- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/890/128
- Title:
- NGVS. XIV. Bona fide Virgo cluster members
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/890/128
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS) was designed to provide a deep census of baryonic structures in the Virgo cluster. The survey covers the 104deg^2^ area from the core of Virgo out to one virial radius, in the u*griz bandpasses, to a point-source depth of g~25.9mag (10{sigma}) and a single pixel surface brightness limit of {mu}_g_~29mag/arcsec^2^ (2{sigma} above the sky). Here we present the final catalog of 404 Virgo galaxies located within a 3.71deg^2^ (0.3Mpc^2^) region centered on M87, Virgo's dominant galaxy. Of these, 154 were previously uncataloged and span the range 17.8mag<g<23.7mag (-13.4mag<M_g_{<}-7.4mag at the 16.5Mpc distance of Virgo). Extensive simulations show that the NGVS catalog is complete down to g=18.6mag (M_g_=-12.5mag, corresponding to a stellar mass M~1.6x10^7^M_{sun}_ for an old stellar population), and 50% complete at g=22.0mag (M_g_=-9.1mag, M~6.2x10^5^M_{sun}_). The NGVS 50% completeness limit is 3mag deeper than that of the Virgo Cluster Catalog (VCC), which has served as Virgo's reference standard for over a quarter century, and 2mag deeper than the VCC detection limit. We discuss the procedure adopted for the identification of objects and the criteria used to assess cluster membership. For each of the 404 galaxies in the NGVS Virgo Cluster core catalog, we present photometric and structural parameters based on a nonparametric curve-of-growth and isophotal analysis, as well as parametric (Sersic, double-Sersic, and/or core-Sersic) fits to the one-dimensional surface brightness profiles and two-dimensional light distributions.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/878/18
- Title:
- NGVS. XXIII. Nuclear star clusters
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/878/18
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using deep, high-resolution optical imaging from the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey, we study the properties of nuclear star clusters (NSCs) in a sample of nearly 400 quiescent galaxies in the core of Virgo with stellar masses 10^5^<~M*/M_{sun}_<~10^12^. The nucleation fraction reaches a peak value f_n_~90% for M*~10^9^M_{sun}_ galaxies and declines for both higher and lower masses, but nuclei populate galaxies as small as M*~5x10^5^M_{sun}_. Comparison with literature data for nearby groups and clusters shows that at the low-mass end nucleation is more frequent in denser environments. The NSC mass function peaks at M_NSC_~7x10^5^M_{sun}_, a factor 3-4 times larger than the turnover mass for globular clusters (GCs). We find a nonlinear relation between the stellar masses of NSCs and those of their host galaxies, with a mean nucleus-to-galaxy mass ratio that drops to M_NSC_/M*~3.6x10^-3^ for M*~5x10^9^M_{sun}_ galaxies. Nuclei in both more and less massive galaxies are much more prominent: M_NSC_{propto}M_*_^0.46^ at the low-mass end, where nuclei are nearly 50% as massive as their hosts. We measure an intrinsic scatter in NSC masses at a fixed galaxy stellar mass of 0.4dex, which we interpret as evidence that the process of NSC growth is significantly stochastic. At low galaxy masses we find a close connection between NSCs and GC systems, including very similar occupation distributions and comparable total masses. We discuss these results in the context of current dissipative and dissipationless models of NSC formation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/227/12
- Title:
- NGVS XXV. Virgo globular clusters photometry
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/227/12
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The central region of the Virgo cluster of galaxies contains thousands of globular clusters (GCs), an order of magnitude more than the numbers found in the Local Group. Relics of early star formation epochs in the universe, these GCs also provide ideal targets to test our understanding of the Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of old stellar populations. Based on photometric data from the Next Generation Virgo cluster Survey (NGVS) and its near-infrared counterpart NGVS-IR, we select a robust sample of ~2000 GCs with excellent photometry and spanning the full range of colors present in the Virgo core. The selection exploits the well defined locus of GCs in the uiK diagram and the fact that the globular clusters are marginally resolved in the images. We show that the GCs define a narrow sequence in 5-dimensional color space, with limited but real dispersion around the mean sequence. The comparison of these SEDs with the predictions of eleven widely used population synthesis models highlights differences between models, and also shows that no single model adequately matches the data in all colors. We discuss possible causes for some of these discrepancies. Forthcoming papers of this series will examine how best to estimate photometric metallicities in this context, and compare the Virgo globular cluster colors with those in other environments.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/250/17
- Title:
- NGVS. XXXIV. Ultracompact dwarf galaxies in Virgo
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/250/17
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a study of ultracompact dwarf (UCD) galaxies in the Virgo cluster based mainly on imaging from the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). Using ~100deg^2^ of u*giz imaging, we have identified more than 600 candidate UCDs, from the core of Virgo out to its virial radius. Candidates have been selected through a combination of magnitudes, ellipticities, colors, surface brightnesses, half-light radii, and, when available, radial velocities. Candidates were also visually validated from deep NGVS images. Subsamples of varying completeness and purity have been defined to explore the properties of UCDs and compare to those of globular clusters and the nuclei of dwarf galaxies with the aim of delineating the nature and origins of UCDs. From a surface density map, we find the UCDs to be mostly concentrated within Virgo's main subclusters, around its brightest galaxies. We identify several subsamples of UCDs-i.e., the brightest, largest, and those with the most pronounced and/or asymmetric envelopes-that could hold clues to the origin of UCDs and possible evolutionary links with dwarf nuclei. We find some evidence for such a connection from the existence of diffuse envelopes around some UCDs and comparisons of radial distributions of UCDs and nucleated galaxies within the cluster.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/546/694
- Title:
- NICMOS star formation history
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/546/694
