- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/761/97
- Title:
- Star Formation in Radio Survey (SFRS): 33GHz obs.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/761/97
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present 33GHz photometry of 103 galaxy nuclei and extranuclear star-forming complexes taken with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) as part of the Star Formation in Radio Survey (SFRS). Among the sources without evidence for an active galactic nucleus, and also having lower frequency radio data, we find a median thermal fraction at 33GHz of {approx}76% with a dispersion of {approx}24%. For all sources resolved on scales <~0.5kpc, the thermal fraction is even larger, being >~90%. This suggests that the rest-frame 33GHz emission provides a sensitive measure of the ionizing photon rate from young star-forming regions, thus making it a robust star formation rate (SFR) indicator. Taking the 33 GHz SFRs as a reference, we investigate other empirical calibrations relying on different combinations of warm 24{mu}m dust, total infrared (IR; 8-1000{mu}m), H{alpha} line, and far-UV continuum emission. The recipes derived here generally agree with others found in the literature, albeit with a large dispersion that most likely stems from a combination of effects. Comparing the 33GHz to total IR flux ratios as a function of the radio spectral index, measured between 1.7 and 33GHz, we find that the ratio increases as the radio spectral index flattens which does not appear to be a distance effect. Consequently, the ratio of non-thermal to total IR emission appears relatively constant, suggesting only moderate variations in the cosmic-ray electron injection spectrum and ratio of synchrotron to total cooling processes among star-forming complexes. Assuming that this trend solely arises from an increase in the thermal fraction sets a maximum on the scatter of the non-thermal spectral indices among the star-forming regions of {sigma}_{alpha}_NT<~0.13.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/617/A63
- Title:
- Star formation in the Vela Molecular Ridge
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/617/A63
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Most stars born in clusters and recent results suggest that star formation (SF) preferentially occurs in subclusters. Studying the morphology and SF history of young clusters is crucial to understanding early SF. We identify the embedded clusters of young stellar objects (YSOs) down to M stars, in the HII regions RCW33, RCW32 and RCW27 of the Vela Molecular Ridge. Our aim is to characterise their properties, such as morphology and extent of the clusters in the three HII regions, derive stellar ages and the connection of the SF history with the environment. Through public photometric surveys such as Gaia, VPHAS, 2MASS and Spitzer/GLIMPSE, we identify YSOs with IR, Halpha and UV excesses, as signature of circumstellar disks and accretion. In addition, we implement a method to distinguish M dwarfs and giants, by comparing the reddening derived in several optical/IR color-color diagrams assuming suitable theoretical models. Since this diagnostic is sensitive to stellar gravity, the procedure allows us to identify pre-main sequence stars. We find a large population of YSOs showing signatures of circumstellar disks with or without accretion. In addition, with the new technique of M-type star selection, we find a rich population of young M stars with a spatial distribution strongly correlated to the more massive population. We find evidence of three young clusters, with different morphology. In addition, we identify field stars falling in the same region, by securely classifying them as giants and foreground MS stars. We identify the embedded population of YSOs, down to about 0.1M_{sun}_, associated with the HII regions RCW33, RCW32 and RCW27 and the clusters Vela T2, Cr197 and Vela T1, respectively, showing very different morphologies. Our results suggest a decreasing SF rate in Vela T2 and triggered SF in Cr197 and Vela T1.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/688/1142
- Title:
- Star formation in W5: Spitzer observations
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/688/1142
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present images and initial results from our extensive Spitzer Space Telescope imaging survey of the W5 HII region with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) and Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS). We detect dense clusters of stars, centered on the O stars HD 18326, BD +60 586, HD 17505, and HD 17520. At 24um, substantial extended emission is visible, presumably from heated dust grains that survive in the strongly ionizing environment of the HII region. With photometry of more than 18000 point sources, we analyze the clustering properties of objects classified as young stars by their IR spectral energy distributions (a total of 2064 sources) across the region using a minimal-spanning-tree algorithm. We find ~40%-70% of infrared excess sources belong to clusters with >=10 members. We find that within the evacuated cavities of the HII regions that make up W5, the ratio of Class II to Class I sources is ~7 times higher than for objects coincident with molecular gas as traced by ^12^CO emission and near-IR extinction maps. We attribute this contrast to an age difference between the two locations and postulate that at least two distinct generations of star formation are visible across W5. Our preliminary analysis shows that triggering is a plausible mechanism to explain the multiple generations of star formation in W5 and merits further investigation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PASP/123/1011
