- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/142/2
- Title:
- Burrell-Optical-Kepler-Survey (BOKS). I.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/142/2
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the initial results of a 40 night contiguous ground-based campaign of time series photometric observations of a 1.39deg^2^ field located within the NASA Kepler Mission field of view. The goal of this pre-launch survey was to search for transiting extrasolar planets and to provide independent variability information of stellar sources. We have gathered a data set containing light curves of 54,687 stars from which we have created a statistical sub-sample of 13,786 stars between 14<r<18.5 and have statistically examined each light curve to test for variability. We present a summary of our preliminary photometric findings including the overall level and content of stellar variability in this portion of the Kepler field and give some examples of unusual variable stars found within. We present a preliminary catalog of 2,457 candidate variable stars, of which 776 show signs of periodicity. We also present three potential exoplanet candidates, all of which should be observable by the Kepler mission.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/465/943
- Title:
- BVI and RV curves of 5 eclipsing binaries
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/465/943
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We detected tertiary components of close binaries from spectroscopy and light curve modelling, investigated the light-travel time effect and the possibility of magnetic activity cycles, measured mass ratios for unstudied systems, and derived absolute parameters. We carried out new photometric and spectroscopic observations of five bright close eclipsing binaries, predominantly in the southern skies. We obtained full Johnson BV light curves, which were modelled with the Wilson-Devinney code. Radial velocities were measured with the cross-correlation method using IAU radial velocity standards as spectral templates. Period changes were studied with the O-C method, utilising published epochs of minimum light (XY Leo) and ASAS photometry (VZ Lib). For three objects (DX Tuc, QY Hya, V870 Ara), absolute parameters have been determined for the first time. We spectroscopically detected the tertiary components in XY Leo and VZ Lib and discovered one in QY Hya. For XY Leo we updated the light-time effect parameters and detected a secondary periodicity of about 5100d in the O-C diagram that may hint at the existence of short-period magnetic cycles. A combination of recent photometric data shows that the orbital period of the tertiary star in VZ Lib is likely to be over 1500d. QY Hya is a semi-detached X-ray active binary in a triple system with K and M-type components, while V870 Ara is a contact binary with the third smallest spectroscopic mass ratio for a W UMa star to date. Being close to the theoretical minimum for contact binaries, this small mass ratio suggests that V870 Ara has the potential of constraining evolutionary scenarios of binary mergers. The inferred distances to these systems are compatible with the Hipparcos parallaxes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/129/1596
- Title:
- BVI photometric variability survey of M3
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/129/1596
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have conducted a three-band (BVI) variability survey of the globular cluster M3. This is the first three-band survey of the cluster using modern image subtraction techniques. Observations were made over nine nights in 1998 on the 1.2m telescope at the F. L. Whipple Observatory in Arizona. We present photometry for 180 variable stars in the M3 field, 12 of which are newly discovered. New discoveries include six SX Phoenicis-type variables that all lie in the blue straggler region of the color-magnitude diagram, two new first-overtone RR Lyrae variables, a candidate multimode RR Lyrae variable, a detached eclipsing binary, and two unclassified variables. We also provide revised periods for 52 of the 168 previously known variables that we observe.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AcA/48/563
- Title:
- BVI photometry of OGLE SMC eclipsing binaries
- Short Name:
- J/AcA/48/563
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the catalog of 1459 eclipsing binary stars detected in the central 2.4 square degree area of the Small Magellanic Cloud during the OGLE-II microlensing search. The sample includes objects brighter than I~20mag with periods ranging from about 0.3 to 250 days. The average completeness of the catalog is about 80%. Statistics of the entire sample and well detached systems, suitable for distance determination, are also presented.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/459/321
- Title:
- BV photometry of M31 eclipsing binaries
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/459/321
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Broad band photometry (in Johnson B and V) has been obtained in a region (34'x34') at the North-Eastern quadrant of M31 over 5 years (1999-2003) at the Isaac Newton Telescope (La Palma, Spain). The data, containing more than 250 observations per filter, have been reduced by means of the so-called difference image analysis technique and the DAOPHOT program. A catalog with 236238 objects with photometry in both B and V passbands has been obtained. The catalog is the deepest (V<25.5mag) obtained so far in the studied region and contains 3964 identified variable stars, with 437 eclipsing binaries and 416 Cepheids.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/483/253
- Title:
- BV photometry of NGC 2099 variables
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/483/253
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Rotation and solar-type magnetic activity are closely related to each other in main-sequence stars of G or later spectral types. The presence and level of magnetic activity depend on star's rotation, and rotation itself is strongly influenced by strength and topology of the magnetic fields. Open clusters represent especially useful targets to investigate the connection between rotation and activity. The open cluster NGC 2099 has been studied as a part of the RACE-OC project (Rotation and ACtivity Evolution in Open Clusters), which is aimed at exploring the evolution of rotation and magnetic activity in the late-type members of open clusters of different ages. We collected time series CCD photometric observations of this cluster in January 2004, and we determined the presence of periodicities in the flux variation related to the stellar rotation by Fourier analysis. We investigate the relations between activity manifestations, such as the light curve amplitude, and global stellar parameters. We have discovered 135 periodic variables, 122 of which are