- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/810/61
- Title:
- Early-type EBs with intermediate orbital periods
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/810/61
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We analyze 221 eclipsing binaries (EBs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud with B-type main-sequence (MS) primaries (M_1_~4-14 M_{sun}_) and orbital periods P=20-50 days that were photometrically monitored by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. We utilize our three-stage automated pipeline to (1) classify all 221 EBs, (2) fit physical models to the light curves of 130 detached well-defined EBs from which unique parameters can be determined, and (3) recover the intrinsic binary statistics by correcting for selection effects. We uncover two statistically significant trends with age. First, younger EBs tend to reside in dustier environments with larger photometric extinctions, an empirical relation that can be implemented when modeling stellar populations. Second, younger EBs generally have large eccentricities. This demonstrates that massive binaries at moderate orbital periods are born with a Maxwellian "thermal" orbital velocity distribution, which indicates they formed via dynamical interactions. In addition, the age-eccentricity anticorrelation provides a direct constraint for tidal evolution in highly eccentric binaries containing hot MS stars with radiative envelopes. The intrinsic fraction of B-type MS stars with stellar companions q=M_2_/M_1_>0.2 and orbital periods P=20-50 days is (7+/-2)%. We find early-type binaries at P=20-50 days are weighted significantly toward small mass ratios q~0.2-0.3, which is different than the results from previous observations of closer binaries with P<20 days. This indicates that early-type binaries at slightly wider orbital separations have experienced substantially less competitive accretion and coevolution during their formation in the circumbinary disk.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/406/382
- Title:
- Early-type galaxies in the SDSS Stripe82
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/406/382
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We explore the properties of "peculiar" early-type galaxies (ETGs) in the local Universe that show (faint) morphological signatures of recent interactions such as tidal tails, shells and dust lanes. Standard-depth (~51s exposure) multicolour galaxy images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) are combined with the significantly (~2mag) deeper monochromatic images from the public SDSS Stripe82 (-50{deg}<{alpha}<59{deg}, -1.25{deg}<{delta}<1.25{deg}) to extract, through careful visual inspection, a robust sample of nearby (z<0.05), luminous (M_r_<-20.5) ETGs, including a subset of ~70 peculiar systems. ~18% of ETGs exhibit signs of disturbed morphologies (e.g. shells), while ~7% show evidence of dust lanes and patches. An analysis of optical emission-line ratios indicates that the fraction of peculiar ETGs that are Seyferts or LINERs (19.4%) is twice the corresponding values in their relaxed counterparts (10.1%). LINER-like emission is the dominant type of nebular activity in all ETG classes, plausibly driven by stellar photoionization associated with recent star formation. An analysis of ultraviolet-optical colours indicates that, regardless of the luminosity range being considered, the fraction of peculiar ETGs that have experienced star formation in the last Gyr is a factor of ~1.5 higher than that in their relaxed counterparts. The spectrophotometric results strongly suggest that the interactions that produce the morphological peculiarities also induce low-level recent star formation which, based on the recent literature, are likely to contribute a few per cent of the stellar mass over the last ~1Gyr. Peculiar ETGs preferentially inhabit low-density environments (outskirts of clusters, groups or the field), either due to high peculiar velocities in clusters making merging unlikely or because shell systems are disrupted through frequent interactions within a cluster crossing time.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/445/630
- Title:
- Early-type galaxies in Ursa Major cluster
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/445/630
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using SDSS-DR7 and NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database spectroscopic data, we identify 166 galaxies as members of the Ursa Major cluster with M_r_<-13.5mag. We morphological classify all galaxies by means of carefully inspecting g-, r-, i-band colour and monochromatic images. We show that the Ursa Major cluster is dominated by late-type galaxies, but also contains a significant number of early-type galaxies, particularly in the dwarf regime. We present further evidence for the existence of several subgroups in the cluster, consistent with previous findings. The early-type fraction is found to correlate with the mass of the subgroup. We also investigate environmental effects by comparing the properties of the Ursa Major early-type dwarf galaxies to those of the Virgo cluster. In contrast to the Virgo, the red sequence of the Ursa Major cluster is only sparsely populated in the optical and ultraviolet colour-magnitude relations. It also shows a statistically significant gap between -18<M_r_<-17mag, i.e. the Ursa Major cluster lacks early-type dwarf galaxies at the bright end of their luminosity function. We discover that the majority of early-type dwarf galaxies in the Ursa Major cluster have blue cores with hints of recent or ongoing star formation. We suggest that gravitational tidal interactions can trigger central blue star-forming regions in early-type dwarfs. After that, star formation would only fade completely when the galaxies experience ram-pressure stripping or harassment, both of which are nearly absent in the Ursa Major cluster.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/453/2220
