- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/144/88
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of 6 LMC RR Lyrae and 3 SMC RR Lyrae
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/144/88
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present for the first time a detailed spectroscopic study of chemical element abundances of metal-poor RR Lyrae stars in the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud (LMC and SMC). Using the MagE echelle spectrograph at the 6.5m Magellan telescopes, we obtain medium resolution (R~2000-6000) spectra of six RR Lyrae stars in the LMC and three RR Lyrae stars in the SMC. These stars were chosen because their previously determined photometric metallicities were among the lowest metallicities found for stars belonging to the old populations in the Magellanic Clouds. We find the spectroscopic metallicities of these stars to be as low as [Fe/H]_spec_=-2.7dex, the lowest metallicity yet measured for any star in the Magellanic Clouds. We confirm that for metal-poor stars, the photometric metallicities from the Fourier decomposition of the light curves are systematically too high compared to their spectroscopic counterparts. However, for even more metal-poor stars below [Fe/H]_phot_<-2.8dex this trend is reversed and the spectroscopic metallicities are systematically higher than the photometric estimates. We are able to determine abundance ratios for 10 chemical elements (Fe, Na, Mg, Al, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Sr, and Ba), which extend the abundance measurements of chemical elements for RR Lyrae stars in the Clouds beyond [Fe/H] for the first time. For the overall [{alpha}/Fe] ratio, we obtain an overabundance of 0.36dex, which is in very good agreement with results from metal-poor stars in the Milky Way halo as well as from the metal-poor tail in dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Comparing the abundances with those of the stars in the Milky Way halo we find that the abundance ratios of stars of both populations are consistent with another. Therefore, we conclude that from a chemical point of view early contributions from Magellanic-type galaxies to the formation of the Galactic halo as claimed in cosmological models are plausible.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/748/29
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of M87 globular clusters
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/748/29
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The halos of galaxies preserve unique records of their formation histories. We carry out the first combined observational and theoretical study of phase-space halo substructure in an early-type galaxy: M87, the central galaxy in the Virgo cluster. We analyze an unprecedented wide-field, high-precision photometric and spectroscopic data set for 488 globular clusters (GCs), which includes new, large-radius Subaru/Suprime-Cam and Keck/DEIMOS observations. We find signatures of two substructures in position-velocity phase space. One is a small, cold stream associated with a known stellar filament in the outer halo; the other is a large shell-like pattern in the inner halo that implies a massive, hitherto unrecognized accretion event. We perform extensive statistical tests and independent metallicity analyses to verify the presence and characterize the properties of these features, and to provide more general methodologies for future extragalactic studies of phase-space substructure. The cold outer stream is consistent with a dwarf galaxy accretion event, while for the inner shell there is tension between a low progenitor mass implied by the cold velocity dispersion, and a high mass from the large number of GCs, which might be resolved by a ~0.5 L* E/S0 progenitor.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/769/10
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of M31 globular clusters
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/769/10
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the results of an [OIII]{lambda}5007 spectroscopic survey for planetary nebulae (PNe) located within the star clusters of M31. By examining R~5000 spectra taken with the WIYN+Hydra spectrograph, we identify 3 PN candidates in a sample of 274 likely globular clusters, 2 candidates in objects which may be globular clusters, and 5 candidates in a set of 85 younger systems. The possible PNe are all faint, between ~2.5 and ~6.8mag down the PN luminosity function, and, partly as a consequence of our selection criteria, have high excitation, with [OIII]{lambda}5007 to H{beta} ratios ranging from 2 to >~12. We discuss the individual candidates, their likelihood of cluster membership, and the possibility that they were formed via binary interactions within the clusters. Our data are consistent with the suggestion that PN formation within globular clusters correlates with binary encounter frequency, though, due to the small numbers and large uncertainties in the candidate list, this study does not provide sufficient evidence to confirm the hypothesis.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/139/2620
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of M81 globular clusters
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/139/2620
