- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/813/100
- Title:
- Deep GALEX NUV survey of the Kepler field. I.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/813/100
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report observations of a deep near-ultraviolet (NUV) survey of the Kepler field made in 2012 with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Complete All-Sky UV Survey Extension (CAUSE). The GALEX-CAUSE Kepler survey (GCK) covers 104 square degrees of the Kepler field and reaches a limiting magnitude of NUV~=22.6 at 3{sigma}. Analysis of the GCK survey has yielded a catalog of 660928 NUV sources, of which 475164 are cross-matched with stars in the Kepler Input Catalog. Approximately 327 of 451 confirmed exoplanet host stars and 2614 of 4696 candidate exoplanet host stars identified by Kepler have NUV photometry in the GCK survey. The GCK catalog should enable the identification and characterization of UV-excess stars in the Kepler field (young solar-type and low-mass stars, chromospherically active binaries, white dwarfs, horizontal branch stars, etc.), and elucidation of various astrophysics problems related to the stars and planetary systems in the Kepler field.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/190/43
- Title:
- Deep GALEX observations of the Coma cluster
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/190/43
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a source catalog from a deep 26ks Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) observation of the Coma cluster in the far-UV (FUV; 1530{AA}) and near-UV (NUV; 2310{AA}) wavebands. The observed field is centered ~0.9{deg} (1.6Mpc) southwest of the Coma core in a well-studied region of the cluster known as "Coma-3". The entire field is located within the apparent virial radius of the Coma cluster, and has optical photometric coverage with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and deep spectroscopic coverage to r~21. We detect GALEX sources to NUV=24.5 and FUV=25.0, which corresponds to a star formation rate of ~10^-3^M_{sun}_/yr for galaxies at the distance of Coma. We have assembled a catalog of 9700 galaxies with GALEX and SDSS photometry, including 242 spectroscopically confirmed Coma member galaxies (in fig. 1) that span a large range of galaxy types from giant spirals and elliptical galaxies to dwarf irregular and early-type galaxies. The full multi-wavelength catalog (cluster plus background galaxies) is ~80% complete to NUV=23 and FUV=23.5. The GALEX images presented here are very deep and include detections of many resolved cluster members superposed on a dense field of unresolved background galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/465/1807
- Title:
- Deep OB star population in Carina
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/465/1807
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Massive OB stars are critical to the ecology of galaxies, and yet our knowledge of OB stars in the Milky Way, fainter than V~12, remains patchy. Data from the VST Photometric H-alpha Survey (VPHAS+) permit the construction of the first deep catalogues of blue excess-selected OB stars, without neglecting the stellar field. A total of 14900 candidates with 2MASS cross-matches are blue-selected from a 42 square-degree region in the Galactic longitude range 282{deg}<l<293{deg} Spectral energy distribution fitting is performed on these candidates' combined VPHAS+ u/g/r/i and 2MASS J/H/K magnitudes. This delivers: effective temperature constraints, statistically separating O from early-B stars; high-quality extinction parameters, A_0_ and R_V_ (random errors typically <0.1). The high confidence O-B2 candidates number 5915 and a further 5170 fit to later B spectral type. Spectroscopy of 276 of the former confirms 97% of them. The fraction of emission line stars among all candidate B stars is 7-8%. Greyer (R_V_>3.5) extinction laws are ubiquitous in the region, over the distance range 2.5-3kpc to ~10kpc. Near prominent massive clusters, R_V_ tends to rise, with particularly large and chaotic excursions to R_V_~5 seen in the Carina Nebula. The data reveal a hitherto unnoticed association of 108 O-B2 stars around the O5If+ star LSS 2063 (l=289.77{deg}, b=-1.22{deg}). Treating the OB star scale-height as a constant within the thin disk, we find an orderly mean relation between extinction (A_0_) and distance in the Galactic longitude range, 287.6{deg}<l< 293.5{deg}, and infer the subtle onset of thin-disk warping. A halo around NGC 3603, roughly a degree in diameter, of ~500 O-B2 stars with 4<A_0_(mag)<7 is noted.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/458/1590
- Title:
- Deep spectroscopy of Abell 85
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/458/1590
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a new deep spectroscopic catalogue for Abell 85, within 3.0x2.6Mpc^2^ and down to M_r_~M_r_^*^+6. Using the Visible Multi-Object Spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope and the AutoFiber 2 at the William Herschel Telescope, we obtained almost 1430 new redshifts for galaxies with m_r_<=21mag and <{mu}_e,r_><=24mag/arcsec^2^. These redshifts, together with Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 and NASA/IPAC Extragaalctic Database spectroscopic information, result in 460 confirmed cluster members. This data set allows the study of the luminosity function (LF) of the cluster galaxies covering three orders of magnitudes in luminosities. The total and radial LFs are best modelled by a double Schechter function. The normalized LFs show that their bright (M_r_<=-21.5) and faint (M_r_>=-18.0) ends are independent of clustercentric distance and similar to the field LFs unlike the intermediate luminosity range (-21.5<=M_r_<=-18.0). Similar results are found for the LFs of the dominant types of galaxies: red, passive, virialized and early-infall members. On the contrary, the LFs of blue, star forming, non-virialized and recent-infall galaxies are well described by a single Schechter function. These populations contribute to a small fraction of the galaxy density in the innermost cluster region. However, in the outskirts of the cluster, they have similar densities to red, passive, virialized and early-infall members at the LF faint end. These results confirm a clear dependence of the colour and star formation of Abell 85 members in the cluster centric distance.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/836/137
