, while the estimated contamination by false detections is < 1%. The low rms positional uncertainty of 1.24" facilitates accurate matching against catalogs at optical, infrared and other wavelengths. Differential source counts were determined down to < ~10 mJy. The authors find no evidence for flattening of the counts towards lower flux densities as observed in deep radio surveys at higher frequencies, suggesting that their catalog is dominated by the classical radio-loud AGN population that explains the counts at higher flux densities. Combination with available deep 1.4 GHz observations yields an accurate determination of spectral indices for 417 sources down to the lowest 153 MHz flux densities, of which 16 have ultra-steep spectra with spectral indices below -1.3. The authors confirm that flattening of the median spectral index towards low flux densities also occurs at this frequency. The detection fraction of the radio sources in the NIR K<sub>s</sub>-band is found to drop with radio spectral index, which is in agreement with the known correlation between spectral index and redshift for brighter radio sources. This table contains the list of 598 153-MHz sources detected in the GMRT observation and their properties at this frequency. There are a number of other tables of objects in the Bootes field made at other frequencies: <pre> HEASARC Table | Title | Reference BOOTESDF | 1.4GHz imaging of the Bootes field | de Vries+ 2002,AJ,123,1784 LALABOOCXO | LALA Bootes field X-ray source catalog | Wang+ 2004,AJ,127,213 --- | Faint radio sources in NOAO Bootes field | Wrobel+ 2005,AJ,130,923 --- | 16um sources in the NOAO Bootes field | Kasliwal+ 2005,ApJ,634,L1 XBOOTES | X-ray survey of the NDWFS Bootes field | Kenter+ 2005,ApJS,161,9 XBOOTESOID | Optical counterparts in the NDWFS Bootes | Brand+ 2006,ApJ,64,140 | field | </pre> This table was created by the HEASARC in December 2011 based on <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/J/A+A/535/A38">CDS Catalog J/A+A/535/A38</a> file table3.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
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- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/bmwchancat
- Title:
- Brera Multi-scale Wavelet Chandra Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains the BMW-Chandra source catalog drawn from essentially all Chandra ACIS-I pointed observations with an exposure time in excess of 10 ks that were public as of March 2003 (136 observations). Using the wavelet detection algorithm developed by Lazzati et al. (1999ApJ...524..414) and Campana et al. (1999ApJ...524..423C), which can characterize both point-like and extended sources, the authors identified 21325 sources. Among them, 16758 are serendipitous, i.e. not associated with the targets of the pointings, and do not require a non-automated analysis. This makes this catalog the largest compilation of Chandra sources as of the date of publication of this catalog (August 2008). The 0.5 - 10 keV absorption corrected fluxes of these sources range from ~3 x 10<sup>-16</sup> to 9 x 10<sup>-12</sup> erg/cm<sup>2</sup>/s with a median of 7 x 10<sup>-15</sup> erg/cm<sup>2</sup>/s. The catalog consists of count rates and relative errors in three energy bands (total, 0.5 - 7 keV; soft, 0.5 - 2 keV; and hard, 2 - 7 keV), and source positions relative to the highest signal-to-noise detection among the three bands. The wavelet algorithm also provides an estimate of the extension of the source. The authors include information drawn from the headers of the original files, as well, and extracted source counts in four additional energy bands, SB1 (0.5 - 1 keV), SB2 (1 - 2 keV), HB1 (2 - 4 keV), and HB2 (4 - 7 keV). They computed the sky coverage for the full catalog and for a subset at high Galactic latitude (|b| > 20 degrees). The complete catalog provides a sky coverage in the soft band (0.5 - 2 keV, S/N = 3) of ~8 deg<sup>2</sup> at a limiting flux of 10<sup>-13</sup> erg/cm<sup>2</sup>/s, and ~2 deg<sup>2</sup> at a limiting flux of ~10<sup>-15</sup> erg/cm<sup>2</sup>/s. The total numbers of matches with the FIRST, IRASPSC, 2MASS, and GSC2 catalogs obtained after a closest-distance selection are 13, 87, 6700, and 4485, respectively. This table was created by the HEASARC in September 2008 based on the CDS table J/A+A/488/1221 file catalog.dat. The catalog version is BMC 1.0.1F. All sources in this version of the catalog were from observations in POINTING and TIMED ACIS read modes. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/bmwhricat
- Title:
