- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/610/A21
- Title:
- KiDS Survey for solar system objects mining
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/610/A21
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The search for minor bodies in the Solar System promises insights into its formation history. Wide imaging surveys offer the opportunity to serendipitously discover and identify these traces of planetary formation and evolution. We present a method to acquire position, photometry, and proper motion measurements of Solar System objects in surveys using dithered image sequences. The application of this method on the Kilo-Degree Survey is demonstrated. Optical images of 346deg^2^ fields of the sky are searched in up to four filters using the AstrOmatic software suite to reduce the pixel to catalog data. The Solar System objects within the acquired sources are selected based on a set of criteria depending on their number of observation, motion, and size. The Virtual Observatory SkyBoT tool is used to identify known objects. We observed 20,221 SSO candidates, with an estimated false-positive content of less than 0.05%. Of these SSO candidates, 53.4% are identified by SkyBoT. KiDS can detect previously unknown SSOs because of its depth and coverage at high ecliptic latitude, including parts of the Southern Hemisphere. Thus we expect the large fraction of the 46.6% of unidentified objects to be truly new SSOs. Our method is applicable to a variety of dithered surveys such as DES, LSST, and Euclid. It offers a quick and easy-to-implement search for Solar System objects. SkyBoT can then be used to estimate the completeness of the recovered sample.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/653/A57
- Title:
- (216) Kleopatra images
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/653/A57
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The recent estimates of the 3D shape of the M/Xe-type triple asteroid system (216) Kleopatra indicated a density of ~5g/cm^3^, which is by far the highest for a small Solar System body. Such a high density implies a high metal content as well as a low porosity which is not easy to reconcile with its peculiar "dumbbell" shape. Given the unprecedented angular resolution of the VLT/SPHERE/ZIMPOL camera, here, we aim to constrain the mass (via the characterization of the orbits of the moons) and the shape of (216) Kleopatra with high accuracy, hence its density. We combined our new VLT/SPHERE observations of (216) Kleopatra recorded during two apparitions in 2017 and 2018 with archival data from the W.M. Keck Observatory, as well as lightcurve, occultation, and delay-Doppler images, to derive a model of its 3D shape using two different algorithms (ADAM, MPCD). Furthermore, an N-body dynamical model allowed us to retrieve the orbital elements of the two moons as explained in the accompanying paper. The shape of (216) Kleopatra is very close to an equilibrium dumbbell figure with two lobes and a thick neck. Its volume equivalent diameter (118.75+/-1.40)km and mass (2.97+/-0.32)*10^18^kg (i.e., 56% lower than previously reported) imply a bulk density of (3.38+/-0.50)g/cm^3^. Such a low density for a supposedly metal-rich body indicates a substantial porosity within the primary. This porous structure along with its near equilibrium shape is compatible with a formation scenario including a giant impact followed by reaccumulation. (216) Kleopatra's current rotation period and dumbbell shape imply that it is in a critically rotating state. The low effective gravity along the equator of the body, together with the equatorial orbits of the moons and possibly rubble-pile structure, opens the possibility that the moons formed via mass shedding.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/614/A15
- Title:
- Mars Express astrometric obs. of Martian moons
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/614/A15
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Both Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos, have been observed during several imaging campaigns by the SRC on Mars Express. Several tens of images are obtained during mutual event observations - when the Martian moons are both observed or together with another solar system body. These observations provide new opportunities to determine the bodies' positions in their orbits. A method was sought to automate the observation of the positions of the imaged bodies. Within one image sequence a similarly accurate localization of the objects in all images should be possible. Shape models of Phobos and Deimos are applied to simulate the appearance of the bodies in the images. Matching the illuminated simulation against the observation provides a reliable determination of the bodies' location within the image. To enhance the matching confidence several corrections need to be applied to the simulation to closely reconstruct the observation. In total 884 relative positions between the different objects are provided.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/551/A129
- Title:
- Mimas and Enceladus Cassini ISS astrometry
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/551/A129
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We provide the Cassini ISS astrometric observations of the Saturnian satellites Mimas and Enceladus. The observations were taken over 6 years. Observation residuals were compared to JPL ephemerides SAT317 and SAT351, showing that the observation error is between 3 and 4 kilometers.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/509/A27
- Title:
- Near-Earth asteroids & QSOs close approaches
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/509/A27
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We investigated the link between the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) and the dynamical reference frame realized by the ephemerides of the Solar System bodies. We propose a procedure that implies a selection of events for asteroids with accurately determined orbits crossing the CCD field containing selected quasars. Using a Bulirsch-Stoer numerical integrator, we constructed 8-years (2010-2018) ephemerides for a set of 836 numbered near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). We searched for close encounters (within a typical field of view of groundbased telescopes) between our selected set of asteroids and quasars with high-accuracy astrometric positions extracted from the Large Quasars Astrometric Catalog (LQAC). In the designated period (2010-2018), we found a number of 2924, 14257, and 6972 close approaches (within 10') between asteroids with a minimum solar elongation value of 60 degrees and quasars from the ICRF-Ext2, the Very Large Baseline Array Calibrator Survey (VLBA-CS), and the Very Large Array (VLA), respectively. This large number of close encounters provides the observational basis needed to investigate the link between the dynamical reference frame and the ICRF.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/152/221
- Title:
- New extreme trans-Neptunian objects
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/152/221
