- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/528/A107
- Title:
- GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS)
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/528/A107
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS) is a complete blind survey of the Virgo cluster covering ~40 sq. deg in the far UV (FUV, {lambda}_eff_=1539{AA}, {Delta}{lambda}=442{AA}) and ~120 sq. deg in the near UV (NUV, {lambda}_eff_=2316{AA}, {Delta}{lambda}=1060{AA}). The goal of the survey is to study the ultraviolet (UV) properties of galaxies in a rich cluster environment, spanning a wide luminosity range from giants to dwarfs, and regardless of prior knowledge of their star formation activity. The UV data will be combined with those in other bands (optical: NGVS; far-infrared - submm: HeViCS; HI: ALFALFA) and with our multizone chemo-spectrophotometric models of galaxy evolution to make a complete and exhaustive study of the effects of the environment on the evolution of galaxies in high density regions. We present here the scientific objectives of the survey, describing the observing strategy and briefly discussing different data reduction techniques. Using UV data already in-hand for the central 12 sq. deg we determine the FUV and NUV luminosity functions of the Virgo cluster core for all cluster members and separately for early- and late-type galaxies and compare it to the one obtained in the field and other nearby clusters (Coma, A1367). This analysis shows that the FUV and NUV luminosity functions of the core of the Virgo clusters are flatter (alpha~-1.1) than those determined in Coma and A1367. We discuss the possible origin of this difference.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/570/A69
- Title:
- GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey. IV.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/570/A69
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the role of the environment on galaxy evolution using a sample of 868 galaxies in the Virgo cluster and in its surrounding regions that are selected from the GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS) with the purpose of understanding the origin of the red sequence in dense environments. The sample spans a wide range in morphological types (from dwarf ellipticals to Im and BCD) and stellar masses (10^7^<=M_star_<=10^11.5^M_{sun}_). We collected multifrequency data covering the whole electromagnetic spectrum for most of the galaxies, including UV, optical, mid- and far-infrared imaging data, as well as optical and HI spectroscopic data. We first identify the different dynamical substructures that compose the Virgo cluster, and we calculate the local density of galaxies using different methods. We then study the distribution of galaxies belonging to the red sequence, the green valley, and the blue cloud within the different cluster substructures or as a function of galaxy density. Our analysis indicates that all the most massive galaxies M_star_>=10^11^M_{sun}_) are slow rotators and are the dominant galaxies of the different cluster substructures, which are generally associated with a diffuse X-ray emission. They are probably the result of major merging events that occurred at early epochs, as also indicated by their very old stellar populations. Slow rotators of lower stellar mass (10^8.5^<=M_star_<=10^11^M_{sun}_) are also preferentially located within the different high-density substructures of the cluster. Their position in the velocity space indicates that they are virialised within the cluster; thus, they are Virgo members since its formation. They have been shaped by gravitational perturbations occurring within the infalling groups that later form the cluster (pre-processing). On the contrary, low-mass star-forming systems are extremely rare in the inner regions of the Virgo cluster A, where the density of the intergalactic medium is at its maximum. Our ram pressure stripping models consistently indicate that these star-forming systems can be rapidly deprived of their interstellar medium during their interaction with the intergalactic medium. The lack of gas quenches their star-formation activity transforming them into quiescent dwarf ellipticals. This mild transformation does not perturb the kinematic properties of these galaxies, which still have rotation curves typical of star-forming systems.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/789/135
- Title:
- Gamma-ray bright blazars spectrophotometry
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/789/135
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present {gamma}-ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared light curves of 33 {gamma}-ray bright blazars over 4 years that we have been monitoring since 2008 August with multiple optical, ground-based telescopes and the Swift satellite, and augmented by data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and other publicly available data from Swift. The sample consists of 21 flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and 12 BL Lac objects (BL Lacs). We identify quiescent and active states of the sources based on their {gamma}-ray behavior. We derive {gamma}-ray, X-ray, and optical spectral indices, {alpha}_{gamma}_, {alpha}_X_, and {alpha}_o_, respectively (F_{nu}_{prop.to}{nu}^{alpha}^), and construct spectral energy distributions during quiescent and active states. We analyze the relationships between different spectral indices, blazar classes, and activity states. We find (1) significantly steeper {gamma}-ray spectra of FSRQs than for BL Lacs during quiescent states, but a flattening of the spectra for FSRQs during active states while the BL Lacs show no significant change; (2) a small difference of {alpha}_X_ within each class between states, with BL Lac X-ray spectra significantly steeper than in FSRQs; (3) a highly peaked distribution of X-ray spectral slopes of FSRQs at ~ -0.60, but a very broad distribution of {alpha}_X_of BL Lacs during active states; (4) flattening of the optical spectra of FSRQs during quiescent states, but no statistically significant change of {alpha}_o_ of BL Lacs between states; and (5) a positive correlation between optical and {gamma}-ray spectral slopes of BL Lacs, with similar values of the slopes. We discuss the findings with respect to the relative prominence of different components of high-energy and optical emission as the flux state changes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/627/A34