- Title:
- Deep, wide-field g,i imaging of And XXXI
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/836/137
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results from WIYN pODI imaging of Lacerta I (And XXXI), a satellite dwarf galaxy discovered in the outskirts of the Andromeda galaxy (M31) in Pan-STARRS1 survey data. Our deep, wide-field g,i photometry reaches ~3mag fainter than the photometry in the Pan-STARRS1 discovery paper and allows us to trace the stellar population of Lac I beyond two half-light radii from the galaxy center. We measure a Tip of the Red Giant Branch distance for Lac I of (m-M)_0_=24.44+/-0.11mag (773+/-40kpc, or 264+/-6kpc from M31), which is consistent with the Pan-STARRS1 distance. We use a maximum-likelihood technique to derive structural properties for the galaxy, and find a half-light radius (r_h_) of 3.24+/-0.21' (728+/-47pc), ellipticity ({epsilon}) of 0.44+/-0.03, total magnitude M_V_=-11.4+/-0.3, and central surface brightness {mu}_V,0_=24.8+/-0.3mag/arcsec^2^. We find no H I emission in archival data and set a limit on Lac I's neutral gas mass-to-light ratio of M_HI_/L_V_<0.06M_{sun}_/L_{sun}_, confirming Lac I as a gas-poor dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Photometric metallicities derived from Red Giant Branch stars within 2 r_h_ yield a median [Fe/H] of -1.68+/-0.03, which is more metal-rich than the spectroscopically derived value from Martin+ (2014ApJ...793L..14M). Combining our measured magnitude with this higher metallicity estimate places Lac I closer to its expected position on the luminosity-metallicity relation for dwarf galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/186/427
- Title:
- Detailed morphology of SDSS galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/186/427
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalog of detailed visual classifications for 14034 galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 4 (DR4, Cat. <II/267>). Our sample includes nearly all spectroscopically targeted galaxies in the redshift range 0.01<z<0.1 down to an apparent extinction-corrected limit of g<16mag. In addition to T-Types, we record the existence of bars, rings, lenses, tails, warps, dust lanes, arm flocculence, and multiplicity. This sample defines a comprehensive local galaxy sample which we will use in future papers to study low-redshift morphology. It will also prove useful for calibrating automated galaxy classification algorithms. In this paper, we describe the classification methodology used, detail the systematics and biases of our sample, and summarize the overall statistical properties of the sample, noting the most obvious trends that are relevant for general comparisons of our catalog with previously published work.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/607/A56
- Title:
- Distant clusters of galaxies in the 2XMM/SDSS
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/607/A56
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Galaxy clusters at high redshift are important to test cosmological models and models for the growth of structure. They are difficult to find in wide-angle optical surveys, however, leaving dedicated follow-up of X-ray selected candidates as one promising identification route. We aim to increase the number of galaxy clusters beyond the SDSS-limit, z~0.75. We compiled a list of extended X-ray sources from the 2XMMp catalogue within the footprint of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Fields without optical counterpart were selected for further investigation. Deep optical imaging and follow-up spectroscopy were obtained with the Large Binocular Telescope, Arizona (LBT), of those candidates not known to the literature. From initially 19 candidates, selected by visually screening X-ray images of 478 XMM-Newton observations and the corresponding SDSS images, 6 clusters were found in the literature. Imaging data through r,z filters were obtained for the remaining candidates, and 7 were chosen for multi-object (MOS) spectroscopy. Spectroscopic redshifts, optical magnitudes, and X-ray parameters (flux, temperature, and luminosity) are presented for the clusters with spectroscopic redshifts. The distant clusters studied here constitute one additional redshift bin for studies of the L-T relation, which does not seem to evolve from high to low redshifts. The selection method of distant galaxy clusters presented here was highly successful. It is based solely on archival optical (SDSS) and X-ray (XMM-Newton) data. Out of 19 selected candidates, 6 of the 7 candidates selected for spectroscopic follow-up were verified as distant clusters, a further candidate is most likely a group of galaxies at z~1.21. Out of the remaining 12 candidates, 6 were known previously as galaxy clusters, one object is a likely X-ray emission from an AGN radio jet, and for 5 we see no clear evidence for them to be high-redshift galaxy clusters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/650/A157