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We obtained spectra of 74 globular clusters (GCs) in M81. These GCs had been identified as candidates in a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys I-band survey. Sixty-eight of these 74 clusters lie within 7' of the M81 nucleus. Sixty-two of these clusters are newly spectroscopically confirmed, more than doubling the number of confirmed M81 GCs from 46 to 108. We determined metallicities for our 74 observed clusters using an empirical calibration based on Milky Way GCs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/147/20
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of 447 nearby M dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/147/20
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present metallicities, radial velocities, and near-infrared (NIR) spectral types for 447 M dwarfs determined from moderate resolution (R{approx}2000) NIR spectra obtained with the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)/SpeX. These M dwarfs are primarily targets of the MEarth Survey, a transiting planet survey searching for super Earths around mid-to-late M dwarfs within 33pc. We present NIR spectral types for each star and new spectral templates for the IRTF in the Y, J, H, and K-bands, created using M dwarfs with near-solar metallicities. We developed two spectroscopic distance calibrations that use NIR spectral type or an index based on the curvature of the K-band continuum. Our distance calibration has a scatter of 14%. We searched 27 NIR spectral lines and 10 spectral indices for metallicity sensitive features, taking into account correlated noise in our estimates of the errors on these parameters. We calibrated our relation using 36 M dwarfs in common proper pairs with an F-, G-, or K-type star of known metallicity. We validated the physical association of these pairs using proper motions, radial velocities, and spectroscopic distance estimates. Our resulting metallicity calibration uses the sodium doublet at 2.2{mu}m as the sole indicator for metallicity. It has an accuracy of 0.12dex inferred from the scatter between the metallicities of the primaries and the estimated metallicities of the secondaries. Our relation is valid for NIR spectral types from M1V to M5V and for -1.0dex<[Fe/H]<+0.35dex. We present a new color-color metallicity relation using J-H and J-K colors that directly relates two observables: the distance from the M dwarf main sequence and equivalent width of the sodium line at 2.2{mu}m. We used radial velocities of M dwarf binaries, observations at different epochs, and comparison between our measurements and precisely measured radial velocities to demonstrate a 4km/s accuracy.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/411/1536
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of of IC4499 red giants
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/411/1536
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present radial velocity and metallicity measurements for the far southern Galactic globular cluster IC 4499. We selected several hundred target red giant stars in and around the cluster from the 2MASS point source catalogue, and obtained spectra at the near-infrared calcium triplet using the AAOmega spectrograph. Observations of giants in globular clusters M4, M22 and M68 were taken to provide radial velocity and metallicity comparison objects.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/574/A109
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of Planetary Nebulae in NGC 5128
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/574/A109
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Planetary nebulae (PNe) are excellent tracers of the common low mass stars through their strong and narrow emission lines. The velocities of large numbers of PNe are excellent tracers of galaxy kinematics. NGC 5128, the nearest large early-type galaxy offers the possibility to gather a large PN sample. Imaging and spectroscopic observations of PNe in NGC 5128 were obtained to find PNe and measure their velocities. Combined with literature data, a large sample of high quality kinematic probes is assembled for dynamical studies in NGC 5128. NTT Imaging was obtained in 15 fields in NGC 5128 over 1 degree with EMMI and [OIII] and off-band filters. Newly detected emission sources, combined with literature PN, were used as input for FLAMES multi-fibre spectroscopy in MEDUSA mode. Spectra of the 4600-5100{AA} region were analysed and velocities were measured based on [OIII]4959,5007{AA} and often H{beta}. The chief results are catalogues of 1118 PN candidates and 1267 spectroscopically confirmed PNe in NGC 5128. The catalogue of PN candidates contains 1060 potential PNe discovered with NTT EMMI imaging and 58 from literature surveys. The spectroscopically confirmed PN catalogue has FLAMES radial velocity and emission line measurements for 1135 PNe, of which 486 are newly confirmed here. An additional 132 PN radial velocities are available from the literature. For 629 PNe observed with FLAMES, H-beta was measured in addition to the [OIII] emission lines. Nine targets show double-lined or more complex profiles (19 components in total), and their possible origin is discussed. FLAMES spectra of 48 globular clusters were also targetted, and 11 had emission lines detected (two with multiple components), but only 3 are PNe likely to belong to the host globular. Conclusions. The total of 1267 confirmed PNe in NGC 5128 with radial velocity measurements, of which 1135 have small velocity errors, is the largest such collection of individual kinematic probes in an early-type galaxy. This PN dataset, as well as the catalogue of 1118 PN candidates, are valuable resources for detailed investigation of the kinematics and stellar population of NGC 5128.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/393/272