candidate cluster members. Determination of rotation periods of G- and K-type stars has allowed us to better explore the evolution of angular momentum at an age of about 500Myr. In our analysis, we have also identified 3 new detached eclipsing binary candidates among cluster members. A comparison with the older Hyades cluster (~625Myr) shows that the newly-determined distribution of rotation periods is consistent with the scenario of rotational braking of main-sequence spotted stars as they age. However, a comparison with the younger M34 cluster (~200Myr) shows that the G8-K5 members of these clusters have the same rotation period distribution. That is, G8-K5 members in NGC 2099 seem to have experienced no significant braking in the age range from ~200 to ~500Myr. Finally, NGC 2099 members have a smaller level of photospheric magnetic activity, as measured by light curve amplitude, than in younger stars of the same mass and rotation, suggesting that the activity level also depends on some other age-dependent parameters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/152/120
- Title:
- BV photometry of V532 Mon
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/152/120
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The first two sets of complete charge-coupled device light curves in the B and V bands of the short-period binary system, V532 Mon, are presented. The light curves are analyzed with spot models using the Wilson-Devinney code. V532 Mon is found to be an A-subtype intermediate-contact binary with a degree of contact factor of f=47.1%(+/-2.7%), a mass ratio of q=0.2502(+/-0.0019), and a cool spot on the primary component. The period changes of the system are investigated by combining newly determined times of light minimum with others published in the literature. We found that the general trend of the observed-calculated (O-C) curve shows a downward parabolic variation that corresponds to a long-term decrease in the orbital period at a rate of dP/dt=-1.716(+/-0.002)*10^-7^dyr^-1^. The long-term decrease of the orbital period can be explained by mass transfer from the more-massive component to the less massive one. The long-time period decrease, the intermediate-contact configuration, and the astrophysical parameters of the binary system suggest that V532 Mon will evolve into high fill-out, extreme mass-ratio overcontact binaries.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/539/A129
- Title:
- BVRI light curves of 3 eclipsing binaries
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/539/A129
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We aim to derive the absolute parameters of the components of AD And, AL Cam, and V338 Her, interpret their orbital period changes and discuss their evolutionary status. New and complete multi-filter light curves of the eclipsing binaries AD And, AL Cam, and V338 Her were obtained and analysed with modern methods. Using all reliably observed times of minimum light, we examined orbital period irregularities using the least squares method. In addition, we acquired new spectroscopic observations during the secondary eclipses for AL Cam and V338 Her. For AL Cam and V338 Her, we derive reliable spectral types for their primary stars. Statistical checks of orbital period analysis for all systems are very reassuring in the cases of V338 Her and AD And, although less so for AL Cam. The LIght-Time Effect (LITE) results are checked by inclusion of a third light option in the photometric analyses. Light curve solutions provide the means to calculate the absolute parameters of the components of the systems and reliably estimate their present evolutionary status. AL Cam and V338 Her are confirmed as classical Algols of relatively low mass in similar configurations. Unlike AL Cam, however, V338 Her is still transferring matter between its components, raising interest in the determinability of the evolutionary histories of Algols. AD And is found to be a detached system in which both close stars are of age 10^9^yr and is probably a "non-classical" young triple, at an interesting stage of its dynamical evolution.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/157/3
- Title:
- BVRI light curves of the binary QS Vir
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/157/3
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We observed the post-common-envelope eclipsing binary with a white dwarf component, QS Vir, using the 1.88 m telescope of Kotammia Observatory in Egypt. The new observations were analyzed together with all multicolor light curves available online (sampling a period of 25 yr), using a full-feature binary system modeling software based on Roche geometry. This is the first time complete photometric modeling was done with most of these data. QS Vir is a detached system, with the red dwarf component underfilling its Roche lobe by a small margin. All light curves feature out-of-eclipse variability that is associated with ellipsoidal variation, mutual irradiation and irregularities in surface brightness of the tidally distorted and magnetically active red dwarf. We tested models with one, two, and three dark spots and found that one spot is sufficient to account for the light curve asymmetry in all data sets, although this does not rule out the presence of multiple spots. We also found that a single spotted model cannot fit light curves observed simultaneously in different filters. Instead, each filter requires a different spot configuration. To thoroughly explore the parameter space of spot locations, we devised a grid-search procedure and used it to find consistent solutions. Based on this, we conclude that the dark spot responsible for light curve distortions has been stable for the past 15 yr, after a major migration that happened between 1993 and 2002, possibly due to a flip-flop event.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/133/2696
- Title:
- BVRI light curves of Westerlund 1 stars
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/133/2696
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This paper presents the first optical variability study of the Westerlund 1 super star cluster in search of massive eclipsing binary systems. A total of 129 new variable stars have been identified, including the discovery of 4 eclipsing binaries that are cluster members, 1 additional candidate, 8 field binaries, 19 field delta Scuti stars, 3 field W UMa eclipsing binaries, 13 other periodic variables, and 81 long-period or nonperiodic variables. These include the known luminous blue variable, the B[e] star, 11 Wolf-Rayet stars, several supergiants, and other reddened stars that are likely members of Westerlund 1. The bright X-ray source corresponding to the Wolf-Rayet star WR 77o (B) is found to be a 3.51 day eclipsing binary. The discovery of a reddened detached eclipsing binary system implies the first identification of main-sequence stars in Westerlund 1.