- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/643/A172
- Title:
- Abell 2626 radio source LOFAR image at 144MHz
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/643/A172
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present new LOFAR data of the galaxy cluster Abell 2626. Weproduced a new, resolved spectral index map of the source with a resolution of 7" and we studied the spatial correlation of radio and X-ray emission to investigate the interplay between thermal and nonthermal plasma. The new LOFAR data changed our view of the Kite because we discovered two steep-spectrum ({alpha}<-1.5) plumes of emission connected to the arcs. On the basis of our results, we propose that the Kite was originally an X-shaped radio galaxy whose fossil radio plasma, after the end of the activity of the central active galactic nucleus, has been compressed as a consequence of motions of the thermal plasma encompassing the galaxy. The interplay between the compression and advection of the fossil plasma, with the restarting of the nuclear activity of the central galaxy,could have enhanced the radio emission of the fossil plasma producing the arcs of the Kite. We also present the first, low-frequency observation of a jellyfish galaxy in the same field, in which we detect extended, low-frequency emission without a counterpart at higher frequencies.
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- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/220/7
- Title:
- Abundance of X-shaped radio sources. I. VLA survey
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/220/7
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Cheung (2007, J/AJ/133/2097) identified a sample of 100 candidate X-shaped radio galaxies using the NRAO FIRST survey; these are small-axial-ratio extended radio sources with off-axis emission. Here, we present radio images of 52 of these sources that have been made from archival Very Large Array data with resolution of about 1". Fifty-one of the 52 were observed at 1.4GHz, 7 were observed at 1.4 and 5GHz, and 1 was observed only at 5GHz. We also present overlays of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey red images for 48 of the sources, and DSS-II overlays for the remainder. Optical counterparts have been identified for most sources, but there remain a few empty fields. Our higher resolution VLA images along with FIRST survey images of the sources in the sample reveal that extended extragalactic radio sources with small axial ratios are largely (60%) cases of double radio sources with twin lobes that have off-axis extensions, usually with inversion-symmetric structure. The available radio images indicate that at most 20% of sources might be genuine X-shaped radio sources that could have formed by a restarting of beams in a new direction following an interruption and axis flip. The remaining 20% are in neither of these categories.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/247/5
- Title:
- Accurate OH maser positions from SPLASH. III.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/247/5
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present high spatial resolution observations of ground-state OH masers achieved with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). These observations targeted 253 pointing centers containing OH maser candidates at all four ground-state OH transitions identified in the Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl (SPLASH) across 96deg^2^ of the southern Galactic plane (332{deg}<l<334{deg} and -2{deg}<b<+2{deg}, 344{deg}<l<355{deg} and -2{deg}<b<+2{deg}, 358{deg}<l<4{deg} and +2{deg}<b<+6{deg}, 5{deg}<l<10{deg} and -2{deg}<b<+2{deg}). We detect maser emission toward 236 fields and suggest that 7 out of 17 nondetections are due to the slightly lower sensitivity of the ATCA observations, combined with some temporal variability. The superior resolution provided by the ATCA data has allowed us to identify 362 OH maser sites in the 236 target fields. Almost half (160 of 362) of these masers have been detected for the first time. Comparison between these 362 maser sites and information presented in the literature allowed us to categorize 238 sites as evolved star sites (66%), 63 as star formation (17%), 8 as supernova remnants, and 53 as unknown maser sites (15%). We present an analysis of the OH masers across the full SPLASH survey range (176deg^2^) and find that the detection rate of 1.7GHz radio continuum sources (18%) is lower than that previously found at 8.2 and 9.2GHz (38%). We also find that the velocity separations of evolved star sites with symmetric 1612MHz maser profiles are generally smaller than those with asymmetric profiles.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/551/A43
- Title:
- AFGL 2591 multi-wavelength maps
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/551/A43
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- While it is currently unclear from a theoretical standpoint which forces and processes dominate the formation of high-mass stars, and hence determine the mode in which they form, much of the recent observational evidence suggests that massive stars are born in a similar manner to their low-mass counterparts. This paper aims to investigate the hypothesis that the embedded luminous star AFGL 2591-VLA 3 (2.3E+5L_{sun}_ at 3.33kpc) is forming according to a scaled-up version of a low-mass star formation scenario. We present multi-configuration Very Large Array 3.6cm and 7mm, as well as Combined Array for Research in Millimeter Astronomy C^18^O and 3mm continuum observations to investigate the morphology and kinematics of the ionized gas, dust, and molecular gas around AFGL 2591. We also compare our results to ancillary Gemini North near-IR images, and model the near-IR to sub-mm Spectral Energy distribution (SED) and Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) image profiles of AFGL 2591 using a Monte-Carlo dust continuum radiative transfer code. The observed 3.6 cm images uncover for the first time that the central powering source AFGL 2591-VLA 3 has a compact core plus collimated jet