- Title:
- Early-type Sco-Cen members with literature RVs
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/453/2220
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the serendipitous discovery of several young mid-M stars found during a search for new members of the 30-40Myr-old Octans Association. Only one of the stars may be considered a possible Octans(-Near) member. However, two stars have proper motions, kinematic distances, radial velocities, photometry and LII {lambda}6708 measurements consistent with membership in the 8-10Myr-old TW Hydrae Association. Another may be an outlying member of TW Hydrae but has a velocity similar to that predicted by membership in Octans. We also identify two new lithium-rich members of the neighbouring Scorpius-Centaurus OB Association (Sco-Cen). Both exhibit large 12 and 22{mu}m excesses and strong, variable H{alpha} emission which we attribute to accretion from circumstellar discs. Such stars are thought to be incredibly rare at the ~16Myr median age of Sco-Cen and they join only one other confirmed M-type and three higher mass accretors outside of Upper Scorpius. The serendipitous discovery of two accreting stars hosting large quantities of circumstellar material may be indicative of a sizeable age spread in Sco-Cen, or further evidence that disc dispersal and planet formation time-scales are longer around lower mass stars. To aid future studies of Sco-Cen, we also provide a newly compiled catalogue of 305 early-type Hipparcos members with spectroscopic radial velocities sourced from the literature.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/139/231
- Title:
- Early-type stars towards the Galactic Centre
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/139/231
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have begun a search for early-type stars towards the galactic centre which are potentially young objects situated within the inner few kiloparsecs of the disk. U and V (or I) band photographic photometry from the UK Schmidt Telescope has been obtained to identify the bluest candidates in nineteen Schmidt fields (centred close to the galactic centre). We have spectroscopically observed these targets for three fields with the FLAIR multi-fibre system to determine their spectral types. In particular, ten early B-type stars have been identified and equivalent width measurements of their Balmer and HeI lines have been used to estimate atmospheric parameters. These early-type objects have magnitudes in the range 11.5=<V<=16.0, and our best estimates of their distance (given probable highly variable reddening in this direction together with errors in the plate photometry) suggest that some of them originated close to (i.e R_g_<3kpc), or even beyond the galactic centre. Future high-resolution spectroscopy of these stars will provide reliable atmospheric parameters and element abundances, in order to map the current chemical composition of the inner galaxy.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/626/A119
- Title:
- EBLM J2349-32 photometry, RV and spectra
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/626/A119
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Some M-dwarfs around F-/G-type stars have been measured to be hotter and larger than predicted by stellar evolution models. Inconsistencies between observations and models need to be addressed with more mass, radius, and luminosity measurements of low-mass stars to test and refine evolutionary models. Our aim is to measure the masses, radii and ages of the stars in five low-mass eclipsing binary systems discovered by the WASP survey. We used WASP photometry to establish eclipse-time ephemerides and to obtain initial estimates for the transit depth and width. Radial velocity measurements were simultaneously fitted with follow-up photometry to find the best-fitting orbital solution. This solution was combined with measurements of atmospheric parameters to interpolate evolutionary models and estimate the mass of the primary star, and the mass and radius of the M-dwarf companion. We assess how the best fitting orbital solution changes if an alternative limb-darkening law is used and quantify the systematic effects of unresolved companions. We also gauge how the best-fitting evolutionary model changes if different values are used for the mixing length parameter and helium enhancement. We report the mass and radius of five M-dwarfs and find little evidence of inflation with respect to evolutionary models. The primary stars in two systems are near the "blue hook" stage of their post sequence evolution, resulting in two possible solutions for mass and age. We find that choices in helium enhancement and mixing-length parameter can introduce an additional 3-5% uncertainty in measured M-dwarf mass. Unresolved companions can introduce an additional 3-8% uncertainty in the radius of an M-dwarf, while the choice of limb-darkening law can introduce up to an additional 2% uncertainty. The choices in orbital fitting and evolutionary models can introduce significant uncertainties in measurements of physical properties of such systems.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/453/1879
