- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/568/A9
- Title:
- 300-2500nm flux calibration reference spectra
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/568/A9
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- While the near-infrared wavelength regime is becoming more and more important for astrophysics there is a marked lack of spectrophotometric standard star data that allow to flux calibrate such data. Furthermore flux calibrating medium to high resolution echelle spectroscopy data is challenging even in the optical wavelength range, because the available flux standard data are often too coarsely sampled. We will provide standard star reference data that allow users to derive response curves from 300nm to 2500nm for spectroscopic data of medium to high resolution, including those taken with echelle spectrographs. In addition we describe a method to correct for moderate telluric absorption without the need of observing telluric standard stars. As reference data for the flux standard we use theoretical spectra derived from stellar model atmospheres. We verify that they provide an appropriate description of the observed standard star spectra by checking for residuals in line cores and line overlap regions in the ratios of observed (X-shooter) spectra to model spectra. The finally selected model spectra are then corrected for remaining mismatches and photometrically calibrated using independent observations. The correction of telluric absorption is performed with the help of telluric model spectra. We provide new, finely sampled reference spectra without telluric absorption for six southern flux standard stars that allow the users to flux calibrate their data from 300nm to 2500nm, and a method to correct for telluric absorption using atmospheric models.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/239/26
- Title:
- NOFS astrometric measurements for distant WDs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/239/26
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This paper presents new trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions for 214 stars. The measurements were made at the US Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station between 1989 and 2017, and the average uncertainty in the parallax values is 0.6mas. We find good agreement with Gaia Data Release 2 measurements for the stars in common, although there may be a small systematic offset similar to what has been found by other investigators. The sample is matched to catalogs and the literature to create a photometric data set that spans the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. New mid-infrared photometry is obtained for 19 stars from archived Spitzer mosaics. New optical spectroscopy is presented for seven systems and additional spectra were obtained from the literature. We identify a subsample of 179 white dwarfs (WDs) at distances of 25-200pc. Their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are analyzed using model atmospheres. The models reproduce the entire flux-calibrated SED very well and provide the atmospheric chemical composition, temperature, surface gravity, mass, and cooling age of each WD. Twenty-six WDs are newly classified, and 12 systems are presented as candidate unresolved binaries. We confirm one WD+red dwarf system and identify two WDs as candidate dust disk systems. Twelve old and high-velocity systems are identified as candidate thick disk or halo objects. The WDs in the sample generally have Galactic disk-like ages of <8Gyr and masses close to the canonical 0.6M_{sun}_.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/399/699
- Title:
- Parameters of atmospheres of white dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/399/699
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- It is possible to reliably identify white dwarfs (WDs) without recourse to spectra, instead using photometric and astrometric measurements to distinguish them from main-sequence stars and quasars. WDs' colours can also be used to infer their intrinsic properties (effective temperature, surface gravity, etc.), but the results obtained must be interpreted with care. The difficulties stem from the existence of a solid angle degeneracy, as revealed by a full exploration of the likelihood, although this can be masked if a simple best-fitting approach is used. Conversely, this degeneracy can be broken if a Bayesian approach is adopted, as it is then possible to utilize the prior information on the surface gravities of WDs implied by spectroscopic fitting. The benefits of such an approach are particularly strong when applied to outliers, such as the candidate halo and ultracool WDs identified by Vidrih et al. A reanalysis of these samples confirms their results for the latter sample, but suggests that most of the halo candidates are thick-disc WDs in the tails of the photometric noise distribution.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/466/627
- Title:
- Parameters of DA white dwarfs in SDSS-DR1
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/466/627
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The SDSS Data Release 1 includes 1833 DA white dwarfs (WDs) and forms the largest homogeneous sample of WDs. This sample provides the best opportunity to study the statistical properties of WDs. We adopt a recently established theoretical model to calculate the mass and distance of each WD using the observational data. Then we adopt a bin-correction method to correct for selection effects and use the 1/V weight-factor method to calculate the luminosity function, the continuous mass function and the formation rate of these WDs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/135/1225
- Title:
- Parameters of the local white dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/135/1225
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have conducted a detailed new survey of the local population of white dwarfs lying within 20pc of the Sun. A new revised catalog of local white dwarfs containing 122 entries (126 individual degenerate stars) is presented. This list contains 27 white dwarfs not included in a previous list from 2002, as well as new and recently published trigonometric parallaxes. In several cases new members of the local white dwarf population have come to light through accurate photometric distance estimates. In addition, a suspected new double degenerate system (WD 0423+120) has been identified. The 20pc sample is currently estimated to be 80% complete. Using a variety of recent spectroscopic, photometric, and trigonometric distance determinations, we re-compute a space density of 4.8+/-0.5x10^-3^pc^-3^ corresponding to a mass density of 3.2+/-0.3x10^-3^M_{sun}_pc^-3^ from the complete portion of the sample within 13pc. We find an overall mean mass for the local white dwarfs of 0.665M_{sun}_, a value larger than most other non-volume-limited estimates. Although the sample is small, we find no evidence of a correlation between mass and temperature in which white dwarfs below 13000K are systematically more massive than those above this temperature. Within 20pc 25% of the white dwarfs are in binary systems (including double degenerate systems). Approximately 6% are double degenerates and 6.5% are Sirius-like systems. The fraction of magnetic white dwarfs in the local population is found to be 13%.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/462/2295