morphology, extending 4000AU eastward from the central source with an opening angle of <10{deg} at this radius. However, at 7mm VLA 3 does not show a jet morphology, but instead compact (< 500AU) emission, some of which (<0.57mJy of 2.9mJy) is estimated to be from dust emission. The spectral index of AFGL 2591-VLA 3 between 3.6cm and 7mm was found to be between 0.4 and 0.5, similar to that of an ionized wind. If the 3.6cm emission is modelled as an ionized jet, the jet has almost enough momentum to drive the larger-scale flow. However, assuming a shock efficiency of 10%, the momentum rate of the jet is not sufficient to ionize itself via only shocks, and thus a significant portion of the emission is instead likely created in a photoionized wind. The C18O emission uncovers dense entrained material in the outflow(s) from these young stars. The main features of the SED and 2MASS images of AFGL 2591-VLA 3 are also reproduced by our model dust geometry of a rotationally flattened envelope with and without a disk. The above results are consistent with a picture of massive star formation similar to that seen for low-mass protostars. However, within its envelope, AFGL 2591-VLA 3 contains at least four other young stars, constituting a small cluster. Therefore it appears that AFGL 2591-VLA 3 may be able to source its accreting material from a shared gas reservoir while still exhibiting the phenomena expected during the formation of low-mass stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/832/187
- Title:
- ALMA and VLA radio continuum obs. of NGC 6334I
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/832/187
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present Very Large Array and Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array imaging of the deeply embedded protostellar cluster NGC 6334I from 5cm to 1.3mm at angular resolutions as fine as 0.17" (220au). The dominant hot core MM1 is resolved into seven components at 1.3mm, clustered within a radius of 1000au. Four of the components have brightness temperatures >200K, radii ~300au, minimum luminosities ~10^4^L_{sun}_, and must be centrally heated. We term this new phenomenon a "hot multi-core." Two of these objects also exhibit compact free-free emission at longer wavelengths, consistent with a hypercompact HII region (MM1B) and a jet (MM1D). The spatial kinematics of the water maser emission centered on MM1D are consistent with it being the origin of the high-velocity bipolar molecular outflow seen in CO. The close proximity of MM1B and MM1D (440au) suggests a proto-binary or a transient bound system. Several components of MM1 exhibit steep millimeter spectral energy distributions indicative of either unusual dust spectral properties or time variability. In addition to resolving MM1 and the other hot core (MM2) into multiple components, we detect five new millimeter and two new centimeter sources. Water masers are detected for the first time toward MM4A, confirming its membership in the protocluster. With a 1.3mm brightness temperature of 97K coupled with a lack of thermal molecular line emission, MM4A appears to be a highly optically thick 240L_{sun}_ dust core, possibly tracing a transient stage of massive protostellar evolution. The nature of the strongest water maser source CM2 remains unclear due to its combination of non-thermal radio continuum and lack of dust emission.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/623/A153
- Title:
- ALMA data cubes for HD 101584
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/623/A153
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- There is growing evidence that red giant evolution is often affected by an interplay with a nearby companion, in some cases taking the form of a common-envelope evolution. We have performed a study of the characteristics of the circumstellar environment of the binary object HD ,101584, that provides information on a likely evolutionary scenario. We have obtained and analyzed ALMA observations, complemented with observations using APEX, of a large number of molecular lines. An analysis of the spectral energy distribution has also been performed. Emissions from 12 molecular species (not counting isotopologues) have been observed, and most of them mapped with angular resolutions in the range 0.1" to 0.6". Four circumstellar components are identified: i) a central compact source of size ~=0.15", ii) an expanding equatorial density enhancement (a flattened density distribution in the plane of the orbit) of size ~=3", iii) a bipolar high-velocity outflow (~=150km/s), and iv) an hourglass structure. The outflow is directed almost along the line of sight. There is evidence of a second bipolar outflow. The mass of the circumstellar gas is ~=0.5[D/1kpc]^2^M_{sun}_, about half of it lies in the equatorial density enhancement. The dust mass is ~=0.01[D/1kpc]^2^M_{sun}_, and a substantial fraction of this is in the form of large-sized, up to 1mm, grains. The estimated kinetic age of the outflow is ~=770[D/1kpc]yr. The kinetic energy and the scalar momentum of the accelerated gas are estimated to be 7x10^45^[D/1kpc]^2^erg and 10^39^[D/1kpc]^2^g.cm/s, respectively. We provide good evidence that the binary system HD 101584 is in a post-common-envelope-evolution phase, that ended before a stellar merger. Isotope ratios combined with stellar mass estimates suggest that the primary star's evolution was terminated already on the first red giant branch (RGB). Most of the energy required to drive the outflowing gas was probably released when material fell towards the companion.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/597/A41
- Title:
- ALMA Frontier Fields Survey. I.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/597/A41