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of red giants in 12 open clusters
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/393/272
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Near-infrared spectra of 133 red giant stars from 10 Galactic open clusters and two Galactic globular clusters spanning 2.2dex in metallicity and 11Gyr in age are presented. We combine this sample with 10 clusters from Cole and collaborators (2004MNRAS.347..367C) to investigate the CaII triplet line strengths and their relation to cluster metallicity and position along the red giant branch. We show that characterizing the stellar surface gravity using K_s_-band photometry (relative to the horizontal branch) taken from the Two Micron All-Sky Survey allows for metallicity measurements at least as precise as those derived using V- or I-band data. This has the great advantage that uniform photometry and reliable astrometry are available for a large number of clusters. Using K_s_-band photometry also reduces the effect of differential reddening within a given cluster. We find no significant evidence for age or metallicity effects to the linear CaII triplet-metallicity relationship over the small range in magnitudes studied when homogeneous reference metallicities are used. We derive the first spectroscopic metallicity and new radial velocity estimates for five open clusters: Berkeley 81, Berkeley 99, IC 1311, King 2 and NGC7044. King2 has an anomalous radial velocity compared with the local disc population. We discuss the possibility that it is part of the Monoceros tidal stream.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/546/A57
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of 400 red giants in the Bulge
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/546/A57
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The presence of two stellar populations in the Milky Way bulge has been reported recently, based on observations of giant and dwarf stars in the inner an intermediate bulge. We aim at studying the abundances and kinematics of stars in the outer Galactic bulge, thereby providing additional constraints on formation models of the bulge. Spectra of 401 red giant stars in a field at (l,b)=(0,-10) were obtained with the FLAMES-GIRAFFE spectrograph at the VLT. Stars of luminosities down to below the two bulge red clumps are included in the data set. From these spectra we measure general metallicities, abundances of iron and the alpha-elements, and radial velocities of the stars. The abundances are derived from an interpolation and fitting procedure within a grid of COMARCS model atmospheres and spectra. These measurements as well as photometric data are compared to simulations with the Besancon and TRILEGAL models of the Galaxy. We confirm the presence of two populations among our sample stars: i) a metal-rich one at [M/H]~+0.3, comprising about 30% of the sample, with low velocity dispersion and low alpha-abundance, and ii) a metal-poor population at [M/H]~-0.6 with high velocity dispersion and high alpha-abundance. The metallicity difference between the two populations, a systematically and statistically robust figure, is Delta[M/H]=0.87+-0.03. The metal-rich population could be connected to the Galactic bar. We identify this population as the carrier of the double red clump feature. We do not find a significant difference in metallicity or radial velocity between the two red clumps, a small difference in metallicity being probably due to a selection effect and contamination by the metal-poor population. The velocity dispersion agrees well with predictions of the Besancon Galaxy model, but the metallicity of the "thick bulge" model component should be shifted to lower metallicity by 0.2 to 0.3dex to well reproduce the observations. We present evidence that the metallicity distribution function depends on the evolutionary state of the sample stars, suggesting that enhanced mass loss preferentially removes metal-rich stars. We also confirm the decrease of alpha-element over-abundance with increasing metallicity. Conclusions: Our sample is consistent with the existence of two populations, one being a metal-rich bar, the second one being more like a metal-poor classical bulge with larger velocity dispersion.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/129/1465
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of red giants in the LMC bar
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/129/1465
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report metallicities and radial velocities derived from spectra at the near-infrared calcium triplet for 373 red giants in a 200arcmin^2^ area at the optical center of the LMC bar. These are the first spectroscopic abundance measurements of intermediate-age and old field stars in the high surface brightness heart of the LMC. The metallicity distribution is sharply peaked at the median value [Fe/H]=-0.40, with a small tail of stars extending down to [Fe/H]<=-2.1; 10% of the red giants are observed to have [Fe/H]<=-0.7.