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We are performing a wide and deep survey for extreme distant solar system objects. Our goal is to understand the high-perihelion objects Sedna and 2012 VP113 and determine if an unknown massive planet exists in the outer solar system. The discovery of new extreme objects from our survey of some 1080 square degrees of sky to over 24th magnitude in the r-band are reported. Two of the new objects, 2014 SR349 and 2013 FT28, are extreme detached trans-Neptunian objects, which have semimajor axes greater than 150 au and perihelia well beyond Neptune (q>40au). Both new objects have orbits with arguments of perihelia within the range of the clustering of this angle seen in the other known extreme objects. One of these objects, 2014 SR349, has a longitude of perihelion similar to the other extreme objects, but 2013 FT28 is about 180{deg} away or anti-aligned in its longitude of perihelion. We also discovered the first outer Oort Cloud object with a perihelion beyond Neptune, 2014 FE72. We discuss these and other interesting objects discovered in our ongoing survey. All the high semimajor axis (a>150au) and high-perihelion (q>35au) bodies follow the previously identified argument of perihelion clustering as first reported and explained as being from an unknown massive planet in 2014 by Trujillo & Sheppard, which some have called Planet X or Planet Nine. With the discovery of 2013 FT28 on the opposite side of the sky, we now report that the argument of perihelion is significantly correlated with the longitude of perihelion and orbit pole angles for extreme objects and find there are two distinct extreme clusterings anti-aligned with each other. This previously unnoticed correlation is further evidence of an unknown massive planet on a distant eccentric inclined orbit, as extreme eccentric objects with perihelia on opposite sides of the sky (180{deg} longitude of perihelion differences) would approach the inclined planet at opposite points in their orbits, thus making the extreme objects prefer to stay away from opposite ecliptic latitudes to avoid the planet (i.e., opposite argument of perihelia or orbit pole angles).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/720/1691
- Title:
- Observations of the distant Kuiper belt
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/720/1691
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a wide-field survey using the 1.2m Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory. This survey was designed to find the most distant members of the Kuiper Belt and beyond. We searched ~12000deg^2^ down to a mean limiting magnitude of 21.3 in R. A total number of 52 Kuiper Belt objects and Centaurs have been detected, 25 of which were discovered in this survey. Except for the redetection of Sedna, no additional Sedna-like bodies with perihelia greater than 45AU were detected despite sensitivity out to distances of 1000AU. We discuss the implications for a distant Sedna-like population beyond the Kuiper Belt, focusing on the constraints we can place on the embedded stellar cluster environment the early Sun may be have been born in, where the location and distribution of Sedna-like orbits sculpted by multiple stellar encounters is indicative of the birth cluster size. We also report our observed latitude distribution and implications for the size of the plutino population.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/other/SoSyR/53.368
- Title:
- Observations of the Galilean moons
- Short Name:
- J/other/SoSyR/53
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Results of observations of the Galilean moons of Jupiter were carried out at the Normal Astrograph of the Pulkovo Observatory in 2018. We obtained 452 positions of the Galilean moons of Jupiter in the Gaia DR1 catalog system (ICRF, J2000.0) and 671 differential coordinates of the satellites relative to each other. The obtained mean errors in the satellites normal positions on the right ascension and declination, which demonstrate the intrinsic convergence of the observational results, are (eps)RA=0.003" and (eps)DE= 0.003", respectively, for the entire observational period. The errors of one difference are (sigm)RA=0.070", and (sigm)DE=0.067",respectively. The equatorial coordinates of the moons were compared to eight motion theories of planets and satellites. On average, the (O.C) residuals in the both coordinates relative to the motion theories are 0.014". The best agreement with observations is achieved by combination of all four motion theories of satellites with the planetary theory EPM2017, which yields average (O-C) residuals of approximately 0.01" for each of them. The new results were compared to those of the 2016-2017 observational season. As in the past, peculiarities in the behavior of the (O-C) residuals for Io and Ganymede have been noticed.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/152/70
- Title:
- Outer Solar System Origins Survey (OSSOS). I.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/152/70
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the discovery, tracking, and detection circumstances for 85 trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) from the first 42deg^2^ of the Outer Solar System Origins Survey. This ongoing r-band solar system survey uses the 0.9deg^2^ field of view MegaPrime camera on the 3.6m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Our orbital elements for these TNOs are precise to a fractional semimajor axis uncertainty <0.1%. We achieve this precision in just two oppositions, as compared to the normal three to five oppositions, via a dense observing cadence and innovative astrometric technique. These discoveries are free of ephemeris bias, a first for large trans-Neptunian surveys. We also provide the necessary information to enable models of TNO orbital distributions to be tested against our TNO sample. We confirm the existence of a cold "kernel" of objects within the main cold classical Kuiper Belt and infer the existence of an extension of the "stirred" cold classical Kuiper Belt to at least several au beyond the 2:1 mean motion resonance with Neptune. We find that the population model of Petit et al. remains a plausible representation of the Kuiper Belt. The full survey, to be completed in 2017, will provide an exquisitely characterized sample of important resonant TNO populations, ideal for testing models of giant planet migration during the early history of the solar system.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/605/A72
- Title:
- Planetary systems AMD-stability
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/605/A72
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present here in full detail the evolution of the angular momentum deficit (AMD) during collisions as it was described in (Laskar 2000, Physical Review Letters, 84, 3240). Since then, the AMD has been revealed to be a key parameter for the understanding of the outcome of planetary formation models. We define here the AMD-stability criterion that can be easily verified on a newly discovered planetary system. We show how AMD-stability can be used to establish a classification of the multiplanet systems in order to exhibit the planetary systems that are long-term stable because they are AMD-stable, and those that are AMD- unstable which then require some additional dynamical studies to conclude on their stability. The AMD-stability classification is applied to the 131 multiplanet systems from The Extrasolar Planet Encyclopaedia database (exoplanet.eu) for which the orbital elements are sufficiently well known.