ARI's "Geschichte des Fixsternhimmels" is an attempt to collect all
astrometrically useful observations from before ca. 1970 in a way
comparable to what has been done to construct the FK* series of
fundamental catalogs. About 7e6 published positions are included.
In GAVO's DC, we provide tables of identified and non-identified stars
together with the master catalog that objects were identified against.
The Wide-Field Plate Database (WFPDB_) contains the descriptive information
for the astronomical wide-field (>1°) photographic observations stored in
numerous archives all over the world. The total number of these
observations, obtained since the end of the 19th century with more
then 200 instruments (telescopes) is about 2 550 000 from 509 archives.
The WFPDB is continually being updated, providing currently access to the
information for about 640 000 plates from 117 plate archives (30% of the
estimated total number of wide-field plates)
.. _WFPDB: