- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/156/171
- Title:
- Cepheid abund.: multiphase results & spatial gradients
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/156/171
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Parameters and abundances have been derived for 435 Cepheids based on an analysis of 1127 spectra. Results from five or more phases are available for 52 of the program stars. The latter set of stars span periods between 1.5 and 68 days. The parameters and abundances show excellent consistency across phase. For iron, the average range in the determined abundance is 0.11 from these 52 stars. For 163 stars with more than one phase available the average range is 0.07. The variation in effective temperature tracks well with phase, as does the total broadening velocity. The gravity and microturbulent velocity follow phase, but with less variation and regularity. Abundance gradients have been derived using Gaia DR2 (Cat. I/345) parallax data, as well as Bayesian distance estimates based upon Gaia DR2 from Bailer-Jones et al. (2018, Cat. I/347). The abundance gradient derived for iron is d[Fe/H]/dR=-0.05 dex/kpc, similar to gradients derived in previous studies.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/885/161
- Title:
- 90 cepheid candidates nearby NGC 6814
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/885/161
- Date:
- 08 Mar 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a Cepheid-based distance to the nearby Seyfert galaxy NGC6814 from Hubble Space Telescope observations. We obtained F555W and F814W imaging over the course of 12 visits with logarithmic time spacing in 2013 August-October. We detected and made photometric measurements for 16469 unique sources across all images in both filters, from which we identify 90 excellent Cepheid candidates spanning a range of periods of 13-84days. We find evidence for incompleteness in the detection of candidates at periods <21days. Based on the analysis of Cepheid candidates above the incompleteness limit, we determine a distance modulus for NGC6814 relative to the LMC of {mu}_rel,LMC_=13.200_-0.031_^+0.031^mag. Adopting the recent constraint of the distance modulus to the LMC determined by Pietrzynski et al., we find m-M=31.677_-0.041_^+0.041^ which gives a distance of 21.65{+/-}0.41Mpc to NGC6814.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/619/A8
- Title:
- Cepheid period-luminosity-metallicity relation
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/619/A8
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We use parallax data from the Gaia second data release (GDR2), combined with parallax data based on HIPPARCOS and HST data, to derive the period-luminosity-metallicity (PLZ) relation for Galactic classical cepheids (CCs) in the V, K, and Wesenheit WVK bands. An initial sample of 452 CCs are extracted from the literature with spectroscopically derived iron abundances. Reddening values, classifications, pulsation periods, and mean V- and K-band magnitudes are taken from the literature. Based on nine CCs with a goodness-of-fit (GOF) statistic smaller than 8 and with an accurate non-Gaia parallax ({sigma}_{pi}_ comparable to that in GDR2), a parallax zero-point offset of -0.049+/-0.018mas is derived. Selecting a GOF statistic smaller than 8 removes about 40% of the sample most likely related due to binarity. Excluding first overtone and multi-mode cepheids and applying some other criteria reduces the sample to about 200 stars. The derived PL(Z) relations depend strongly on the parallax zero-point offset. The slope of the PL relation is found to be different from the relations in the LMC at the 3{sigma} level. Fixing the slope to the value found in the LMC leads to a distance modulus (DM) to the LMC of order 18.7mag, larger than the canonical distance. The canonical DM of around 18.5 mag would require a parallax zero-point offset of order -0.1mas. Given the strong correlation between zero point, period and metallicity dependence of the PL relation, and the parallax zero-point offset there is no evidence for a metallicity term in the PLZ relation. The GDR2 release does not allow us to improve on the current distance scale based on CCs. The value of and the uncertainty on the parallax zero-point offset leads to uncertainties of order 0.15mag on the distance scale. The parallax zero-point offset will need to be known at a level of 3{mu}as or better to have a 0.01mag or smaller effect on the zero point of the PL relation and the DM to the LMC.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/659/A167
- Title:
- Cepheid Period-Wesenheit-Metallicity relation
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/659/A167
- Date:
- 23 Mar 2022 15:18:20
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Classical Cepheids (DCEPs) represent a fundamental tool to calibrate the extragalactic distance scale. However, they are also powerful stellar population tracers, in the context of Galactic studies. The forthcoming Data Release 3 (DR3) of the Gaia mission will allow us to study with unprecedented detail the structure, the dynamics and the chemical properties of the Galactic disc, and in particular of the spiral arms, where most Galactic DCEPs reside. In this paper we aim at quantifying the metallicity dependence of the Galactic DCEPs Period-Wesenheit (PWZ) relation in the Gaia bands. We adopt a sample of 499 DCEPs with metal abundances from high-resolution spectroscopy, in conjunction with Gaia Early Data Release 3 parallaxes and photometry to calibrate a PWZ relation in the Gaia bands. We find a significant metallicity term, of the order of -0.5mag/dex, which is larger than the values measured in the NIR bands by different authors. Our best PWZ relation is W=(-5.988+/-0.018)-(3.176+/-0.044)(logP-1.0)-(0.520+/-0.090)[Fe/H]. We validate our PWZ relations by using the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud as a benchmark, finding a very good agreement with the geometric distance provided by eclipsing binaries. As an additional test, we evaluate the metallicity gradient of the young Galactic disc, finding -0.0527+/-0.0022dex/kpc, in very good agreement with previous results.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/144/113
- Title:
- Cepheids and companions in M33 from HST images
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/144/113
