CMC15 is an astrometric and photometric catalogue of more than 122.7 million stars in the magnitude range 9 < r' (SDSS) < 17. With a positional accuracy to about 35 mas, the catalogue covers the declination range -40deg to 50deg. The current release comprises all the observations made between March 1999 and March 2011. The catalogue fills the gap between 5h 30m and 10h 30m for declinations south of -15deg of the CMC14 and adds the bans -30deg to -40deg. Some zones north of -30deg have also been re-observed in order to improve their internal errors.
Estimated distances to 1.33 billion stars in Gaia DR2
Short Name:
gdr2dist scs
27 Dec 2024 08:31:05
The GAVO DC team
This catalogue provides distances estimates (and uncertainties therein)
for 1.33 billion stars over the whole sky brighter than about G=20.7.
These have been estimated using the parallaxes (and their uncertainties)
from Gaia DR2. A Bayesian procedure was used involving a prior
with a single parameter L(l,b), which varies smoothly with Galactic
longitude and latitude according to a Galaxy model. The posterior is
summarized with a point estimate (usually the mode) and a confidence
interval (usually the 68% highest density interval). The estimation
procedure is described in detail in the `accompanying paper`_,
which also analyses the catalogue content.
.. _accompanying paper:
The Faint Object Camera (FOC) was one of the 4 original axial instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). FOC is used to make high-resolution observations of faint sources at UV and visible wavel
The Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) was one of the 4 original axial instruments aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The FOS was designed to make spectroscopic observations of astrophysical sources from the near ultraviolet to the near infrared (1150 - 8000 Angstroms). The instrument was removed from HST during the Second Servicing Mission in February 1997.
This schema contains data re-published from the official
Gaia mirrors (such as ivo:// either to
support combining its data with local tables (the various Xlite tables)
or to make the data more accessible to VO clients (e.g., epoch fluxes).
Other Gaia-related data is found in, among others, the gdr2dist, gdr3mock,
gdr3spec, gedr3auto, gedr3dist, gedr3mock, and gedr3spur schemas.
This schema contains data re-published from the official
Gaia mirrors (such as ivo:// either to
support combining its data with local tables (the various Xlite tables)
or to make the data more accessible to VO clients (e.g., epoch fluxes).
This schema contains data re-published from the official
Gaia mirrors (such as ivo:// either to
support combining its data with local tables (the various Xlite tables)
or to make the data more accessible to VO clients (e.g., epoch fluxes).
Other Gaia-related data is found in, among others, the gdr3mock,
gdr3spec, gedr3auto, gedr3dist, gedr3mock, and gedr3spur schemas.
This service returns the most important Gaia DR3 gaia_source columns
together with robust geometric and photogeometric distances for the
~1.47 billion objects in Bailer-Jones et al's distance catalogue.
We here analyse a specific data-set: the extended GALAH dataset. This consists of stellar spectra from the GALAH survey (reduced as explained in Kos et al., 2017MNRAS.464.1259K), apparent magnitudes from a variety of photometric catalogues (AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey - APASS; Henden et al. 2016, Cat. II/336, Gaia DR2; Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018, Cat. I/345. Two Micron All Sky Survey - 2MASS; Skrutskie et al. 2006, Cat. VII/233, Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer - WISE; Wright et al. 2010, Cat. II/311), and the parallax measurements from Gaia DR2. The data provided in this catalogue are described in Table A.1 of the paper.