We present deep wide-field VI CCD photometry of the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph) in the Local Group, covering a field of 42'x28' located at the center of the galaxy (supplemented by short B photometry). The limiting magnitudes with 50% completeness are V=24.4mag and I=23.6mag.
We present B, V and I CCD stellar photometry for a sample of 20 field irregular dwarf galaxies. Their corrected radial velocity is V_0_<500km/s. Most of them have been resolved into stars for the first time. Based on photometry of their brightest blue stars we have derived the following distances: 5.9Mpc (UGC 685), 5.4Mpc (UGC 1281), 7.2Mpc (UGC 3303), 7.0Mpc (UGC 3476), 7.3:Mpc (UGC 3600), 7.2:Mpc (UGC 3698), 7.9Mpc (NGC 2337), 8.6Mpc (UGC 3817), 5.7Mpc (UGC 3860), 5.6Mpc (UGC 4426), >=7.9Mpc (F 565-v1), 7.4:Mpc (UGC 5086), 7.1Mpc (UGC 5272), 5.9Mpc (UGC 5340), 7.1Mpc (UGC 5427), 2.7:Mpc (UGC 5456), 6.6Mpc (NGC 3274), 9.3Mpc (UGC 5889), 5.2Mpc (NGC 5238), and 8.0Mpc (UGC 9405). Our sample exhibits diverse morphological properties evidently caused by their different starburst activity. The galaxy sample has a median integral absolute magnitude M_B_=-14.6 and a median integral colour (B-V)_T_=+0.47. One dwarf, UGC 5340, stands out by its very blue colour, (B-V)_T_=+0.18, and by its high M(HI)/L ratio, as expected for young galaxies. Four objects of the sample are IRAS sources. Being well isolated systems, the considered galaxies may be used to estimate a local value of the Hubble parameter, H=V_0_/D. For half of the sample galaxies their individual H- values are concentrated within [58-68]km/s/Mpc with a median of 65km/s/Mpc.
We present high-resolution HST imaging in the optical (WFPC2) and near-infrared (NICMOS) of a disk region 1kpc northeast of the starburst core in the nearby galaxy M82.
BVI phot. of CFRS 0300+00 & 1415+52 fields galaxies
Short Name:
21 Oct 2021
This catalog contains 75 field galaxies in two 10'x10' CFRS fields 0300+00 and 1415+52 with HST/WFPC2 image and deep ISOCAM observations. They are not detected in the ISO observations to a detection limit of 300{mu}Jy at 5{sigma} level. Magnitudes and Structural parameters in three HST bands and according morphological classification are presented
We study the photometric and structural properties of the star cluster system in the late type Sc spiral NGC 3370. BVI observations from the Advanced Camera for Surveys on board of HST are used to analyse in detail the colours, magnitudes and spatial properties of cluster candidates. The final catalogue of sources used for the study is composed by 277 objects.
We present BVI photometry of 190 galaxies in the central 4x3deg^2^ region of the Fornax cluster observed with the Michigan Curtis Schmidt Telescope. Results from the Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey (FCSS) and the Flair-II Fornax Surveys have been used to confirm the membership status of galaxies in the Fornax Cluster Catalogue (FCC, Cat. <VII/180>). In our catalogue of 213 member galaxies, 92 (43 per cent) have confirmed radial velocities.
Based on 13 nights of observations of four fields in NGC 300, we have set up an extensive sequence of stars with accurate BVI photometry covering a relatively large (25'x25') region centered on this galaxy. This sequence of standard stars is very useful for calibrating the photometry of variable stars and other objects in NGC 300 and other galaxies obtained from wide-field mosaic images. Our standard-star list contains B, V, and I measurements for 390 stars. The accuracy of the zero points in the V filter and B-V color is better than 0.02mag, and about 0.03mag for the V-I color. We found very good agreement between our measurements and those previously obtained by Walker for 26 stars near NGC 300.
We report on a multiwavelength study of the relationship between young star clusters in the Antennae galaxies (NGC 4038/9) and their interstellar environment, with the goal of understanding the formation and feedback effects of star clusters in merging galaxies.
The DIRECT project aims to determine direct distances to two important galaxies in the cosmological distance ladder - M31 and M33 - using detached eclipsing binaries (DEBs) and Cepheids. The search for these variables requires time-series photometry of large areas of the target galaxies and yields magnitudes and positions for tens of thousands of stellar objects, which may be of use to the astronomical community at large. During the first phase of the project, between 1996 September and 1997 October, we were awarded 95 nights on the F. L. Whipple Observatory 1.2 m telescope and 36 nights on the Michigan-Dartmouth-MIT 1.3 m telescope to search for DEBs and Cepheids in the M31 and M33 galaxies. This paper, the first in our series of stellar catalogs, lists the positions, three-color photometry, and variability indices of 57,581 stars with 14.4<V<23.6 in the central part of M33. The catalog is available from our FTP site.
We identify and phase a sample of 107 Cepheids with 10days<P<100days in M81 (NGC 3031) using the Large Binocular Telescope and calibrate their B, V, and I mean magnitudes with archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data. The use of a ground-based telescope to identify and phase the Cepheids and HST only for the final calibration reduces the demand on this highly oversubscribed spacecraft by nearly an order of magnitude and yields period-luminosity (PL) relations with dispersions comparable to the best LMC samples. We fit the sample using the OGLE-II LMC PL relations and are unable to find a self-consistent distance for different band combinations or radial locations within M81. We find a distance modulus for M81, relative to the LMC, of {mu}M_81_-{mu}_LMC_=9.39+/-0.14mag, including uncertainties due to the metallicity corrections. This corresponds to a distance to M81 of 3.6+/-0.2Mpc, assuming an LMC distance modulus of 18.41mag.