- Title:
- 25 parsec local white dwarf population
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/462/2295
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have extended our detailed survey of the local white dwarf population from 20 to 25pc, effectively doubling the sample volume, which now includes 232 stars. In the process, new stars within 20 pc have been added, a more uniform set of distance estimates as well as improved spectral and binary classifications are available. The present 25pc sample is estimated to be about 68 per cent complete (the corresponding 20pc sample is now 86 per cent complete). The space density of white dwarfs is unchanged at 4.8+/-0.5x10^-3^pc^-3^. This new study includes a white dwarf mass distribution and luminosity function based on the 232 stars in the 25pc sample. We find a significant excess of single stars over systems containing one or more companions (74 per cent versus 26 per cent). This suggests mechanisms that result in the loss of companions during binary system evolution. In addition, this updated sample exhibits a pronounced deficiency of nearby 'Sirius-like' systems. 11 such systems were found within the 20pc volume versus only one additional system found in the volume between 20 and 25pc. An estimate of white dwarf birth rates during the last ~8Gyr is derived from individual remnant cooling ages. A discussion of likely ways new members of the local sample may be found is provided.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/742/3
- Title:
- Photometric catalogs for ECDF-S and CDF-N
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/742/3
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an analysis of deep multiwavelength data for z~0.3-3 starburst galaxies selected by their 70um emission in the Extended-Chandra Deep Field-South and Extended Groth Strip. We identify active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in these infrared sources through their X-ray emission and quantify the fraction that host an AGN. Lastly, we investigate the ratio between the supermassive black hole accretion rate (inferred from the AGN X-ray luminosity) and the bulge growth rate of the host galaxy (approximated as the SFR) and find that, for sources with detected AGNs and star formation (and neglecting systems with low star formation rates to which our data are insensitive), this ratio in distant starbursts agrees well with that expected from the local scaling relation assuming the black holes and bulges grew at the same epoch. These results imply that black holes and bulges grow together during periods of vigorous star formation and AGN activity.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/128/1825
- Title:
- Photometry identification of cool white dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/128/1825
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We investigate the use of a narrowband DDO51 filter for photometric identification of cool white dwarfs. We report photometric observations of 30 known cool white dwarfs with temperatures ranging from 10,000K down to very cool temperatures (<=3500K). Follow-up spectroscopic observations of a sample of objects selected using this filter and our photometric observations show that DDO51 filter photometry can help select cool white dwarf candidates for follow-up multiobject spectroscopy by rejecting 65% of main-sequence stars with the same broadband colors as the cool white dwarfs. This technique is not selective enough to efficiently feed single-object spectrographs. We present the white dwarf cooling sequence using this filter. Our observations show that very cool white dwarfs form a sequence in the r-DDO versus r-z color-color diagram and demonstrate that significant improvements are needed in white dwarf model atmospheres.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/513/L7
- Title:
- Post common envelope binaries from SDSS. VIII
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/513/L7
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a large survey of post common envelope binaries (PCEBs) among white dwarf/main sequence (WDMS) binaries from the SDSS that allows to determine the fraction of PCEBs as a function of secondary star mass and therewith to ultimately test the disrupted magnetic braking hypothesis. We obtained multiple spectroscopic observations spread over at least two nights of 589 WDMS binaries. Using mostly the NaI 8183.27,8194.81 absorption doublet we determined the corresponding radial velocities.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/435/2077
- Title:
- Properties of Sirius-like binary systems
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/435/2077
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Approximately 70% of the nearby white dwarfs appear to be single stars, with the remainder being members of binary or multiple star systems. The most numerous and most easily identifiable systems are those in which the main-sequence companion is an M star, since even if the systems are unresolved the white dwarf either dominates or is at least competitive with the luminosity of the companion at optical wavelengths. Harder to identify are systems where the non-degenerate component has a spectral type earlier than M0 and the white dwarf becomes the less luminous component. Taking Sirius as the prototype, these latter systems are referred to here as 'Sirius like'. There are currently 98 known Sirius-like systems. Studies of the local white dwarf population within 20pc indicate that approximately 8 percent of all white dwarfs are members of Sirius-like systems, yet beyond 20pc the frequency of known Sirius-like systems declines to between 1 and 2 percent, indicating that many more of these systems remain to be found. Estimates are provided for the local space density of Sirius-like systems and their relative frequency among both the local white dwarf population and the local population of A to K main-sequence stars. The great majority of currently unidentified Sirius-like systems will likely turn out to be closely separated and unresolved binaries. Ways to observationally detect and study these systems are discussed.