- Title:
- GC hot UV-bright stars model spectra
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/627/A34
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have performed a census of the UV-bright population in 78 globular clusters using wide-field UV telescopes. This population includes a variety of phases of post-horizontal branch (HB) evolution, including hot post-asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, and post-early AGB stars. There are indications that old stellar systems like globular clusters produce fewer post-(early) AGB stars than currently predicted by evolutionary models, but observations are still scarce. We wish to derive effective temperatures, surface gravities, and helium abundances of the luminous hot UV-bright stars in these clusters to determine their evolutionary status and compare the observed numbers to predictions from evolutionary theory. We obtained FORS2 spectroscopy of 11 of these UV-selected objects (covering a range of -2.3<[Fe/H]<-1.0), which we (re-)analysed together with previously observed data. We used model atmospheres of different metallicities, including super-solar ones. Where possible, we verified our atmospheric parameters using UV spectrophotometry and searched for metal lines in the optical spectra. We calculated evolutionary sequences for four metallicity regimes and used them together with information about the HB morphology of the globular clusters to estimate the expected numbers of post-AGB stars. We find that metal-rich model spectra are required to analyse stars hotter than 40000 K. Seven of the eleven new luminous UV-bright stars are post-AGB or post-early AGB stars, two are evolving away from the HB, one is a foreground white dwarf, and another is a white dwarf merger. Taking into account published information on other hot UV-bright stars in globular clusters, we find that the number of observed hot post-AGB stars generally agrees with the predicted values, although the numbers are still low. Spectroscopy is clearly required to identify the evolutionary status of hot UV-bright stars. For hotter stars, metal-rich model spectra are required to reproduce their optical and UV spectra, which may affect the flux contribution of hot post-AGB stars to the UV spectra of evolved populations. Adding published information on other hot UV-bright stars in globular clusters, we find that the number of observed hot post-AGB stars generally agrees with the predicted values, although the numbers are still low.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/445/1745
- Title:
- Giant Gemini GMOS survey. I.
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/445/1745
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present spectra of 163 quasars at z_em_>4.4 taken with the Gemini Multi Object Spectrometers, the largest publicly available sample of high-quality (signal-to-noise ratio S/N~20 per 1.85{AA} pixel) low-resolution (full width at half maximum FWHM~320km/s) rest-frame ultraviolet quasar spectra at these redshifts. The sample was selected from SDSS Data Release 7 with the aim to obtain high-S/N follow-up spectra of the intergalactic HI Lyman series and Lyman continuum absorption at high redshift. Each quasar was observed with the GMOS B600 (FWHM~320km/s) and R400 (FWHM~360km/s) gratings to cover the rest-frame wavelength range from ~850 to ~1500{AA}. Here we make the spectra available in reduced form. The accompanying paper presents a detailed description the sample and a measurement of the mean free path to Lyman limit photons in the IGM, based on stacked rest-frame quasar spectra.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/569/A124
- Title:
- GUViCS. Ultraviolet Source Catalogs
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/569/A124
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper we introduce the deepest and most extensive ultraviolet extragalactic source catalogs of the Virgo Cluster area to date. Archival and targeted GALEX imaging is compiled and combined to provide the deepest possible coverage over ~120deg^2^ in the NUV (lambda_eff_=2316{AA}) and ~40deg^2^ in the FUV (lambda_eff_=1539{AA}) between 180{deg}<=RA<=195{deg} and 0{deg}<=DE<=20{deg}. We measure the integrated photometry of 1770 extended UV sources of all galaxy types and use GALEX pipeline photometry for 1,230,855 point-like sources in the foreground, within, and behind the cluster. Extended source magnitudes are reliable to m_UV_~22, showing a ~0.01{sigma} difference from their asymptotic magnitudes. Point-like source magnitudes have a 1{sigma} standard deviation within ~0.2mag down to m_uv_~23. The point-like source catalog is cross-matched with large optical databases and surveys including the SDSS DR9 (>1 million Virgo Cluster sources), the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS; >13 million Virgo Cluster sources), and the NED (~30,000 sources in the Virgo Cluster). We find that 69% of the entire UV point-like source catalog has a unique optical counterpart, 11% of which are stars and 0.01% (129) are Virgo cluster members that are neither in the VCC nor part of the bright CGCG galaxy catalog (i.e., m_pg_<14.5). These data are collected in three catalogs containing the UV extended sources, the UV point-like sources, and the most relevant optical parameters of UV-optically matched point-like sources for further studies from SDSS. The GUViCS catalogs provide a unique set of data for future work on UV and multiwavelength studies in the cluster and background environments.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/744/44
- Title:
- H{alpha} and UV fluxes in nearby galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/744/44