- Title:
- Star Formation Reference Survey (SFRS)
- Short Name:
- J/PASP/123/1011
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Star formation is arguably the most important physical process in the cosmos. It is a fundamental driver of galaxy evolution and the ultimate source of most of the energy emitted by galaxies. A correct interpretation of star formation rate (SFR) measures is therefore essential to our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. Unfortunately, however, no single SFR estimator is universally available or even applicable in all circumstances: the numerous galaxies found in deep surveys are often too faint (or too distant) to yield significant detections with most standard SFR measures, and until now there have been no global, multi-band observations of nearby galaxies that span all the conditions under which star-formation is taking place. To address this need in a systematic way, we have undertaken a multi-band survey of all types of star-forming galaxies in the local Universe. This project, the Star Formation Reference Survey (SFRS), is based on a statistically valid sample of 369 nearby galaxies that span all existing combinations of dust temperature, SFR, and specific SFR. Furthermore, because the SFRS is blind with respect to AGN fraction and environment it serves as a means to assess the influence of these factors on SFR. Our panchromatic global flux measurements (including GALEX FUV+NUV, SDSS ugriz, 2MASS JHKs, Spitzer 3-8um, and others) furnish uniform SFR measures and the context in which their reliability can be assessed. This paper describes the SFRS survey strategy, defines the sample, and presents the multi-band photometry collected to date.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/430/941
- Title:
- Star formation region NGC 6530
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/430/941
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present astrometry and BVI photometry, down to V~22, of the very young open cluster NGC 6530, obtained from observations taken with the Wide Field Imager camera at the MPG/ESO 2.2m Telescope. We have positionally matched our optical catalog with the list of X-ray sources found in a Chandra-ACIS observation, finding a total of 828 common stars, 90% of which are pre-main sequence stars in NGC 6530.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/496/3358
- Title:
- Star Forming Region IRAS12272-6240 JHK photometry
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/496/3358
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- IRAS 12272-6240 is a complex star-forming region with a compact massive dense clump (DC) and several associated masers, located at a well-determined distance of d=9.3kpc from the Sun. For this study, we obtained sub-arcsec broad- and narrow-band near-infrared (near-IR) imaging and low-resolution spectroscopy with the Baade/Magellan telescope and its camera PANIC. Mosaics of size 2x2arcmin^2^ in the JHKs bands and with narrow-band filters centred in the 2.12um H_2_ and 2.17um Br{gamma} lines were analysed in combination with Hi-GAL/Herschel and archive IRAC/Spitzer and WISE observations. We found that the compact DC houses two Class I young stellar objects (YSOs) that probably form a 21000-au-wide binary system. Its combined 1-1200um spectral energy distribution is consistent with an O9V central star with a 10^-2^M_{sun}_ disc and a 1.3x10^4^M_{sun}_ dust envelope. Its total luminosity is 8.5x10^4^L_{sun}_. A series of shocked H_2_ emission knots are found in its close vicinity, confirming the presence of outflows. IRAS 12272-6240 is at the centre of an embedded cluster with a mean age of 1Myr and 2.6pc in size that contains more than 150 stars. At its nucleus, we found a more compact and considerably younger subcluster containing the YSOs. We also identified and classified the O-type central stars of two dusty radio/IR HII regions flanking the protostars. Our results confirm that these elements form a single giant young complex where massive star formation processes started some 1Myr ago and are still active.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/821/44
- Title:
- Star motions in the nuclear cluster of the MW
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/821/44
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We obtain the basic properties of the nuclear cluster of the Milky Way. First, we investigate the structural properties by constructing a stellar density map of the central 1000" using extinction-corrected old star counts from VISTA, WFC3/IR, and VLT/NACO data. We describe the data using two components. The inner, slightly flattened (axis ratio of q=0.80+/-0.04) component is the nuclear cluster, while the outer component corresponds to the stellar component of the circumnuclear zone. For the nuclear cluster, we measure a half-light radius of 178+/-51"~7+/-2pc and a luminosity of M_Ks_=-16.0+/-0.5. Second, we measure detailed dynamics out to 4pc. We obtain 10351 proper motions from AO data, and 2513 radial velocities from VLT/SINFONI data. We determine the cluster mass by means of isotropic spherical Jeans modeling. We fix the distance to the Galactic Center and the mass of the supermassive black hole. We model the cluster either with a constant M/L or with a power law. For the latter case, we obtain a slope of 1.18+/-0.06. We get a cluster mass within 100" of M_100"_=(6.09+/-0.53|_fixR_0_+/-0.97|_R_0_)x10^6^M_{sun}_ for both modeling approaches. A model which includes the observed flattening gives a 47% larger mass (see Chatzopoulos et al. 2015MNRAS.447..948C). Our results slightly favor a core over a cusp in the mass profile. By minimizing the number of unbound stars within 8", we obtain a distance of R_0_=8.53_-0.15_^+0.21^kpc when using an R0 supermassive black hole mass relation from stellar orbits. Combining our results, we obtain M/L=0.51+/-0.12M_{sun}/L_{sun},Ks_, which is roughly consistent with a Chabrier IMF.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/749/71
- Title:
- Star polarization in the Galactic plane
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/749/71
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This work combines new observations of NIR starlight linear polarimetry with previously simulated observations in order to constrain dynamo models of the Galactic magnetic field. Polarimetric observations were obtained with the Mimir instrument on the Perkins Telescope in Flagstaff, AZ, along a line of constant Galactic longitude ({ell}=150{deg}) with 17 pointings of the 10'x10' field of view between -75{deg}<b<10{deg}, with more frequent pointings toward the Galactic midplane. A total of 10962 stars were photometrically measured and 1116 had usable polarizations. The observed distribution of polarization position angles with Galactic latitude and the cumulative distribution function of the measured polarizations are compared to predicted values. While the predictions lack the effects of turbulence and are therefore idealized, this comparison allows significant rejection of A0-type magnetic field models. S0 and disk-even halo-odd magnetic field geometries are also rejected by the observations, but at lower significance. New predictions of spiral-type, axisymmetric magnetic fields, when combined with these new NIR observations, constrain the Galactic magnetic field spiral pitch angle to -6{deg}+/-2{deg}.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/521/A61
- Title:
- Stars associated to Eagle Nebula (M16=NGC6611)
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/521/A61
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Massive star-forming regions are characterized by intense ionizing fluxes, strong stellar winds and, occasionally, supernovae explosions, all of which have important effects on the surrounding media, on the star-formation process and on the evolution of young stars and their circumstellar disks. We present a multiband study of the massive young cluster NGC 6611 and its parental cloud (the Eagle Nebula) with the aim of studying how OB stars affect the early stellar evolution and the formation of other stars. We search for evidence of triggering of star formation by the massive stars inside NGC 6611 on a large spatial scale (~10 parsec) and ongoing disk photoevaporation in NGC 6611 and how its efficiency depends on the mass of the central stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/809/25
- Title:
- Stellar and planet properties for K2 candidates
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/809/25
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The extended Kepler mission, K2, is now providing photometry of new fields every three months in a search for transiting planets. In a recent study, Foreman-Mackey and collaborators presented a list of 36 planet candidates orbiting 31 stars in K2 Campaign 1. In this contribution, we present stellar and planetary properties for all systems. We combine ground-based seeing-limited survey data and adaptive optics imaging with an automated transit analysis scheme to validate 21 candidates as planets, 17 for the first time, and identify 6 candidates as likely false positives. Of particular interest is K2-18 (EPIC 201912552), a bright (K=8.9) M2.8 dwarf hosting a 2.23+/-0.25 R_{earth}_ planet with T_eq_=272+/-15 K and an orbital period of 33 days. We also present two new open-source software packages which enable this analysis. The first, isochrones, is a flexible tool for fitting theoretical stellar models to observational data to determine stellar properties using a nested sampling scheme to capture the multimodal nature of the posterior distributions of the physical parameters of stars that may plausibly be evolved. The second is vespa, a new general-purpose procedure to calculate false positive probabilities and statistically validate transiting exoplanets.