- Brera Multi-scale Wavelet ROSAT HRI Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Brera Multi-scale Wavelet ROSAT High Resolution Imager Source Catalog (BMW-HRI) is derived from all ROSAT HRI pointed observations with exposure time longer than 100 seconds available in the ROSAT public archives. The data were analyzed automatically using a wavelet detection algorithm suited to the detection and characterization of both point-like and extended sources. This algorithm is able to detect and disentangle sources in very crowded fields and/or in presence of extended or bright sources. Images have been also visually inspected after the analysis to ensure verification. The final catalog, derived from 4,303 observations, consists of 29,089 sources detected with a detection probability of greater or equal 4.2 sigma. For each source, the primary catalog entries provide name, position, count rate, flux and extension along with the relative errors. In addition, results of cross-correlations with existing catalogs at different wavelengths (FIRST, IRAS, 2MASS, and GSC2) are also reported. As an external check, the authors compared their catalog with the previously available ROSHRICAT catalog (both in its short and long versions) and were able to recover, for the short version, ~90% of the entries. The sky coverage of the entire HRI data set was computed by means of simulations. The complete BMW-HRI catalog provides a sky coverage of 732 square degrees down to a limiting flux of ~1x10<sup>-12</sup> erg/s/cm<sup>2</sup> and of 10 square degrees down to ~1x10<sup>-14</sup> erg/s/cm<sup>2</sup>. The authors were able to compute the cosmological log(N)-log(S) distribution down to a flux of about 1.2x10<sup>-14</sup> erg/s/cm<sup>2</sup>. This catalog was ingested by the HEASARC in March 2003, based upon the <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/IX/34">CDS Catalog IX/34</a> file catalog.dat.gz. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/bnmdspecat
- Title:
- Brightest M Dwarfs in the Northern Sky Spectroscopic Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains a spectroscopic catalog of the 1564 brightest (J < 9<sup>m</sup>) M-dwarf candidates in the northern sky, as selected from the SUPERBLINK proper-motion catalog (Lepine and Shara 2005, AJ, 129, 1483). Observations confirm 1408 of the candidates to be late-K and M dwarfs with spectral subtypes K7 - M6. From the low (mu > 40 mas yr<sup>-1</sup>) proper motion limit and high level of completeness of the SUPERBLINK catalog in that magnitude range, the authors estimate that their spectroscopic census most likely includes > 90% of all existing, northern-sky M dwarfs with apparent magnitude J < 9<sup>m</sup>. Only 682 stars in this sample are listed in the Third Catalog of Nearby Stars (CNS3, Gliese and Jahreiss 1991); most others are relative unknowns and have spectroscopic data presented here for the first time. Spectral subtypes are assigned based on spectral index measurements of CaH and TiO molecular bands; a comparison of spectra from the same stars obtained at different observatories, however, reveals that spectral band index measurements are dependent on spectral resolution, spectrophotometric calibration, and other instrumental factors. As a result, the authors find that a consistent classification scheme requires that spectral indices be calibrated and corrected for each observatory/instrument used. After systematic corrections and a recalibration of the subtype-index relationships for the CaH2, CaH3, TiO5, and TiO6 spectral indices, the authors find that they can consistently and reliably classify all the stars to a half-subtype precision. The use of corrected spectral indices further requires them to recalibrate the zeta parameter, a metallicity indicator based on the ratio of TiO and CaH optical bandheads. However, the authors find that their zeta values are not sensitive enough to diagnose metallicity variations in dwarfs of subtypes M2 and earlier (+/- 0.5 dex accuracy) and are only marginally useful at later M3-M5 subtypes (+/- 0.2 dex accuracy). Fits of their spectra to the Phoenix atmospheric model grid are used to estimate effective temperatures. These suggest the existence of a plateau in the M1-M3 subtype range, in agreement with model fits of infrared spectra but at odds with photometric determinations of T<sub>eff</sub>. Existing geometric parallax measurements are extracted from the literature for 624 stars, and are used to determine spectroscopic and photometric distances for all the other stars. Active dwarfs are identified from measurements of H-alpha equivalent widths, and the authors find a strong correlation between H-alpha emission in M dwarfs and detected X-ray emission from ROSAT and/or a large UV excess in