Currently, the global characteristics and evolution of super star clusters (SSCs) are not well understood, due to the large distances to their host galaxies. We aim to study the population of SSCs in IRAS 17138-1017, a luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG), in terms of age, extinction, mass, and luminosity distribution. We analyzed imaging data in the near-infrared from the GeMS/GSAOI instrument on the Gemini telescope and generated simulations with the radiative transfer code MontAGN. The extraction of SSCs from the images and their photometry in J, H, and Ks allowed us to derive color-color and color-magnitude diagrams. Comparison with a theoretical stellar evolutionary track gives a first hint into the extinction towards each SSC, as well as their ages, despite some degeneracy between those two quantities. Spectra given by our radiative transfer code MontAGN, which includes dust emission, also provide insightful predictions and comparisons. We detect with a fair degree of confidence 54 SSCs of m_Ks between 16 mag and 21 mag with a median instrumental uncertainty of 0.05 mag. When plotted on a color-color diagram and a color-magnitude diagram, it appears that most of the sources are very much extinct with respect to an intrinsic theoretical evolutionary track. Once de-reddened, the colors point unambiguously to two distinct and very recent starburst episodes at 2.8 and 4.5Myr. While the SSCs in the 4.5Myr starburst are distributed along the spiral arms, the 2.8Myr SSCs are concentrated in the central region. The luminosity and mass functions present a classical power-law behavior, although with shallower slopes than generally observed in LIRGs. Comparison with radiative transfer simulations shows that, especially for the youngest SSCs, the thermal emission by dust is not negligible and could explain the few very red SSCs that could not be de-reddened safely. This effect could lead to a misevaluation of the age of the starburst by at most 1 or 2Myr.
We present a ~1.5x8{deg}^2^ (220x1195pc^2^) multiband imaging photometer for Spitzer 24um image of the Galactic center (GC) and an accompanying point-source list. This image is the highest spatial resolution (6"~0.25pc) and sensitivity map ever taken across the GC at this wavelength, showing the emission by warm dust in unprecedented detail. Over 120000 point sources are identified in this catalog with signal-to-noise ratios greater than five and flux densities from 0.6mJy to 9Jy.
This catalogue contains 1602 entries. It was created to list objects that have similar near- and mid-infrared characteristics than R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars which are supergiant and hydrogen-deficient stars known to possess a hot circumstellar shell. It is therefore a catalogue enriched with RCB stars and further spectroscopic follow-ups are needed to reveal the nature of each object. The catalogue was produced from a series of selection criteria on the infrared colour of sources published in the Preliminary WISE data release (2011). These sources spread over 57% of the entire sky. They have also all been detected in each J, H and K bands of the 2MASS catalogue.
Cross identifications between the General Catalogue of Galactic S Stars (GCGSS), the IRAS Point Source Catalogue (PSC), and the Guide Star Catalogue (GSC) are presented. The purpose of the present catalogue is i) to provide a clean sample of S stars with far-IR data, and ii) to provide accurate GSC positions for S stars, superseding those listed in the GCGSS. The IRAS colour-colour diagram and the galactic distribution of S stars associated with an IRAS source are presented. Several S stars having extended images in at least one IRAS band have also been identified.
An all-sky survey of loop- and arc-like intensity enhancements has been performed in order to investigate the large-scale structure of the diffuse far-infrared emission. We used maps made of 60 and 100um processed IRAS data (Sky Survey Atlas and dust infrared emission maps) to identify large-scale structures: loops, arcs or cavities, in the far-infrared emission in the Galaxy. Distances were attributed to a subsample of loops using associated objects. We identified 462 far-infrared loops, analyzed their individual FIR properties and their distribution. This data forms the Catalogue of Far-Infrared Loops in the Galaxy. We obtained observational estimates of f_in~30% and f_out~5% for the hot gas volume filling factor of the inward and outward Galactic neighbourhood of the Solar System. We obtained a slope of the power law size luminosity function {beta}=1.37 for low Galactic latitudes in the outer Milky Way. Deviations in the celestial distribution of far-infrared loops clearly indicate, that violent events frequently overwrite the structure of the interstellar matter in the inner Galaxy. Our objects trace out the spiral arm structure of the Galaxy in the neighbourhood of the Sun and their distribution clearly suggests that there is an efficient process that can generate loop-like features at high Galactic latitudes. Power law indices of size luminosity distributions suggest, that the structure of the ISM is ruled by supernovae and stellar winds at low Galactic latitudes while it is governed by supersonic turbulence above the Galactic plane.
The published report was prepared by R.T. Hall (1974) for the Space and Missile systems Organization, Air Force System Command. The machine version includes a 10-micrometer catalog number, object name, right ascension and declination (B1950), galactic coordinates, proper motions, spectral types, magnitudes in the V(0.55um), I(0.84um), K(2.2um) and N(10um) bands, flux measurements at 10um, and cross identifications to the numbering systems of the Durchmusterung catalogs, the SAO catalog, the Bright Star Catalogue, The Henry Draper Catalogue and the GC, and CalTech Two-Micron Sky Survey (Neugebauer and Leighton, Cat. II/2) where such identifications exist.
The CatWISE2020 catalog contains positions and brightnesses for 1,890,715,640 sources selected from combined WISE and NEOWISE all-sky survey data collected from 2010 to 2018 at 3.4 and 4.6 microns (W1 and W2). CatWISE adapts AllWISE software to measure the sources in co-added images created from six month subsets of these data, each representing one coverage of the inertial sky, or epoch. The catalog includes the measured motion of sources in 12 epochs over the 8 year span of the data.
The CatWISE Preliminary catalog contains positions and brightnesses for 900,849,014 sources selected from combined WISE and NEOWISE all-sky survey data collected from 2010 to 2016 at 3.4 and 4.6 microns (W1 and W2). CatWISE adapts AllWISE software to measure the sources in co-added images created from six month subsets of these data, each representing one coverage of the inertial sky, or epoch. The catalog includes the measured motion of sources in 8 epochs over the 6 year span of the data.
The CatWISE Preliminary catalog contains positions and brightnesses for 900,849,014 sources selected from combined WISE and NEOWISE all-sky survey data collected from 2010 to 2016 at 3.4 and 4.6 microns (W1 and W2). CatWISE adapts AllWISE software to measure the sources in co-added images created from six month subsets of these data, each representing one coverage of the inertial sky, or epoch. The catalog includes the measured motion of sources in 8 epochs over the 6 year span of the data.