- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/427/3159
- Title:
- Quantified HI morphology. VI. NUV/FUV
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/427/3159
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Extended ultraviolet (XUV) discs have been found in a substantial fraction of late-type - S0, spiral and irregular - galaxies. Similarly, most late-type spirals have an extended gas disc, observable in the 21-cm radio line (HI). The morphology of galaxies can be quantified well using a series of scale-invariant parameters; concentration-asymmetry-smoothness (CAS), Gini, M_20_, and G_M_ parameters. In this series of papers, we apply these to HI column density maps to identify mergers and interactions, lopsidedness and now XUV discs. In this paper, we compare the quantified morphology and effective radius (R_50_) of the Westerbork observations of neutral Hydrogen in Irregular and SPiral galaxies Project (WHISP) HI maps to those of far- and near-ultraviolet images obtained with GALEX, to explore how close the morphology and scales of HI and UV in these discs correlate. We find that XUV discs do not stand out by their effective radii in UV or HI. However, the concentration index in far-ultraviolet (FUV) appears to select some XUV discs. And known XUV discs can be identified via a criterion using asymmetry and M_20_; 80 per cent of XUV discs are included but with 55 per cent contamination. This translates into 61 candidate XUV disc out of our 266 galaxies, 23 per cent consistent with previous findings. Otherwise, the UV and HI morphology parameters do not appear closely related.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/592/A94
- Title:
- Radio continuum and gas reservoir in NGC 3998
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/592/A94
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the nearby lenticular galaxy NGC 3998. This galaxy is known to host a low-power radio AGN with a kpc-size one-sided jet and a large, nearly polar HI disc. It is therefore a good system to study to understand the relation between the availability of cold-gas and the triggering of AGNs in galaxies. Our new WSRT data reveal two faint, S-shaped radio lobes extending out to ~10 kpc from the galaxy centre. Remarkably, we find that the inner HI disc warps back towards the stellar mid-plane in a way that mirrors the warping of the radio lobes. We suggest that the polar HI disc was accreted through a minor merger, and that the torques causing it to warp in the inner regions are also responsible for feeding the AGN. The "S" shape of the radio lobes would then be due to the radio jets adapting to the changing angular momentum of the accreted gas. The extended radio jets are likely poorly collimated, which would explain their quick fading and, therefore, their rarity in galaxies similar to NGC 3998. The fuelling of the central super-massive black hole is likely occurring via "discrete events", suggested by the observed variability of the radio core and the extremely high core dominance, which we attribute to the formation and ejection of a new jet resulting from a recent fuelling event.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/592/A142
- Title:
- Reduced high-resolution HI and CO data cubes
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/592/A142
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Intermediate-velocity clouds (IVCs) are HI halo clouds that are likely related to a Galactic fountain process. In-falling IVCs are candidates for the re-accretion of matter onto the Milky Way. Aims. We study the evolution of IVCs at the disk-halo interface, focussing on the transition from atomic to molecular IVCs. We compare an atomic IVC to a molecular IVC and characterise their structural differences in order to investigate how molecular IVCs form high above the Galactic plane. With high-resolution HI observations of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope and ^12^CO(1-0) and ^13^CO(1-0) observations with the IRAM 30m telescope, we analyse the small-scale structures within the two clouds. By correlating HI and far-infrared (FIR) dust continuum emission from the Planck satellite, the distribution of molecular hydrogen (H_2_) is estimated. We conduct a detailed comparison of the HI, FIR, and CO data and study variations of the XCO conversion factor. The atomic IVC does not disclose detectable CO emission. The atomic small-scale structure, as revealed by the high-resolution HI data, shows low peak HI column densities and low HI fluxes as compared to the molecular IVC. The molecular IVC exhibits a rich molecular structure and most of the CO emission is observed at the eastern edge of the cloud. There is observational evidence that the molecular IVC is in a transient and, thus, non- equilibrium phase. The average XCO factor is close to the canonical value of the Milky Way disk. We propose that the two IVCs represent different states in a gradual transition from atomic to molecular clouds. The molecular IVC appears to be more condensed allowing the formation of H_2_ and CO in shielded regions all over the cloud. Ram pressure may accumulate gas and thus facilitate the formation of H_2_. We show evidence that the atomic IVC will evolve also into a molecular IVC in a few Myr.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/117/2039
- Title:
- Sc galaxies I photometry, 21cm data
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/117/2039
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A compilation of 21 cm line spectral parameters specifically designed for application of the Tully-Fisher (TF) distance method is presented for 1201 spiral galaxies, primarily field Sc galaxies, for which optical I-band photometric imaging is also available. New H I line spectra have been obtained for 881 galaxies. For an additional 320 galaxies, spectra available in a digital archive have been reexamined to allow application of a single algorithm for the derivation of the TF velocity width parameter. A velocity width algorithm is used that provides a robust measurement of rotational velocity and permits an estimate of the error on that width taking into account the effects of instrumental broadening and signal-to-noise. The digital data are used to establish regression relations between measurements of velocity widths using other common prescriptions so that comparable widths can be derived through conversion of values published in the literature. The uniform H I line widths presented here provide the rotational velocity measurement to be used in deriving peculiar velocities via the TF method.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/809/146
- Title:
- SDSS-DR8 isolated low-mass galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/809/146
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the baryon content of low-mass galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS DR8), focusing on galaxies in isolated environments where the complicating physics of galaxy-galaxy interactions are minimized. We measure neutral hydrogen (HI) gas masses and line widths for 148 isolated galaxies with stellar mass between 10^7^ and 10^9.5^M_{sun}_. We compare isolated low-mass galaxies to more massive galaxies and galaxies in denser environments by remeasuring HI emission lines from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey 40% data release. All isolated low-mass galaxies either have large atomic gas fractions or large atomic gas fractions cannot be ruled out via their upper limits. We measure a median atomic gas fraction of f_gas_=0.81+/-0.13 for our isolated low-mass sample with no systems below 0.30. At all stellar masses, the correlations between galaxy radius, baryonic mass, and velocity width are not significantly affected by environment. Finally, we estimate a median baryon to total dynamical mass fraction of f_baryon,disk_=0.15+/-0.17. We also estimate two different median baryon to halo mass fractions using the results of semi-analytic models (f_baryon,disk_=0.04+/-0.06) and abundance matching (f_baryon,halo_=0.04+/-0.02). Baryon fractions estimated directly using HI observations appear independent of environment and maximum circular velocity, while baryon fractions estimated using abundance matching show a significant depletion of baryons at low maximum circular velocities.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/547/L1
- Title:
- SDSS-III DR9 DLA catalogue
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/547/L1
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a study of the column density distribution and cosmological mass density of neutral gas from a survey of Damped Lyman-alpha systems in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III Data Release 9.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/394/340
- Title:
- SDSS photometry of HI-selected galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/394/340
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have used the Parkes Multibeam system and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to assemble a sample of 195 galaxies selected originally from their HI signature to avoid biases against unevolved or low surface brightness objects. For each source nine intrinsic properties are measured homogeneously, as well as inclination and an optical spectrum. The sample, which should be almost entirely free of either misidentification or confusion, includes a wide diversity of galaxies ranging from inchoate, low surface brightness dwarfs to giant spirals. Despite this diversity there are five clear correlations among their properties. They include a common dynamical mass-to-light ratio within their optical radii, a correlation between surface brightness and luminosity and a common HI surface density. Such correlation should provide strong constrains on models of galaxy formation and evolution.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/478/3447
- Title:
- SDSS post-merger galaxies HI data
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/478/3447
- Date:
- 10 Dec 2021 00:08:38
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a detailed assessment of the global atomic hydrogen gas fraction (f_gas_=log[M_HI_/M*) in a sample of post-merger galaxies identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Archival HI measurements of 47 targets are combined with new Arecibo observations of a further 51 galaxies. The stellar mass range of the post-merger sample, our observing strategy, detection thresholds and data analysis procedures replicate those of the extended GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey (xGASS) which can therefore be used as a control sample. Our principal results are (1) the post-merger sample shows a ~50 per cent higher HI detection fraction compared with xGASS; (2) accounting for non-detections, the median atomic gas fraction of the post-merger sample is larger than the control sample by 0.3-0.6dex; and (3) the median atomic gas fraction enhancement ({Delta}f_gas_), computed on a galaxy-by-galaxy basis at fixed stellar mass, is 0.51dex. Our results demonstrate that recently merged galaxies are typically a factor of ~3 more HI rich than control galaxies of the same M* If the control sample is additionally matched in star formation rate, the median H I excess is reduced to {Delta}f_gas_=0.2dex, showing that the enhanced atomic gas fractions in post-mergers are not purely a reflection of changes in star formation activity. We conclude that merger-induced starbursts and outflows do not lead to prompt quenching via exhaustion/expulsion of the galactic gas reservoirs. Instead, we propose that if star formation ceases after a merger, it is more likely due to an enhanced turbulence which renders the galaxy unable to effectively form new stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/884/82
- Title:
- SDSS, WISE and HI data of local spiral galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/884/82
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The emerging light from a galaxy is under the influence of its own interstellar medium, as well as its spatial orientation. Considering a sample of 2239 local spiral galaxies in optical (Sloan Digital Sky Survey u, g, r, i, and z) and infrared bands (WISE W1, W1), we study the dependency of the global intrinsic attenuation in spiral galaxies on their morphologies, sizes, and spatial inclinations. Reddening is minimal at the extremes of low mass and gas depletion and maximal in galaxies that are relatively massive and metal-rich and still retain substantial gas reserves. A principal component constructed from observables that monitor galaxy mass, relative H i content to old stars, and infrared surface brightness is strongly correlated with the amplitude of obscuration. We determine both a parametric model for dust obscuration and a nonparametric model based on the Gaussian process formalism. An average dust attenuation curve is derived for wavelengths between 0.36 and 4.5{mu}m.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/147/187
- Title:
- Second list of the Karachentsev catalog
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/147/187
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Table2 presents the results of HI observations of 78 'nearby dwarf galaxies' from Karachentseva et al. (1999A&AS..135..221K) obtained with the 100-m radio telescope at Effelsberg. This survey covers an area limited by R.A.[14h,23h30] and Dec[-20d,+60d] including the nearest cosmic void : R.A.[18h38m], Dec[+18d], V_0_<1500km/s.