- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/824/71
- Title:
- Compact star clusters in M51 with HST
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/824/71
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a new catalog of 3816 compact star clusters in the grand design spiral galaxy M51 based on observations taken with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The age distribution of the clusters declines starting at very young ages, and can be represented by a power law, dN/d{tau}{propto}{tau}^gamma^, with {gamma}=-0.65+/-0.15. No significant changes in the shape of the age distribution at different masses is observed. The mass function of the clusters younger than {tau}~400Myr can also be described by a power law, dN/dM{propto}M^{beta}^, with {beta}~-2.1+/-0.2. We compare these distributions with the predictions from various cluster disruption models, and find that they are consistent with models where clusters disrupt approximately independent of their initial mass, but not with models where lower mass clusters are disrupted earlier than their higher mass counterparts. We find that the half-light radii of clusters more massive than M~3x10^4^M_{sun}_ and with ages between 100 and 400Myr are larger by a factor of ~3-4 than their counterparts that are younger than 10^7^ years old, suggesting that the clusters physically expand during their early life.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PASJ/56/1025
- Title:
- Compact star clusters in SW field of M31
- Short Name:
- J/PASJ/56/1025
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A survey for compact clusters with a dimension of 10pc order was conducted in an area of about 500 square arc-minutes of the south-west part of the M31 disk, making use of the high-resolution capability of Suprime-Cam. Photometry in the B, V and R broad-bands, and in the R* medium-band centered around H{alpha} with varying apertures was carried out for about 1200 targets, which are related to about 300 compact objects detected in the survey. The results for 101 prominent compact objects are presented as photometric catalogues and morphological atlases, separately for samples with and without strong H{alpha} emission.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/612/L2
- Title:
- Compilation of stellar rotation data
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/612/L2
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The distribution of the stellar rotation axes of 113 main sequence stars in the open cluster Praesepe are examined by using current photometric rotation periods, spectroscopic rotation velocities, and estimated stellar radii. Three different samples of stellar rotation data on spotted stars from the Galactic field and two independent samples of planetary hosts are used as control samples to support the consistency of the analysis. Considering the high completeness of the Praesepe sample and the behavior of the control samples, we find that the main sequence F-K stars in this cluster are susceptible to rotational axis alignment. Using a cone model, the most likely inclination angle is 76+/-14{deg} with a half opening angle of 47+/-24{deg}. Non-isotropic distribution of the inclination angles is preferred over the isotropic distribution, except if the rotation velocities used in this work are systematically overestimated. We found no indication of this being the case on the basis of the currently available data.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/154/72
- Title:
- Coordinates and photometry of stars in Haffner 16
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/154/72
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Images and spectra recorded with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph on Gemini South are used to investigate the stellar content of the open cluster Haffner 16. The (i',g'-i') color-magnitude diagram (CMD) constructed from these data extends over 10mag in i', sampling the cluster main sequence (MS) and 5mag of the pre-MS (PMS). The fraction of unresolved equal mass binaries among PMS stars is estimated to be 0.6+/-0.1. The isochrones do not track the PMS on the CMD, in the sense that the PMS has a shallower slope on the CMD than predicted by the models. Still, a dip in star counts, which is associated with the relaxation of PMS stars onto the MS, is identified near i'=17. The depth and brightness of this feature-as well as the morphology of the cluster MS on the CMD-are matched by models with a slightly sub-solar metallicity that have an age of ~20Myr and a distance modulus of 12.3+/-0.2. A light profile of Haffner 16 is constructed in the W1 filter ({lambda}_cen_=3.4{mu}m), which suggests that the cluster is surrounded by a diffuse stellar halo. Spectra of candidate cluster MS and PMS stars selected according to location on the CMD are presented. The spectra show characteristics that are suggestive of a sub-solar metallicity. H{alpha} emission is common among objects on the PMS locus on the CMD near i'=18. It is suggested that the location of the Haffner 16 PMS on the CMD is affected by large-scale cool spot activity, likely induced by rapid stellar rotation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/521/A39
- Title:
- Cordoba Carte du Ciel-Astrographic Catalog, CCAC
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/521/A39
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Based on stellar positions and proper motions, we aim to re-analyse the region of the controversial open cluster Collinder 132. Methods. We have developed a model which analyse the proper motion distribution and the stellar density to find moving groups. The astrometric data was obtained from four Carte du Ciel (CdC) and one Astrogaphic Catalogue (AC) plates of the Cordoba Astronomical Observatory collection (Argentina). We detected an open cluster from the field stars and calculated the mean proper motion and the membership probabilities of the stars of the region. We report new coordinates of its centre RAc=108.347deg, DEc=-31.011deg, the components of mean proper motion mu_RA_cosDE=-2.62+/-0.44mas/yr, mu_DE_=4.79+/-0.88mas/yr. 11 stars are astrometric members giving a value of 370 for the cluster angular diameter. 6 stars fullfill astrometric and photometric analysis for being cluster members and locate the cluster at 360pc from the Sun. An over-density in the VPD was found after removing the cluster members, consequently a simple model for the proper motion distribution of an association and of the field was adopted. We report the components of the association mean proper motion mu_RA_cosDE=-1.38+/-0.14mas/yr, mu_DE_=2.26+/-0.16mas/yr. 174 astrometric members were found while 11 members have been located between 417 and 660pc from the Sun by Tycho-2 photometry.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/634/A98
- Title:
- Corona-Australis DANCe. I.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/634/A98
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Corona-Australis is one of the nearest regions to the Sun with recent and ongoing star formation, but the current picture of its stellar (and substellar) content is not complete yet. We take advantage of the second data release of the Gaia space mission to revisit the stellar census and search for additional members of the young stellar association in Corona-Australis. We applied a probabilistic method to infer membership probabilities based on a multidimensional astrometric and photometric data set over a field of 128deg^2^ around the dark clouds of the region. We identify 313 high-probability candidate members to the Corona-Australis association, 262 of which had never been reported as members before. Our sample of members covers the magnitude range between G>~5mag and G<~20mag, and it reveals the existence of two kinematically and spatially distinct subgroups. There is a distributed 'off-cloud' population of stars located in the north of the dark clouds that is twice as numerous as the historically known 'on-cloud' population that is concentrated around the densest cores. By comparing the location of the stars in the HR-diagram with evolutionary models, we show that these two populations are younger than 10Myr. Based on their infrared excess emission, we identify 28 Class II and 215 Class III stars among the sources with available infrared photometry, and we conclude that the frequency of Class~II stars (i.e. `disc-bearing' stars) in the on-cloud region is twice as large as compared to the off-cloud population. The distance derived for the Corona-Australis region based on this updated census is d=149.4^+0.4^_-0.4_pc, which exceeds previous estimates by about 20 pc. In this paper we provide the most complete census of stars in Corona-Australis available to date that can be confirmed with Gaia data. Furthermore, we report on the discovery of an extended and more evolved population of young stars beyond the region of the dark clouds, which was extensively surveyed in the past.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/160/319
- Title:
- COUP: observations and source lists
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/160/319
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a description of the data reduction methods and the derived catalog of more than 1600 X-ray point sources from the exceptionally deep 2003 January Chandra X-Ray Observatory (Chandra) observation of the Orion Nebula Cluster and embedded populations around OMC-1. The observation was obtained with Chandra's Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) and has been nicknamed the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP). With an 838ks exposure made over a continuous period of 13.2 days, the COUP observation provides the most uniform and comprehensive data set on the X-ray emission of normal stars ever obtained in the history of X-ray astronomy.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/127/1602
- Title:
- Cousins RI photometry in IC 348
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/127/1602
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The extremely young cluster IC 348 has been monitored photometrically over five observing seasons from 1998 December 10 to 2003 March 26 in Cousins I with a 0.6m telescope at Van Vleck Observatory. Twenty-eight periodic variables and 16 irregular variables have been identified. The variability study is most sensitive for stars with I<14.3mag; at that brightness level, we find that 24 of the 27 known pre-main-sequence (PMS) cluster members in the monitored field are variables, illustrating the value of photometric monitoring for identifying PMS cluster members. Among this brighter sample, 14 of the 16 known K or M-type weak-line T Tauri stars (WTTS) were found to be periodic variables, while all five of the known classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) were found to be irregular variables. In the full sample, which includes 150 stars with I as faint as 18, we find that 40% of the 63 WTTS are detected as variables, nearly all of them periodic, while 55% of the 20 CTTS are also detected as variable, with none of them periodic.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/376/580
- Title:
- Cousins RI photometry of NGC 2169
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/376/580
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have used Cousins RI CCD photometry from the Isaac Newton telescope and intermediate-resolution spectroscopy from the Gemini North telescope to identify and characterize low-mass (0.15<M/M_{sun}_<1.3) pre-main-sequence stars in the young open cluster NGC 2169. Isochrone fitting to the high- and low-mass populations yields an intrinsic distance modulus of 10.13^+0.06^_-0.09_mag and a model-dependent age of 9+/-2Myr. Compared to the nearby, kinematically defined groups of a similar age, NGC 2169 has a large low-mass population which potentially offers a more precise statistical investigation of several aspects of star formation and early stellar evolution. By modelling the distribution of low-mass stars in the IC versus RC IC diagram, we find that any age spread among cluster members has a Gaussian full width at half-maximum (FWHM) 2.5Myr. A young age and a small age spread (<10Myr) are supported by the lack of significant lithium depletion in the vast majority of cluster members. There is no clear evidence for accretion or warm circumstellar dust in the low-mass members of NGC 2169, bolstering the idea that strong accretion has ceased and inner discs have dispersed in almost all low-mass stars by ages of 10Myr.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/114/222
- Title:
- Cross identifications in NGC 1502
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/114/222
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In studying this region Purgathofer (1964AnWie..26...37P) [the SIMBAD numbering], Hoag et al.(1961PUSNO..17..343H), and Dombrovskii and Hagen-Thorn (1964TrLen..20...75D) each set up their own numbering system; subsequent authors used one or another of those or variants or combinations. The region covered is 2 degrees in diameter, centered at: (2000) RA 04 04 53.28 dec +62 19 20.7. This is about 15' west of the cluster, the position of HD 25290.