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A precise and accurate determination of the Hubble constant based on Cepheid variables requires proper characterization of many sources of systematic error. One of these is stellar blending, which biases the measured fluxes of Cepheids and the resulting distance estimates. We study the blending of 149 Cepheid variables in M33 by matching archival Hubble Space Telescope data with images obtained at the Wisconsin-Indiana-Yale-NOAO (WIYN) 3.5m telescope, which differ by a factor of 10 in angular resolution. We find that 55%+/-4% of the Cepheids have no detectable nearby companions that could bias the WIYN V-band photometry, while the fraction of Cepheids affected below the 10% level is 73%+/-4%. The corresponding values for the I band are 60%+/-4% and 72%+/-4%, respectively. We find no statistically significant difference in blending statistics as a function of period or surface brightness. Additionally, we report all the detected companions within 2" of the Cepheids (equivalent to 9pc at the distance of M33) which may be used to derive empirical blending corrections for Cepheids at larger distances.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/428/587
- Title:
- Cepheids BVRIJHK dereddened magnitudes
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/428/587
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The recent VINCI/VLTI observations presented in Paper I (Kervalla et al., 2004A&A...416..941K) have nearly doubled the total number of available angular diameter measurements of Cepheids. Taking advantage of the significantly larger color range covered by these observations, we derive in the present paper high precision calibrations of the surface brightness-color relations using exclusively Cepheid observations. These empirical laws allow to determine the distance to Cepheids through a Baade-Wesselink type technique. The least dispersed relations are based on visible-infrared colors, for instance FV(V-K)=-0.1336+/-0.0008(V-K)+3.9530+/-0.0006. The convergence of the Cepheid (this work) and dwarf stars (Kervella et al. 2004) visible-infrared surface brightness-color relations is strikingly good. The astrophysical dispersion of these relations appears to be very small, and below the present detection sensitivity.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/896/L43
- Title:
- Cepheids HST amplitudes in V- and H-band
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/896/L43
- Date:
- 21 Mar 2022 07:02:57
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The accuracy of the Hubble constant measured with extragalactic Cepheids depends on robust photometry and background estimation in the presence of stellar crowding. The conventional approach accounts for crowding by sampling backgrounds near Cepheids and assuming that they match those at their positions. We show a direct consequence of crowding by unresolved sources at Cepheid sites is a reduction in the fractional amplitudes of their light curves. We use a simple analytical expression to infer crowding directly from the light curve amplitudes of >200 Cepheids in three Type Ia supernovae hosts and NGC4258 as observed by Hubble Space Telescope-the first near-infrared amplitudes measured beyond the Magellanic Clouds. Where local crowding is minimal, we find near-infrared amplitudes match Milky Way Cepheids at the same periods. At greater stellar densities we find that the empirically measured amplitudes match the values predicted (with no free parameters) from crowding assessed in the conventional way from local regions, confirming their accuracy for estimating the background at the Cepheid locations. Extragalactic Cepheid amplitudes would need to be ~20% smaller than measured to indicate additional, unrecognized crowding as a primary source of the present discrepancy in H0. Rather, we find the amplitude data constrains a systematic mis-estimate of Cepheid backgrounds to be 0.029R+/-0.037mag, more than 5x smaller than the size of the present ~0.2mag tension in H0. We conclude that systematic errors in Cepheid backgrounds do not provide a plausible resolution to the Hubble tension.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/183/109
- Title:
- Cepheids in 3 host galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/183/109
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This is the first of two papers reporting measurements from a program to determine the Hubble constant to ~5% precision from a refurbished distance ladder. We present new observations of 110 Cepheid variables in the host galaxies of two recent Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), NGC 1309 and NGC 3021, using the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/156/130
- Title:
- Cepheids in M31 - PAndromeda Cepheid sample
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/156/130
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the largest Cepheid sample in M31 based on the complete Pan-STARRS1 survey of Andromeda (PAndromeda) in the r_P1_, i_P1_, and g_P1_ bands. We find 2686 Cepheids with 1662 fundamental-mode Cepheids, 307 first-overtone Cepheids, 278 type II Cepheids, and 439 Cepheids with undetermined Cepheid type. Using the method developed by Kodric et al. (2013, , Cat. J/AJ/145/106), we identify Cepheids by using a three-dimensional parameter space of Fourier parameters of the Cepheid light curves combined with a color cut and other selection criteria. This is an unbiased approach to identify Cepheids and results in a homogeneous Cepheid sample. The period-luminosity relations obtained for our sample have smaller dispersions than in our previous work. We find a broken slope that we previously observed with HST data in Kodric et al. (2013, , Cat. J/AJ/145/106), albeit with a lower significance.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/434/2238
- Title:
- Cepheids in open clusters
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/434/2238
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Cepheids in open clusters (cluster Cepheids: CCs) are of great importance as zero-point calibrators of the Galactic Cepheid period-luminosity relationship (PLR). We perform an 8-dimensional all-sky census that aims to identify new bona-fide CCs and provide a ranking of membership confidence for known CC candidates according to membership probabilities. The probabilities are computed for combinations of known Galactic open clusters and classical Cepheid candidates, based on spatial, kinematic, and population-specific membership constraints. Data employed in this analysis are taken largely from published literature and supplemented by a year-round observing program on both hemispheres dedicated to determining systemic radial velocities of Cepheids. In total, we find 23 bona-fide CCs, 5 of which are candidates identified for the first time, including an overtone-Cepheid member in NGC 129. We discuss a subset of CC candidates in detail, some of which have been previously mentioned in the literature. Our results indicate unlikely membership for 7 Cepheids that have been previously discussed in terms of cluster membership. We furthermore revisit the Galactic PLR using our bona fide CC sample and obtain a result consistent with the recent calibration by Turner (2010). However, our calibration remains limited mainly by cluster uncertainties and the small number of long-period calibrators. In the near future, Gaia will enable our study to be carried out in much greater detail and accuracy, thanks to data homogeneity and greater levels of completeness.