- Title:
- Dolidze 25 Chandra/ACIS-I X-ray sources
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/650/A157
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The dispersal of protoplanetary disks sets the timescale available for planets to assemble, and thus it is one of the fundamental parameters in theories of planetary formation. Disk dispersal is determined by several properties of the central star, the disk itself, and the surrounding environment. In particular, the metallicity of disks may impact their evolution, even if to date controversial results exist: in low-metallicity clusters disks seem to rapidly disperse, while in the Magellanic Clouds some evidence supports the existence of accreting disks few tens of Myrs old. In this paper we study the dispersal timescale of disks in Dolidze 25, the young cluster in proximity of the Sun with lowest metallicity, with the aim of understanding whether disk evolution is impacted by the low-metallicity of the cluster. We have analyzed Chandra/ACIS-I observations of the cluster and combined the resulting source catalog with existing optical and infrared catalogs of the region. We selected the disk-bearing population in a 1 degree circular region centered on Dolidze~25 from criteria based on infrared colors, and the disk-less population within a smaller central region among the X-ray sources with OIR counterpart. In both cases, criteria are applied to discard contaminating sources in the foreground/background. We have derived stellar parameters from isochrones fitted to color-magnitude diagrams. We derived a disk fraction of about 34% and a median age of the cluster of 1.2Myrs. To minimize the impact of incompleteness and spatial inhomogeneity of the list of members, we restricted this calculation to stars in a magnitude range where our selection of cluster members is fairly complete and by adopting different cuts in stellar masses. By comparing this estimate with existing estimates of the disk fraction of clusters younger than 10Myrs, our study suggests that the disk fraction of Dolidze 25 is lower than what is expected from its age alone. Even if our results are not conclusive given the intrinsic uncertainty on stellar ages estimated from isochrones fitting to color-magnitude diagrams, we suggest that disk evolution in Dolidze 25 may be impacted by the environment. Given the poor O star population and low stellar density of the cluster, it is more likely that disks dispersal timescale is dictated more by the low metallicity of the cluster rather than external photoevaporation or dynamical encounters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/836/115
- Title:
- Double-component model fitting of elliptical gal.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/836/115
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We investigate two-dimensional image decomposition of nearby, morphologically selected early-type galaxies (ETGs). We are motivated by recent observational evidence of significant size growth of quiescent galaxies and theoretical development advocating a two-phase formation scenario for ETGs. We find that a significant fraction of nearby ETGs show changes in isophotal shape that require multi-component models. The characteristic sizes of the inner and outer component are ~3 and ~15kpc. The inner component lies on the mass-size relation of ETGs at z~0.25-0.75, while the outer component tends to be more elliptical and hints at a stochastic buildup process. We find real physical differences between single- and double-component ETGs, with double-component galaxies being younger and more metal-rich. The fraction of double-component ETGs increases with increasing {sigma} and decreases in denser environments. We hypothesize that double-component systems were able to accrete gas and small galaxies until later times, boosting their central densities, building up their outer parts, and lowering their typical central ages. In contrast, the oldest galaxies, perhaps due to residing in richer environments, have no remaining hints of their last accretion episode.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/446/2985
- Title:
- Double-lobed radio sources catalog
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/446/2985
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Current wide-area radio surveys are dominated by active galactic nuclei, yet many of these sources have no identified optical counterparts. Here we investigate whether one can constrain the nature and properties of these sources, using Fanaroff-Riley type II (FR II) radio galaxies as probes. These sources are easy to identify since the angular separation of their lobes remains almost constant at some tens of arcseconds for z>1. Using a simple algorithm applied to the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm survey, we obtain the largest FR II sample to date, containing over 104 double-lobed sources. A subset of 459 sources is matched to Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasars. This sample yields a statistically meaningful description of the fraction of quasars with lobes as a function of redshift and luminosity. This relation is combined with the bolometric quasar luminosity function and a disc-lobe correlation to obtain a robust prediction for the density of FR IIs on the radio sky. We find that the observed density can be explained by the population of known quasars, implying that the majority of powerful jets originate from a radiatively efficient accretion flow with a linear jet-disc coupling. Finally, we show that high-redshift jets are more often quenched within 100kpc, suggesting a higher efficiency of jet-induced feedback into their host galaxies.