The Cygnus-X project is a Cycle 4 Legacy program (PID 40184) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The survey imaged a ~24 square degree region centered near 20:30:25, +40:00 (J2000) with IRAC and the MIPS 24 micron band.
Two catalog data products are provided, the Catalog and the Archive. The Catalog has more stringent constraints on S/N and detections in multiple bands, so in principle it is more reliable than the Archive. However, the lists differ mostly in the sources included at the faint end, including more sources that satisfy the S/N criterion in both IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 m bands. A detailed comparison between the Archive sources and the mosaics indicates that most of the sources are likely real, but a conservative estimate of the S/N has pushed them slightly outside of the requirement for inclusion in the Catalog.
DUst around NEarby Stars (DUNES, Eiroa et al. 2013) is a Herschel open time deep key program to perform a deep and systematic survey for faint, cold debris disks. A sample of 133 nearby (d<25 pc) main sequence stars between 0.2 and 2 solar masses were observed with PACS and SPIRE.
The DUNES catalog provides Herschel photometry, links to the Herschel images and SED plot, as well as quantities from ancillary data and other missions.