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We consider the effects of non-constant star formation histories (SFHs) on H{alpha} and GALEX far-ultraviolet (FUV) star formation rate (SFR) indicators. Under the assumption of a fully populated Chabrier initial mass function (IMF), we compare the distribution of H{alpha}-to-FUV flux ratios from ~1500 simple, periodic model SFHs with observations of 185 galaxies from the Spitzer Local Volume Legacy survey. We find a set of SFH models that are well matched to the data, such that more massive galaxies are best characterized by nearly constant SFHs, while low-mass systems experience burst amplitudes of ~30 (i.e., an increase in the SFR by a factor of 30 over the SFR during the inter-burst period), burst durations of tens of Myr, and periods of ~250 Myr; these SFHs are broadly consistent with the increased stochastic star formation expected in systems with lower SFRs. We analyze the predicted temporal evolution of galaxy stellar mass, R-band surface brightness, H{alpha}-derived SFR, and blue luminosity, and find that they provide a reasonable match to observed flux distributions. We find that our model SFHs are generally able to reproduce both the observed systematic decline and increased scatter in H{alpha}-to-FUV ratios toward low-mass systems, without invoking other physical mechanisms.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/706/599
- Title:
- H{alpha} and UV SFR in the local volume
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/706/599
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using a complete sample of ~300 star-forming galaxies within 11Mpc of the Milky Way, we evaluate the consistency between star formation rates (SFRs) inferred from the far ultraviolet (FUV) non-ionizing continuum and H{alpha} nebular emission, assuming standard conversion recipes in which the SFR scales linearly with luminosity at a given wavelength. Our analysis probes SFRs over 5 orders of magnitude, down to ultra-low activities on the order of ~10^-4^M_{sun}_/yr. The data are drawn from the 11Mpc H{alpha} and Ultraviolet Galaxy Survey (11HUGS), which has obtained H{alpha} fluxes from ground-based narrowband imaging, and UV fluxes from imaging with GALEX.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/659/A46
- Title:
- Halpha images of 6 lenticular galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/659/A46
- Date:
- 04 Mar 2022 00:51:50
- Publisher:
- Description:
- As part of the Virgo Cluster Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission, a blind narrow-band H{alpha}+[NII] imaging survey of the Virgo cluster carried out with MegaCam at the CFHT, we discovered eight massive (10^10^<~M_star_<~10^11^M_{sun}_) lenticular galaxies with prominent ionised gas emission features in their inner (a few kiloparsec) regions. These features are either ionised gas filaments similar to those observed in cooling flows (two galaxies), or they are thin discs with sizes 0.7<~R(H{alpha})<~2.0kpc (six galaxies), thus significantly smaller than those of the stellar disc (R(H{alpha})~=7-22%R_iso_(r)). The morphological properties of these discs are similar to those of the dust seen in absorption in high-resolution HST images. Using a unique set of multifrequency data, including new or archival ASTROSAT/UVIT, GALEX, HST, CFHT, Spitzer, and Herschel imaging data, combined with IFU (MUSE, ALMA) and long-slit (SOAR) spectroscopy, we show that while the gas that is located within these inner discs is photoionised by young stars, which signals ongoing star formation, the gas in the filamentary structures is shock ionised. The star formation surface brightness of these discs is similar to that observed in late-type galaxies. Because of their reduced size, however, these lenticular galaxies are located below the main sequence of unperturbed or cluster star-forming systems. By comparing the dust masses measured from absorption maps in optical images, from the Balmer decrement, or estimated by fitting the UV-to-far-IR spectral energy distribution of the target galaxies, we confirm that the dust masses derived from optical attenuation maps are heavily underestimated because of geometrical effects due to the relative distribution of the absorbing dust and the emitting stars. We also show that these galaxies have gas-to-dust ratios of G/D=~80_30_^320^, and that the star formation within these discs follows the Schmidt relation, but with an efficiency that is reduced by a factor of ~2.5. Using our unique set of multifrequency data, we discuss the possible origin of the ionised gas in these objects, which suggests multiple and complex formation scenarios for massive lenticular galaxies in clusters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/862/25
- Title:
- H{alpha} & UV emission scale heights for edge-on gal.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/862/25
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We compare vertical profiles of the extraplanar H{alpha} emission to those of the UV emission for 38 nearby edge-on late-type galaxies. It is found that detection of the "diffuse" extraplanar dust (eDust), traced by the vertically extended, scattered UV starlight, always coincides with the presence of the extraplanar H{alpha} emission. A strong correlation between the scale heights of the extraplanar H{alpha} and UV emissions is also found; the scale height at H{alpha} is found to be ~0.74 of the scale height at FUV. Our results may indicate the multiphase nature of the diffuse ionized gas and dust in the galactic halos. The existence of eDust in galaxies where the extraplanar H{alpha} emission is detected suggests that a larger portion of the extraplanar H{alpha} emission than that predicted in previous studies may be caused by H{alpha} photons that originate from HII regions in the galactic plane and are subsequently scattered by the eDust. This possibility raise an advantage in studying the extraplanar diffuse ionized gas. We also find that the scale heights of the extraplanar emissions normalized to the galaxy size correlate well with the star formation rate surface density of the galaxies. The properties of eDust in our galaxies is on a continuation line of that found through previous observations of the extraplanar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emission in more active galaxies known to have galactic winds.