- Title:
- EC Blue Object survey. -40{deg}>b>-50{deg}
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/453/1879
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Results for Zone 3 of the Edinburgh-Cape (EC) Blue Object survey are presented. This zone covers that part of the South Galactic Cap between 40{deg} and 50{deg} from the Galactic plane and south of about -12.3{deg} of declination. EC Zone 3 contains 53 UK Schmidt Telescope fields covering about 1400 deg2 in which we find some 534 blue objects, including hot subdwarfs (~39 percent), white dwarfs (~21 percent), cataclysmic variables (~2 percent) and some star-like galaxies (~9 percent). A further 178 cooler stars observed in the survey, including low-metallicity F- and G-type stars, are also listed. Both low-dispersion spectroscopic classification and UBV photometry are presented for almost all of the hot objects and either spectroscopy or photometry (sometimes both) for the cooler ones.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/796/60
- Title:
- ECDFS galaxies photometric redshifts & counterparts
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/796/60
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present photometric redshifts and associated probability distributions for all detected sources in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS). This work makes use of the most up-to-date data from the Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Legacy Survey (CANDELS) and the Taiwan ECDFS Near-Infrared Survey (TENIS) in addition to other data. We also revisit multi-wavelength counterparts for published X-ray sources from the 4Ms CDFS and 250ks ECDFS surveys, finding reliable counterparts for 1207 out of 1259 sources (~96%). Data used for photometric redshifts include intermediate-band photometry deblended using the TFIT method, which is used for the first time in this work. Photometric redshifts for X-ray source counterparts are based on a new library of active galactic nuclei/galaxy hybrid templates appropriate for the faint X-ray population in the CDFS. Photometric redshift accuracy for normal galaxies is 0.010 and for X-ray sources is 0.014 and outlier fractions are 4% and 5.2%, respectively. The results within the CANDELS coverage area are even better, as demonstrated both by spectroscopic comparison and by galaxy-pair statistics. Intermediate-band photometry, even if shallow, is valuable when combined with deep broadband photometry. For best accuracy, templates must include emission lines.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/642/L13
- Title:
- ECDFS MUSYC galaxies UBVRIzNB5000 photometry
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/642/L13
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We selected 40 candidate Ly{alpha}-emitting galaxies (LAEs) at z~3.1 with observed-frame equivalent widths greater than 150{AA} and inferred emission-line fluxes above 2.5x10^-17^ergs/cm^2^/s from deep narrowband and broadband MUSYC images of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South. Covering 992-arcmin^2^, this is the largest "blank field" surveyed for LAEs at z~3, allowing an improved estimate of the space density of this population of (3+/-1)x10^4^h/Mpc^3^. Spectroscopic follow-up of 23 candidates yielded 18 redshifts, all at z~3.1. Over 80% of the LAEs are dimmer in continuum magnitude than the typical Lyman break galaxy (LBG) spectroscopic limit of R=25.5 (AB), with a median continuum magnitude R~27 and very blue continuum colors, V-z~=0.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/189
- Title:
- Eclipse timings for 9 contact binaries
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/189
- Date:
- 08 Dec 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper, we present the first light curve synthesis and orbital period change analysis of nine contact binaries around the short-period limit. It is found that all these systems are W-subtype contact binaries. One of them is a medium contact system while the others are shallow contact ones. Four of them manifest obvious O'Connell effect explained by a dark spot or hot spot on one of the component stars. Third light was detected in three systems. By investigating orbital period variations, we found that four of the targets display a secular period decrease while the others exhibit a long-term period increase. The secular period decrease is more likely caused by angular-momentum loss while the long-term period increase is due to mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one. Based on the statistic of 19 ultrashort-period contact binaries with known orbital period changes, we found that seven of them display long-term decrease (three of them also exhibit cyclic variations), ten of them manifest long-term increase while two of them only show cyclic variation, and that most of them are shallow contact binaries supporting the long timescale angular-momentum loss theory suggested by Stepien. For the three deep contact systems, we found that they are probably triple systems. The tertiary companion plays an essential role during their formation and evolution.