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Dusty star-forming galaxies are among the most prodigious systems at high redshift (z>1), characterized by high star-formation rates and huge dust reservoirs. The bright end of this population has been well characterized in recent years, but considerable uncertainties remain for fainter dusty star-forming galaxies, which are responsible for the bulk of star formation at high redshift and thus play a key role in galaxy growth and evolution. In this first paper of our series, we describe our methods for finding high redshift faint dusty galaxies using millimeter observations with ALMA. We obtained ALMA 1.1mm mosaic images for three strong-lensing galaxy clusters from the Frontier Fields Survey, which constitute some of the best studied gravitational lenses to date. The ~2'x2' mosaics overlap with the deep HST WFC3/IR footprints and encompass the high magnification regions of each cluster for maximum intrinsic source sensitivity. The combination of extremely high ALMA sensitivity and the magnification power of these clusters allows us to systematically probe the sub-mJy population of dusty star-forming galaxies over a large surveyed area. We present a description of the reduction and analysis of the ALMA continuum observations for the galaxy clusters Abell 2744 (z=0.308), MACS J0416.1-2403 (z=0.396) and MACS J1149.5+2223 (z=0.543), for which we reach observed rms sensitivities of 55, 59 and 71uJy/beam respectively. We detect 12 dusty star-forming galaxies at S/N>=5.0 across the three clusters, all of them presenting coincidence with near-infrared detected counterparts in the HST images. None of the sources fall close to the lensing caustics, thus they are not strongly lensed. The observed 1.1mm flux densities for the total sample of galaxies range from 0.41 to 2.82mJy, with observed effective radii spanning <~0.05" to 0.37"+/-0.21". The lensing-corrected sizes of the detected sources appear to be in the same range as those measured in brighter samples, albeit with possibly larger dispersion.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/633/A160
- Title:
- ALMA Frontier Fields Survey. V.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/633/A160
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Hubble Frontier Fields offer an exceptionally deep window into the high-redshift universe, covering a substantially larger area than the Hubble Ultra-Deep field at low magnification and probing 1-2mags deeper in exceptional high-magnification regions. This unique parameter space, coupled with the exceptional multi-wavelength ancillary data, can facilitate for useful insights into distant galaxy populations. We aim to leverage Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) band 6 (~263GHz) mosaics in the central portions of five Frontier Fields to characterize the infrared (IR) properties of 1582 ultraviolet (UV)-selected Lyman-Break Galaxies (LBGs) at redshifts of z~2-8. We investigated individual and stacked fluxes and IR excess (IRX) values of the LBG sample as functions of stellar mass (M_star), redshift, UV luminosity and slope {beta}, and lensing magnification. LBG samples were derived from color-selection and photometric redshift estimation with Hubble Space Telescope photometry. Spectral energy distributions (SED)-templates were fit to obtain luminosities, stellar masses, and star formation rates for the LBG candidates. We obtained individual IR flux and IRX estimates, as well as stacked averages, using both ALMA images and u-v visibilities. Two (2) LBG candidates were individually detected above a significance of 4.1-sigma, while stacked samples of the remaining LBG candidates yielded no significant detections. We investigated our detections and upper limits in the context of the IRX-M_star and IRX-{beta} relations, probing at least one dex lower in stellar mass than past studies have done. Our upper limits exclude substantial portions of parameter space and they are sufficiently deep in a handful of cases to create mild tension with the typically assumed attenuation and consensus relations. We observe a clear and smooth trend between M* and {beta}, which extends to low masses and blue (low) {beta} values, consistent with expectations from previous works.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/256/30
- Title:
- ALMA 1.33mm images of 10 FU Orionis-type stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/256/30
- Date:
- 03 Mar 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The FU Orionis-type objects (FUors) are low-mass pre-main-sequence stars undergoing a temporary but significant increase of mass accretion rate from the circumstellar disk onto the protostar. It is not yet clear what triggers the accretion bursts and whether the disks of FUors are in any way different from the disks of nonbursting young stellar objects. Motivated by this, we conducted a 1.3mm continuum survey of 10 FUors and FUor-like objects with ALMA, using both the 7m array and the 12m array in two different configurations to recover emission at the widest possible range of spatial scales. We detected all targeted sources and several nearby objects as well. To constrain the disk structure, we fit the data with models of increasing complexity from 2D Gaussian to radiative transfer, enabling comparison with other samples modeled in a similar way. The radiative transfer modeling gives disk masses that are significantly larger than what is obtained from the measured millimeter fluxes assuming optically thin emission, suggesting that the FUor disks are optically thick at this wavelength. In comparison with samples of regular class II and class I objects, the disks of FUors are typically a factor of 2.9-4.4 more massive and a factor of 1.5-4.7 smaller in size. A significant fraction of them (65%-70%) may be gravitationally unstable.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/429/3330
- Title:
- AMI Galactic Plane Survey at 16GHz. I.
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/429/3330
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The AMI Galactic Plane survey is being made with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) Small Array at 15.7GHz and with resolution of approximately 3arcmin. This is the first data release, covering ~868deg^2^ of the Northern Galactic plane between |b|~+/-5{deg} and above {delta}=40{deg} with a noise level of ~3mJy/beam away from bright sources. The source catalogue contains a total of 3503 sources.