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of an extensive analysis of the star formation rates determined from the NICMOS deep images of the northern Hubble Deep Field. We use SED template fitting photometric techniques to determine both the redshift and the extinction for each galaxy in our field. Measurement of the individual extinctions provides a correction for star formation hidden by dust obscuration. We determine star formation rates for each galaxy based on the 1500{AA} UV flux and add the rates in redshift bins of width 1.0 centered on integer redshift values.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/610/128
- Title:
- NIR colors of hard X-ray-selected AGN
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/610/128
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results of near-infrared photometry (J, H, K_s_) for a hard X-ray-selected sample of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) obtained from optical identification of the sources detected in ASCA surveys (total ~75deg^2^) with a flux limit of (1-3)x10^-13^erg/s/cm^2^ (2-10keV). The sample covers the AGNs at 0.1<~z<~1 with L_2-10keV_=10^42^-10^46^erg/s with very high completeness. The near-infrared photometric data of the sample are obtained from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS, Cat. <II/246>) and observations with Kitt Peak National Observatory 2.1m telescope and the University of Hawaii 2.2m telescope.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/703/30
- Title:
- NIR counterparts to Chandra X-ray sources. I.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/703/30
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalog of 5184 candidate infrared counterparts to X-ray sources detected toward the Galactic center. The X-ray sample contains 9017 point sources detected in this region by the Chandra X-ray Observatory during the past decade, including data from a recent deep survey of the central 2{deg}x0.8{deg} of the Galactic plane. A total of 6760 of these sources have hard X-ray colors, and the majority of them lie near the Galactic center, while most of the remaining 2257 soft X-ray sources lie in the foreground. We cross-correlated the X-ray source positions with the 2MASS and SIRIUS near-infrared catalogs, which collectively contain stars with a 10{sigma} limiting flux of Ks<=15.6mag. For each of the infrared matches to X-ray sources in our catalog we derived the probability that the association is real, based on the source properties and the results of the cross-correlation analysis.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PASP/120/1183
- Title:
- NIR fluxes of 14 cool variable stars
- Short Name:
- J/PASP/120/1183
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- New flux data are presented for nine non-variable stars and 14 evolved variable stars with spectral types M and C. The data are from measurements of 21 passbands in the wavelength range from 7440{AA} to 10834{AA}, and they are comparable to measurements made by Wing some 40 years ago. Because the extinction algorithm applied to the new data is based partly on up-to-date calculations of telluric water-vapor effects, those calculations are tested for accuracy. In addition, methods used to calibrate standard stars both outside and inside the Paschen confluence are explained. After reddening corrections are applied to the flux data for the variable stars, those data are used to calculate color temperatures. In turn, those temperatures are used to derive blanketing corrections to color temperatures measured in the Wing filter system. Indices of absorption strength are calculated by comparing the flux data to blackbody colors derived from the color temperatures. It is found that the standard errors of those temperatures range from 3% to less than 1%. For the variable stars, the standard errors for the flux data range from 6.8mmag to 11.6mmag. For the non-variable stars, the corresponding standard error is about 6.0mmag.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/777/160
- Title:
- NIR imaging survey for planets around MG stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/777/160
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report results of a direct imaging survey for giant planets around 80 members of the {beta} Pic, TW Hya, Tucana-Horologium, AB Dor, and Hercules-Lyra moving groups, observed as part of the Gemini/NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. For this sample, we obtained median contrasts of {Delta}H=13.9mag at 1" in combined CH_4_ narrowband ADI+SDI mode and median contrasts of {Delta}H=15.1mag at 2" in H-band ADI mode. We found numerous (>70) candidate companions in our survey images. Some of these candidates were rejected as common-proper motion companions using archival data; we reobserved with Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Imager (NICI) all other candidates that lay within 400AU of the star and were not in dense stellar fields. The vast majority of candidate companions were confirmed as background objects from archival observations and/or dedicated NICI Campaign followup. Four co-moving companions of brown dwarf or stellar mass were discovered in this moving group sample: PZ Tel B (36+/-6M_Jup_, 16.4+/-1.0AU), CD-35 2722B (31+/-8M_Jup_, 67+/-4AU), HD 12894B (0.46+/-0.08M_{sun}_, 15.7+/-1.0AU), and BD+07 1919C (0.20+/-0.03M_{sun}_, 12.5+/-1.4AU). From a Bayesian analysis of the achieved H band ADI and ASDI contrasts, using power-law models of planet distributions and hot-start evolutionary models, we restrict the frequency of 1-20M_Jup_ companions at semi-major axes from 10-150AU to <18% at a 95.4% confidence level using DUSTY models and to <6% at a 95.4% using COND models. Our results strongly constrain the frequency of planets within semi-major axes of 50 AU as well. We restrict the frequency of 1-20M_Jup_ companions at semi-major axes from 10-50AU to <21% at a 95.4% confidence level using DUSTY models and to <7% at a 95.4% using COND models. This survey is the deepest search to date for giant planets around young moving group stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/396/2367
- Title:
- NIR Ks photometry of Norma cluster (A3627)
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/396/2367
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A deep Ks-band photometric catalogue of galaxies at the core of the rich, nearby Norma cluster (ACO3627) is presented. The survey covers about 45x45arcmin^2^ (slightly less than 1/3 Abell radius), which corresponds to ~0.8h_70_^-2^Mpc^2^ at the adopted distance (v_CMB_/H_0_) of 70h_70_^-1^Mpc of this cluster. The survey is estimated to be complete to a magnitude of M_Ks_<~-19.5mag. This extends into the dwarf regime, 6mag below M*_Ks_. The catalogue contains 390 objects, 235 of which are classified as likely or definite galaxies and 155 as candidate galaxies.