the GALEX point source catalog. Proper motion data and photometric distances are combined in order to evaluate the (U, V, W) distribution in velocity space, which is found to correlate tightly with the velocity distribution of G dwarfs in the solar neighborhood. However, active stars show a smaller dispersion in their space velocities, which is consistent with those stars being younger on average. The authors state that this catalog will be very useful for guiding the selection of the best M dwarf targets for exoplanet searches, in particular those using high-precision radial velocity measurements. This online catalog was created by the HEASARC in June 2013 based on a machine-readable version of Tables 1, 3 and 7 from the paper which were obtained from the AJ website (Tables 1 and 3) or from the first author (Table 7). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/at20gbspol
- Title:
- Bright Extra-Galactic AT20G Sources Polarizations Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains polarization data for 180 extragalactic sources extracted from the Australia Telescope 20-GHz (AT20G) survey catalog and observed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) during a dedicated, high sensitivity run (sigma<sub>P</sub> ~ 1 mJy). For the sake of completeness, the authors extracted the polarization information for seven extended sources from the 9-yr Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe co-added maps at 23 GHz. The full sample of 187 sources constitutes a ~ 99% complete sample of extragalactic sources brighter than S<sub>20GHz</sub> = 500 mJy at the selection epoch with Declination below -30<sup>o</sup>. The sample has a 91.4% detection rate in polarization at ~ 20 GHz (94% if considering the sub-sample of point-like sources). The authors have measurements also at 4.8 and 8.6 GHz within ~1 month of the 20-GHz observations for 172 sources so as to reconstruct the spectral properties of the sample in total intensity and in polarization: 143 of them have a polarization detection at all three frequencies. The authors find that there is no statistically significant evidence of a relationship either between the fraction of polarization and frequency or between the fraction of polarization and the total intensity flux density. This indicates that Faraday depolarization is not very important above 4.8 GHz and that the magnetic field is not substantially more ordered in the regions dominating the emission at higher frequencies (up to 20 GHz). The authors estimate the distribution of the polarization fraction and the polarized flux density source counts at ~20 GHz. The selection of the sample was based on the list of confirmed AT20G sources available at the epoch of these observations (2006 October). The authors selected all objects with flux density S<sub>20GHz</sub> > 500 mJy and Declination below -30<sup>o</sup>, excluding the Galactic plane region (|b| <= 1.5o^) and the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) region (inside a circle of 5.5<sup>o</sup> radius centered at RA =05:23:34.7 and Dec=-69:45:22 in J2000.0 coordinates). This resulted in a complete sample of 189 sources. The observations were taken on October 1, 2006 using the most compact hybrid configuration of ATCA, H75, excluding the data from the farthest antenna. The longest baseline of this configuration is 75 m, and its T-shape ensures adequate Fourier coverage for snapshots taken on a relatively small range of hour angles and at high elevation. In a number of cases, indicated by source_flags values of 's', 'f' or 'w', the highest frequency data is not at 18 GHz, but at 20 or 23 GHz. This table was created by the HEASARC in January 2015 based on the <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/J/MNRAS/436/2915">CDS Catalog J/MNRAS/436/2915</a> file table2.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/mdwarfasc
- Title:
- Bright M Dwarf All-Sky Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains an all-sky catalog of M dwarf stars with apparent infrared magnitude J < 10. The 8889 stars are selected from the ongoing SUPERBLINK survey of stars with proper motion mu > 40 mas yr<sup>-1</sup>, supplemented on the bright end with the Tycho-2 catalog. Completeness tests which account for kinematic (proper motion) bias suggest that this catalog represents ~75% of the estimated ~11,900 M dwarfs with J < 10 expected to populate the entire sky. The catalog is, however, significantly more complete for the northern sky (~90%) than it is for the south (~60%). Stars are identified as cool, red M dwarfs from a combination of optical and infrared color cuts, and are distinguished from background M giants and highly reddened stars using either existing parallax measurements or, if such measurements are lacking, using their location in an optical-to-infrared reduced proper motion diagram. These bright M dwarfs are all prime targets for exoplanet surveys using the Doppler radial velocity or transit methods; the combination of low-mass and bright apparent magnitude should make possible the detection of Earth-size planets on short-period orbits using currently available techniques. Parallax measurements, when available, and photometric distance estimates are provided for all stars, and these place most systems within 60 pc of the Sun. Spectral type estimated from V-J color shows that most of the stars range from K7 to M4, with only a few late M dwarfs, all within 20 pc. Proximity to the Sun also makes these stars good targets for high-resolution exoplanet imaging searches, especially if younger objects can be identified on the basis of X-ray or UV excess. For that purpose, we include X-ray flux from ROSAT and FUV/NUV ultraviolet magnitudes from GALEX for all stars for which a counterpart can be identified in those catalogs. Additional photometric data include optical magnitudes from Digitized Sky Survey plates and infrared magnitudes from the Two Micron All Sky Survey. This table was first created by the HEASARC in October 2011 based on electronic versions of Tables 1 and 2 from the reference paper which were obtained from the AJ web site. A slightly revised version based on corrected versions of the input tables received from the author was ingested in December 2011. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/bsc5p
- Title:
- Bright Star Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The BSC5P database table contains data derived from the Bright Star Catalog, 5th Edition, preliminary, which is widely used as a source of basic astronomical and astrophysical data for stars brighter than magnitude 6.5. The database contains the identifications of included stars in several other widely-used catalogs, double- and multiple-star identifications, indication of variability and variable-star identifiers, equatorial positions for B1900.0 and J2000.0, galactic coordinates, UBVRI photoelectric photometric data when they exist, spectral types on the Morgan-Keenan (MK) classification system, proper motions (J2000.0), parallax, radial- and rotational-velocity data, and multiple-star information (number of components, separation, and magnitude differences) for known non-single stars. This table was created by the HEASARC in 1995 based upon a file obtained from either the ADC or the CDS. A number of revisions have been made by the HEASARC to this original version, e.g., celestial positions were added for the 14 non-stellar objects which have received HR numbers: HR 92, 95, 182, 1057, 1841, 2472, 2496, 3515, 3671, 6309, 6515, 7189, 7539 and 8296. In January 2014, the very incorrect position for HR 3671 = NGC 2808 was fixed (the Declination is -65 degrees not +65 degrees!), and smaller corrections were made to the positions of HR 2496, 3515 and 6515 so as to bring them in better agreement with the positions listed in SIMBAD and NED This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/bhrfscid
- Title:
- Byurakan/Hamburg/ROSAT Catalog of Optical IDs
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains the Byurakan/Hamburg/ROSAT Catalog (BHRC) of the optical identifications of X-ray sources. The BHRC includes all 2791 X-ray sources from the ROSAT Faint Source Catalog (ROSAT-FSC, CDS Catalog <IX/29>) with galactic latitude |b| >= 30 degrees, declination >= 0 degrees, and ROSAT PSPC count rate CR > 0.04 ct/s. The optical identifications were carried out using the Hamburg Quasar Survey (HQS) digitized spectroscopic plates, the DSS1 and DSS2 (blue, red, and IR) images, the MAPS photometric data, the USNO-B1.0 (for proper motion), the NVSS and FIRST radio, and the IRAS and 2MASS infrared catalogs. From the DSS images, positional, brightness, color, extension, variability, and proper-motion information, the optical-to-X-ray positional offsets were obtained and a morphological classification was made. Available SIMBAD and NED data were also utilized. Cross-correlations were made with AGN, white dwarf, and cataclysmic variable catalogs (322, 8 and 7 associations, respectively). The authors managed to identify 97% of the sources (2696/2791 sources) that are associated with 3202 optical objects. 2248 X-ray sources have a single optical counterpart, 144 have a double or multiple optical counterpart (binaries, galaxy groups, etc.), and 304 have ambiguous identifications (some of the latter might actually be blends of two X-ray sources that were not resolved by ROSAT). The QSOs and AGN represent the largest group of X-ray counterparts (56.2%); bright stars (including late-type stars, but excluding WDs and CVs) are counterparts for 33.2% of the sources, and bright galaxies and groups of galaxies comprise 9.2%. A number of close galaxy pairs (possibly interacting/merging galaxies) are found as counterparts for X-ray sources (3.0%), as well as 1.0% WDs and 0.4% CVs. The BHRC may be used for the selection and study of samples of the various classes of X-ray emitters: the table gives all the available multiwavelength data for the identified sources. This table was created by the HEASARC in June 2006 based on CDS table J/A+A/449/425/table1.dat This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/cyder
- Title:
- Calan-Yale Deep Extragalactic Research Survey X-Ray Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The main goal of the Calan-Yale Deep Extragalactic Research (CYDER) Survey X-ray survey is to study serendipitous X-ray sources detected by Chandra in an intermediate flux range (10<sup>-15</sup> to 10<sup>-12</sup> ergs/s) that comprises most of the X-ray background. A total of 267 X-ray sources spread over five archived fields were detected. The log N - log S distribution obtained for this sample is consistent with the results of other surveys. Deep V and I images were taken of these fields in order to calculate X-ray-to-optical flux ratios. Identifications and redshifts were obtained for 106 sources using optical spectroscopy from 8 m class telescopes to reach the optically faintest sources, to the same level as deeper X-ray fields like the Chandra Deep Fields, showing that the nature of sources detected depends mostly on the optical limit for spectroscopy. This table was created by the HEASARC in March 2007 based on the CDS table J/ApJ/621/104, file table4.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/cgpsngpcat
- Title:
- Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) 1420-MHz Compact Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains a catalog of compact sources of radio emission at 1420 MHz in the northern Galactic plane from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS). The catalog contains 72,758 compact sources with an angular size less than 3 arcminutes within the Galactic longitude range 52 < l<sub>II</sub> < 192 degrees down to a 5-sigma detection level of ~1.2 mJy. Linear polarization properties are included for 12,368 sources with signals greater than 4 x sigma<sub>QU</sub> in the CGPS Stokes Q and U images at the position of the total intensity peak. In the reference paper, the authors compare the CGPS flux densities with the catalogued flux densities in the Northern VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) catalog for 10,897 isolated unresolved sources with CGPS flux density greater than 4 mJy in order to search for sources that show variable flux density on timescales of several years. They identify 146 candidate variables that exhibit high fractional variations between the two surveys. In addition, they identify 13 candidate transient sources that have CGPS flux density above 10 mJy but that are not detected in the NVSS. In the CGPS, the Synthesis Telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (the DRAO ST) provided arcminute-resolution images of the radio continuum and atomic-hydrogen line emission of the northern Galactic Plane. The CGPS DRAO radio continuum observations provided images of Stokes I, Q, and U in four 7.5-MHz sub-bands spanning 35 MHz, centered on 1420 MHz. The observations were carried out in three phases beginning in 1995 and ending in 2009. The sky coverage of each phase and the observing dates are listed in Table 1 of the reference paper. The Galactic plane was covered with a width in Galactic latitude of 9 degrees, centered at b<sub>II</sub> = 1 degree to accommodate the warp of the Galactic disk. The longitude coverage was constrained by the southern Declination limit of ~20 degrees, the range that could be effectively imaged by a linear east-west synthesis telescope array. The Phase II observations included an extension to higher latitudes (b<sub>II</sub> = 17.5 degrees) over a restricted range of longitude. In this table, we present the CGPS 1420-MHz compact source catalog covering 1,464 square degrees and spanning a range of 140 degrees of Galactic longitude between 52 and 192 degrees. This table was created by the HEASARC in June 2017 based upon a machine-readable version of Table 2 from the reference paper that was obtained from the AJ web site. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .